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Posts posted by Esahuma

  1. We do IF by finishing up our evening meal - last night at 1930 and we are not eating again today until lunch - We leave for an excursion in Vietnam and since there are no bathrooms on the tour buses we don't want to eat in the morning so that would be 18 hours without food - we will eat a small lunch trying what is offered to us on the tour - then eat a small meal and again skip breakfast. Last night I had a very small plate of tomatoes with vinegar - two small lamb chops and scallops! Yes I do drink but I stay with red wine and/or straight spirits as a martini or sprite zero!

  2. I have had some of the same issues my gallbladder is acting up and seems to be related to the fat in my diet! I have lost over 13 pounds in a little over a month and because of the Keto diet this is the first time in years I have been able to lose. I have no intention of stopping the diet I am just readjusting some of what seems to set it off and yes as soon as we get back from our next two cruises they can take it out!hang in there and try and pay attention to which foods cause you trouble and avoid those as much as you can!!


    Mine does this intermittently - occasionally I do have gallbladder issue3s - I take an 800 mg Motrin when I first start feeling any twinges or pain and it seems to go away - I have lost too many POF (pounds of fat) to go back to any other WO (way of eating)

  3. Just wanted to say hello and join the group. I have slowly gained weight since I hit my 40s. I decided it's time to lose it and started LCHF about three months ago. Thirty pounds down so far, but I need to lose fifty more. It's hard to believe I have gained that much weight since 2012. We are cruising in May, but more importantly is my health and being there for my children and future grandchildren.


    welcome and congratulations on the lost POF (pounds of fat) - If you are on FaceBook - I do have a group for those of us wanted to get healthy through our WOE (way of eating) - Give me your name if you are interested so I will approve you to the team - the name of the group is LCHF Friends Support Team!

  4. There are not Aqua Suites. There's Aqua Class and there are Suites, but no Aqua Suites,
    OMG - would you also have corrected my spelling if I didn't quite make the grade? lol :') Petty


    Aqua class cabins have shower doors. Which leak. A lot. Get extra towels. I was just in a royal suite which had been retrofitted to have the two shower doors. They also leaked. A lot.


    Thank you so very much Happy Cruiser for answering my question! :)

  5. This last October -2017 - we did B3B o Jewel first 9 days was Greece - the ship just recently came out of dry dock and she was beautiful - Food was Awesome - show great - staff very friendly -


    We cruise both RCL - D+ and we have done 3 Celebrity with 5 more booked on Celebrity and 5 on RCL and we enjoy both!


    Celebrity is more pricey but goes to places that RCL no longer goes to like S. America and many Asia ports!

  6. This will be our first time on Constellation and we know she is a little bit 'older' ship - just a couplel quetions:


    We are Aqua Class - and Elite


    1. How are the beds - I have bad hips - can we get 'egg crate' for bed

    2. Shower curtain or door in shower

    3. Slippers provided?

    4. Robes provided?



    Thank you so very much! We leave in a couple of weeks and appreciate any help you might give us!

  7. Hi. I just requested to join your group as well. I’ve been doing Keto for the last year. Love it. We had 3 cruises last year and I didn’t manage to stay Keto [emoji15]. The first cruise I was able to jump right back on after and lost the 7 pounds I gained right away. The 2nd cruise took a little longer and 3rd was bad break up with Keto lol.


    I cruise again in Feb. now my husband is on Keto. That has made things easier at home. Of course he’s lost weight quick. The only fail he has is he can’t not eat popcorn at the movies. I’m pretty sure he won’t stay Keto on the cruise either. I want to try more this time. I hated how hard it was last time to get back to it.


    The bad issue right now is I’m having gall bladder issues. Has anyone else had this issue? I’m not supposed to eat fatty stuff which is a big part of Keto. Keto is literally the only “diet” which I have been able to actually stick to so I don’t want to give it up. Of course they want me to get it removed but the issue with that is the time off work. I have cruises planned which are taking all my PTO.

    Yes first cruise was last year and I’m totally addicted. Luckily my husband also feel in love with cruising



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    Welcome to LCHF Friends Support Team Tracy :) Even though I manage to stay pretty much LCHF/Keto and do IF (intermittent fasting) - we don't usually do breakfast and if we do it is eggs and breakfast meats only - I still manage to gain 5-7 Pounds - think most of it is from drinking - and I only have wine or my sprite zero and vodka - an occasional beer (because we get them free sometimes) but it does come off quickly when I get home!


    About the gallbladder - I also have reoccurring pain and an issue at time by U take an 800 mg motrin and that stops it dead in the tracks - I have had testing and I don't have stones so they don't know why this happens - I try to ignore it!

  8. I will definitely join your support page! I can use all the help that I can get, and no worries I'm not crazy about anything. Whatever works for you I say. Speaking of which, I'm glad macadamia nuts worked for you, but ewwwww!! I love almost every kind of nut except them. Ha! Pecans have been a go to for me lately. I'll definitely have to find something because the bedtime time is going to be a hard one for me to give up. When I start working on that I'm just gonna try to move it earlier. I doubt I'll ever be able to do the two meal a day thing like is suggested by some. Although I definitely don't snack in between like I used to. Really the bedtime one is the last man standing.


    Thanks for the invite!!




    Welcome to our Team Page on FB - BTW - night eating was the hardest for me also - but not - no sweat - but it has been almost 2 years :)

  9. Thought I'd introduce myself...I'm 53 and have been overweight to some extent nearly my whole life. I quit smoking when I was 40 and gained even more weight so now I'm at a place I'd rather not be with my weight. Many years back I joined the Atkins WOL and lost about 80 pounds and kept it off for 3 or 4 years but then went back to normal eating. Well maybe that's not true. Ha! I started eating sugar again and ate like a pig and gained it back. I had tried several times over the years to do Atkins again, but it just didn't seem to work for me like it did that first time and I'd get frustrated and quit. I'd been thinking about trying it again wanting to lose weight for two cruises this year and for my daughter's wedding when I noticed a couple of people from work talking about the ketogenic WOE on a social media platform. I researched it and talked to them about it and decided to give it a go. I started December 5th and had lost 18.5 lbs as of last Friday. (I'm away this week and unable to weigh which is killing me. Yes, I admit it. I'm a chronic weigher. Ha!) I'm really loving eating this way. Feel better and have seen more change in my body than you would normally see with that amount of weight loss. BTW, I've got a lot to lose probably around 120 lbs total. So that's my weight story.


    My cruise story is that we're going on our 20th cruise for our 20th anniversary year on February 25th on RCCL Anthem of the Seas. Love that ship. Love that we're going back to Barbados where we got married off of a Carnival ship 20 years ago. And love that I will have hopefully lost about 30 lbs. by the time we go. My hope is that I'll pretty much stay on the plan for the cruise. My big issue will probably be my night time snack. I know that's frowned on and against IF (which I'm not really doing yet, but hoping to work up to one day) but it's a big deal for me. I love a right before bedtime snack. Currently it's either a fat bomb or SF Jello (I know I know it's lazy keto, but that little bit of artificial sugar seems to be okay for me). Not sure what I'll do on the ship. They probably have SF Jello if I manage to get it and put it in the fridge for later. I should probably plan something and take onboard. Any ideas of something not too far off the plan for a snack I could carry on? Other planned cheat may be some wine and just alcohol in general which I know in quantities tends to stall me. I'm okay with that as long as I don't really fall off the wagon and go wild with bad foods.


    Thanks Esahuma for your inspirational posts of how you live the life every day and most especially on board the ship. They've been invaluable in helping me to map out my plan for my upcoming 12 night cruise!




    Thanks, Cindy - I used to want a 'bedtime' snack but gave it up almost 2 years ago when I went LCHF/Keto but during the first few weeks I did macadamia nuts at night - very satisfying Low in carbs and high in fat -


    Are you on FB? I have a support page that is a closed group so you will need to request to join - all are welcome IF you are truly interested in getting healthy through ANY healthy wOE (way of eating)


    We are listed as LCHF Friends Support Team - :)

  10. I’ve been mentally preparing for our cruise in 2 weeks to stay keto. I know it’s entirely possible to do. It’ll be up to me and my will power to avoid the carbs. It’s not so much weight gain as health that I need to stay on keto for. When I go off, I get headaches and irritable and my chronic hives can flare and I usually end up sick. I want to enjoy the trip without being tired the whole time. But I’m the only one in a group of 11 eating low carb and I find it hard without a buddy for support. I appreciate any tips or advice or encouragement!!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Thank you so very much! :)

  11. Hi - haven’t written for a while. Had a great cruise to NZ in mid April and did really well with my eating. My drinking - not so good. But overall not to bad.

    Then came the Christmas celebrations and I certainly over indulged. So back on track again now as also back at work (which helps me stay in routine). The first few days are hard, but getting back into cooking LCHF.

    We have a cruise booked for mid August Vancouver to Alaska on Celebrity Millennium, so want to drop about 2 inches of my waist before then.

    Eggs will become my best friends again.

    Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year. Now it time to get back to Low Carb. Who’s with me?

    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    Eggs - bacon - anything that is Keto and LCHF - my best friends - We also do not drink from Saturday night to Friday afternoon - and when I do drink it is a little wine 0r Sprite zero and Absolute Ruby Red Vodka - 0 carbs!


    Went to a party last night (friend threw me a late BD Party) and everyone brought LCHF/KETO snacks! There were Scoop Fritos for those that wanted - but of course, I took my own Chicharonnes!


    Keep up the great work! YOU GOT THIS! :)

  12. best way to lose weight for most is low carb - high fat or also called keto - Complex carbs are NOT a necessary part of your diet - we do not need them to live - they really serve no purpose - especially to those of us that have lost significant POF (pounds of fat) not eating them - I have lost 100 POF and do Not eat fruits of any type (berries are allowed but I only eat them as a treat) and any veggie that grows above ground is allowed! I do not eat grain - rice - potatoes - carrots - or pasta of any type -


    If you really want to get serious and lose those POF AND get healthy - give dietdoctor.com a try - only $9 per month and quit at any time - lectures - teaching videos - menus - recipes - guidance - shopping lists and so much more!

    We are here for you! :)

  13. WOW!!! I didn't know this group was here until just now...my kind of group! I've been low carb for probably 15 years or more. I've kept off about 40 pounds keeping my carbs down, and have also managed to control my adult-onset diabetes (from years of not being low carb) without medication. We just booked our next cruise this morning (a little Christmas Eve present) . I must admit, I've been eating out of line for the last few weeks, which is something I give myself permission to do around the holidays...I still haven't figured out why I do this.


    Bottom line, I get sick of my carbs pretty quickly after a few weeks of feeling carby and bloated. I'm ready to ditch the carbs and get ready for my next cruise! I need to drop about 10 pounds, which consists of 2 pounds gained between Thanksgiving and Christmas and 8 more pounds that I just want gone. If I can accomplish this, I will be at my lowest weight in probably 20 years. I'm not trying to lose "for the cruise." I actually eat rather low carb on cruises and lost a few pounds on my last cruise, probably due to the incredible amount of walking (it sure wasn't the alcohol or the creme brulee). I've tried IF a few times and found it to be helpful. I look forward to participating in this group!


    Welcome and thank you for your success story! :)

  14. So do they have Sprite Zero at the bars or only in the Freestyle Coke machines? Also do you know if they have Cherry Sprite Zero?


    Yes on Royal they do have Sprite Zero at the bars~ :cool:


    Happy 2018 and may you be blessed with health and great memories!

  15. WOW!!! I didn't know this group was here until just now...my kind of group! I've been low carb for probably 15 years or more. I've kept off about 40 pounds keeping my carbs down, and have also managed to control my adult-onset diabetes (from years of not being low carb) without medication. We just booked our next cruise this morning (a little Christmas Eve present) . I must admit, I've been eating out of line for the last few weeks, which is something I give myself permission to do around the holidays...I still haven't figured out why I do this.


    Bottom line, I get sick of my carbs pretty quickly after a few weeks of feeling carby and bloated. I'm ready to ditch the carbs and get ready for my next cruise! I need to drop about 10 pounds, which consists of 2 pounds gained between Thanksgiving and Christmas and 8 more pounds that I just want gone. If I can accomplish this, I will be at my lowest weight in probably 20 years. I'm not trying to lose "for the cruise." I actually eat rather low carb on cruises and lost a few pounds on my last cruise, probably due to the incredible amount of walking (it sure wasn't the alcohol or the creme brulee). I've tried IF a few times and found it to be helpful. I look forward to participating in this group![/


    Welcome - I have been eating pretty 'clean' keto LCHF during the last few weeks - LOVED the prime rib for Christmas Eve - I have 'nibbled' on the bones for the last two days - I did make my first batch of 'fat bombs' - It was Keto Maple Bacon fudge made with butter - cream cheese - bacon grease - cocoa - bacon and pecans - darn good and it onl takes one little piece!

  16. Booked Celebrity Constellation from 01 Feb 2020 - 15 Feb 2020 - Dubai to Singapore! Reallly excited to visit Dubai and India ports!


    Been experimenting with a few LCHF - Keto recipes of 'spicy pecans' - Pecan Chipotle 'Brittle" - all are low carbs and made with lots of butter and substitute sugar pretty good and a treat for the Holidays! :D

  17. No matter what nutritional plan you are on, I have found that intermittent fasting is great. On the program I am on I do it up to 6 times a month. Cheers ... Bob


    I like to start off my week with IF - usually 24-36 hours! My dad fasted once a month from Sunday night until Friday night until he was age 84 - it was how he controlled his weight - it works!

  18. Another suggestion since you said you are going to be on a 14 night cruise. Use your Elite minutes first, and then wait for them to offer a mid-cruise special. Much cheaper than buying it all upfront, unless you really need to be connected for long periods of time.


    Thank you for this suggestion! :)

  19. Last port today - B3B on RCL Jewel - Azores - then 6 AWESOME sea days back to San Juan -


    Eating LCHF and Keto has been relatively easy as it fits my lifestyle - also do quite a bit of IF - intermittent fasting - have only eaten breakfast 3 times in 34 days :)


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