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Posts posted by Esahuma

  1. Just sent request to join your fb group too! My name is Vikki. We cruise this January and I'm already plotting on how to stick to the keto wol. I tend to struggle when away from my regular routine. My husband doesn't try to eat healthy so that makes it even harder. Just started IF along with keto. I have been doing keto off and on for about ten months but just getting more serious the past couple weeks. Thank you to all of you for the inspirations as I read through all the previous posts!


    Welcome to this forum and also tour fb page! Many of us are able to stay LCHF while we cruise - not 'clean' Keto but pretty much:cool: stay with the program! :cool:

  2. Back from 9 day cruise. Afraid to say, good intentions not withstanding, did not follow any program whatsoever 🙄 Up only 5 pounds when I got home probably because of lots of walking. Immediately back to super strict low carb/Keto-ish. Now about 10 days later, cruise weight gone and down 2 pounds from before I left. 🎉



    Yeah for you! I am back on 18 hrs fasting today - will push through to 24 tomorrow - IF(intermittent fasting) and EF (extended fasting) is difficult for me to jump in cold turkey after not following for 2 weeks lol :) :cool:

  3. Been away from the boards for 2 weeks - friends helped us to celebrate Sam's 70th birthday with a huge Surprise party and 10 more fun-filled days of adventures! I did eat just a little off plan - found out that even though a 'low carb' tortilla may not be bad for most - my allergy to wheat does kick in high gear with just one - so that is off my list - :) Will stick with lettuce wraps or cloud bread :)

  4. Thank you - at least with Noro didn't gain - only 1 POF and gone now! Easy to stay keto/LCHF on Cruise - although we were in Japan and Hong Kong and rice and noodles did 'slip' into my mouth a few times but this WOE has been mine for 27 months now so a few 'cheats' are okay! ON CRUISES ONLY! :D


    Home for one week from our 16 day trip to Hong Kong and a 9-day cruise to Southern Japan on Ovation - excellent time!! All unpacked - house back to order and now planning for the two land trips this summer - Cabo San Lucas in September and B2B on Anthem in October and side trip to both sides of Niagra Falls and Smithsonian Museums! Getting us back up to the top of the page! :cool:

  5. I don't take much with me on a cruise - almonds - beef sticks - I just eat clean non-carb foods on a cruise - I am going to indulge for the first time in 25 months with Jamies Italian Kitchen onboard Ovation - going to have a little bit of Truffle Risotto and a little bit of Black Truffle Noodles - :) :cool:


    Other than that - meat - cheese = veggies and HWC and berries for dessert!

  6. I weighed myself when we got home on Friday morning at 6 am after about a 12 hour flight. I was up 4 lbs.


    Today (Monday) is my normal weigh in day. Haven't done anything different since Friday. I was astonished that I was within 3/10s of a pound from my pre-vacation weight. That's less than my day to day variance. I ate well (but stuck to keto) on this trip and didn't gain any weight.


    Week 18 starts today. After this trip I am starting to think/feel that I can do keto as a lifestyle change. Doesn't even feel like I'm on a diet anymore.


    Yes you are correct - it is not a diet but rather a lifestyle change! I am at 27 months! :cool:

  7. What works for me is keeping my carbs under 20 per day (usually more life 10) and stay pretty much keto - I do eat any veggies that grow above the ground - and an occasional daikon radish as a substitute for potatoes! :cool:

  8. First name Robin. Got something saying I had been added to the group but so far it doesn't come up in my list of groups. Not sure what is going on. I will try to log in again and try once more


    I did approve you so just try searching for the group again - you are a team member - welcome! :cool:

  9. Still trying to join the support group. Second request just now. Now back to the excellent info I find on CC! Does anyone know if the fitness areas on ships, esp. NCL, have scales ??


    Did you join the support group? What is your first name?


    I never weigh on a cruise so I would not know about the scales!

  10. I was wondering what happened to my post. I did give my first name so I could be added to the Facebook group.


    I'll try again, my 1st name is Lori and I did request to be added to the group.


    giving your name will not have them removed it could have been because I mentioned the web site where you could find our low carb high fat friends support team - lol

  11. Don't know what happened but we lost a couple of posts from over the weekend? Have never had that happen on a forum -


    Any of you that would like to join our face book forum just give me your name here and then go to LCHF friends support team on that web site - we offer support to all healthy WOE (ways of eating) and we are a closed group so whatever you post your normal page will not show to others on your feed :D

  12. I've been going back through my diet log for the last 11 weeks and recalculating the calories, fat, protein and carbs and found that I wasn't counting the olive oil and butter about half the time. That is a considerable amount of calories and fat that I wasn't counting. In recalculating I discovered that my percentages of fat to protein is much higher and I was actually eating more calories than I thought. That's a good thing in that I am getting a handle on the fat intact I thought I was missing.


    At this point I dieted for 10 weeks, lost 40 lbs and have been on maintenance for a week and a half. I've increased my calories intact last week and stayed the same and am increasing this week as well. By calories I mean more fat cals. I am trying to wean myself off counting calories and start only counting macros. We'll see how that works.


    Good for you - whatever works! We are all so very different! I need to up my fat again also -


    Also Happy Easter Weekend - ;)

  13. Welcome to our newest roll call members - Each will find what works for them - I usually keep my carbs very low and my macros at 75% fat - 20% protein and 5% carbs - today will be a little bit higher in protein as it it is an all meat day!


    Bacon - lamb - and ribs for dinner! :D

  14. My goal was to lose the weight as fast as I could without killing myself. I did that though I tend to go a little extreme sometimes (done it before a few times) when losing weight. I've found the LCHF to be much easier with less side effects or desires to cheat than the other diets I've been on. That means I am more likely to stick to it as a lifestyle.


    The good thing is that I've kept a fairly extensive log this time writing down everything I've eaten including calories, fat, protein and carbs. I've kept track of my calorie burn while exercising. I can go back to week 2 (when I started extensive record keeping) and see what I ate and did and see the result. I know have a pretty good idea of what I can eat and do and what works.


    The challenge now is to incorporate what I know into a lifestyle change. I know I have to increase calories, primarily fat calories to get to the proper percentages. It's just tough trying to add fat and balancing the protein percentages at this point. I eat very little carbs but about an even percentage of protein to fat.


    Am about a month out from our next cruise.


    BTW, thanks to whoever put this thread up. It helps to talk about it.


    You will find what works for you - seems like you have a great handle on it!


    I didn't start this blog but so glad someone else did! :)

  15. I just want to share a little NSV with you all. I got back from a 12 night cruise about 9 days ago. I was somewhat worried about my eating on the cruise since it was the first cruise I'd gone on since starting this WOE. I was pretty good. I did eat one pork dumpling at the sushi place and on one of the more rough sea days I ate a slice of pizza. I just needed that bread to settle my stomach. And (confession time) on the last night I had a hot fudge brownie with ice cream which was actually a planned cheat. I'd said to my husband that I was gonna have one dessert so that's what I did. Also had SF ice cream one night and who knows in actuality how many carbs are in that. The other "cheat" was drinking quite a bit of wine which was also planned. I mean, you are on vacation. So to some it may seem like I didn't do so well, but I actually did just exactly what I planned so I'm proud of myself. I gained 1.5 lbs. Not too shabby and it's come right off along with 2.5 more lbs.


    Anyway, just wanted to share that it was totally doable to stay on the plan. I only ate breakfast one morning. I will admit that I did miss those omelets that I used to have every morning but my goal was to eat later in the day which I managed to do. Lunches consisted of huge salads that were super yummy and one day I think I had a burger with lots of stuff piled on it (minus the bread of course). Dinners were really easy with meat and asparagus and broccoli. I ate a lot of asparagus and it was the bomb. Cooked to perfection! Oh, and RCCL serves up lots of cheese on their buffet so I took a bunch of it and put it in my room fridge. That was my go-to snack. Mmmmm.


    Super easy. Super happy. Super fun cruise!




    CONGRATULATIONS - I did gain 3 POF (pounds of fat - more like from the alcohol) on our last 28 days froms home - 16 days were cruising - but that is gone now!


    By George - I know you got this! :)

  16. Those of you who do LCHF do you count your calories or just carbs, fat and protein? I struggle with this.


    Second related question.. I've actually been averaging under a 1000 calories a day for the last 10 weeks and I exercise 5 days a week. Obviously one is going to lose weight that way. Now that I've reached my desired weight I am struggling to eat enough calories/fat to stabilize my weight. I don't want to lose any more weight but I'm afraid if I eat more I will gain. Not sure how to approach that? How many calories can you eat and not gain weight if you keep your carbs below 20 gr/day?


    I plan on staying LC from now on.


    From what I have read - researched and learned on my own - if you are doing LCHF or Keto it doesn't matter (at least in my case) how many calories - it is either one or the other and I count macros and carbs - Most days I only do OMAD (one meal aa day) and keep my carbs below 5% - fat 75% and protein 20% (or less) I like to stay way under 10 carbs per day

  17. Thanks for the encouragement.


    I've been doing really well with intermittent fasting, I was doing a couple 18/6s and a 24 hour a week. Not so much to push it but because after awhile I just wasn't hungry in the morning. Cup of coffee and I was good to go till noon.


    After awhile however I found I wasn't getting enough calories and was getting dizzy when standing up and/or working out. I went back to eating b'fast and that helped and I am still losing weight.


    I am to a point now where I have to find the balance to maintain my weight where I am.


    -like you I've been pretty strict not eating any bread, rice, potatoes or below ground veggies. haven't had any or even tempted to have any in 8 weeks.


    Someone mentioned ordering a cheese plate as a desert or snack.


    One thing about cruising is that they don't skimp on fatty foods. Should be easy to find replacements for the carbs.


    I do find if we eat breakfast it is only eggs - bacon (plenty of bacon) and maybe full fat sausage!


    Also, I do butter alone instead of bread! Helps to get my fats intake up!

  18. As someone who is doing keto and a cruiser I am happy to find this forum. Been on keto since Jan 8, have lost 36 lbs. I've found this about the easiest diet I've done (and I've done just every other diet out there). I haven't had any bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweets, fruit or alcohol in 8 weeks. Haven't had any cravings or have need to cheat. I am at my goal. Now what?


    My question is what to eat on a cruise? I have one coming up in April. I've been eating a lot of eggs and meat. How does that translate to cruise food? I suppose I could just go to the buffets and only eat the high fat stuff. My wife and I like to eat in the MDR so I suppose I could just order the entre' and veggies. I am open to suggestions.


    Congratulations on losing the POF (pounds of fat) and finding what works for you~ I love Keto LCHF (low carb high fat) -


    I have found that we also do IF (intermittent fasting) most mornings on a cruise we do not eat breakfast and if we do it is only eggs - bacon - ham - sausage. Usually, skip lunch if not - cheese - meats - salads


    We do eat in the MDR I order the most KETO friendly appetizer - caesar salad without croutons and add anchovies - and the main entry that has the meat that I like - I don't do desserts unless they can bring me assorted berries and HWC (heavy whipping cream) Still do not eat bread - rice - potatoes or any vegetable that grows under the ground

  19. Finally back from our 28-day adventure that included - Singapore - Thailand - 3 stops in Malaysia - Boracay - Manilla - 2 days Hong Kong - Vietnam - all on 14 days on Celebrity Constellation and 5 days Mariner - with 5 days pre-cruise in Singapore! LOVED IT ALL :cool:


    BUT very hard to stay LCHF and KETO off the ship as we had a few meals included with our tours that Asian foods are not friendly to our WOE- but once back on ship, we managed! :)

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