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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. I’m going to and try to attach a short video clip of a bride and her father entering one of the churches that @StLouisCruisers cruisers posted earlier.. IMG_1521.mov
  2. Good morning everyone. Another beautiful morning here, 46F and sunny at the moment. Thanks for our daily digest. A nice variety of days to ponder, I’ll focus on Ellis Island as some of my ancestors arrived there from Poland. We did the hospital tour there which was eerily fantastic, it was the largest hospital in the US back in the day. Interesting quote. I’ll pass on both the meal and the drink, I don’t like cooked rhubarb but I like it fresh picked. We were in today’s port in September, it was beautiful but packed to the gills with tourists like me. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for @kazu, I hope your foot gets better. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  3. Thanks @RMLincoln for your kind words. The movers are coming as part of phase 1, the decluttering process, and will store our belongings until our final move. Next week a photographer will take pictures of our unit for the broker’s listing and I believe an open house will be next weekend. We’ll be in Ogunquit then working with a broker there so no house yet. So much going on!
  4. Good morning everyone. Another sunny, beautiful day here in Boston. Unfortunately for us we get to spend it indoors packing for the movers on Thursday. Where does all this stuff come from? I’ll celebrate Emancipation Day and Bean Counter Days (as a former one myself). A very nice quote to ponder today. The meal sounds nice as does the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list, thanks for your kind wishes about my friend Lauren, also keep me in mind today as I reflect on the first anniversary of my brother’s death. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!
  5. Good afternoon everyone. I just received the sad news that my colleague and friend Lauren has passed away from her battle with cancer. Thank-you for your thoughts and prayers over the past month, you’re all so kind. She can be removed from the prayer list as she’s in a much better place now.
  6. My condolences on the loss of your Dad Bruno. May your many happy memories together help to ease your pain. You’re in my prayers. Peace.
  7. Good morning everyone. A beautiful day in store for marathon Monday, good luck to all of the participants. We will be busy packing as the movers come on Thursday so we’ll miss all the fun today. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Funny quote although probably not true in most cases. I love beet greens but not as a meal. I’ll pass on the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our list and for the safety of the marathon runners today. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events!
  8. Good morning everyone from a beautiful sunny Boston. Thanks for the daily report. This morning the Boston Marathon runners will be blessed at mass hopefully keeping them safe in tomorrow’s event. I’ll gladly celebrate laughter and dolphins but I don’t have an ex spouse so I’ll leave that to others. I like the quote. The meal and drink suggestions sound good, yes please! I haven’t been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!
  9. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend @Cruzin Terri praying for and her family and friends. Welcome to the Daily thread @LambKnuckles the most delightful group of cruisers that you will find on Cruise Critic!
  10. Good morning from a rainy Boston. Thanks for the daily updates. Wow, 231 mph, that’s some serious wind. Today we recognize street children and making sure they have basic human rights met. I wonder how many people are in space right now. I really like today’s quote. I’d try both the meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Happy _______ to those who are celebrating today!
  11. Thank-you for asking. We are going to relocate to the southern coast of Maine. Since we retired last year we no longer need to live in the city. We have family up there so it will be nice to be closer and to be closer to nature. Some people think we’re crazy but I grew up near the 45th parallel in Northern Michigan so why not? We thought we’d sell first and then buy, maybe renting in between.
  12. Good morning everyone from a cool and gloomy Boston. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Perfectly timed day to clean up the pantry as we start to declutter in anticipation of our upcoming open house. Happy Pet Day to all of you pet owners’ faithful companions. They bring you much joy each day. I remember Olympia Dukakis using today’s quote in the movie Steel Magnolias. Somehow the meal suggestion isn’t speaking to me but the drink certainly is. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those celebrating happy events and happy birthday to @Haljo1935’s DH!🍾
  13. Take it from a recent retiree, you will not regret your decision. At a certain point you’ll wonder how you ever fit in going to work each day!
  14. Good afternoon everyone. We’ve been busy getting our house ready to sell so I’m late to this thread today. Thank-you for the daily updates, where would we be without it. Three nice days to be recognized, I saw all my siblings over the Easter holiday. The meal suggestion sounds nice but I’ll pass on what sounds like a sweet drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those that need them. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  15. Good morning everyone from a beautiful sunny and mild Boston. We got home late last evening so I’m having a late start today. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Pretty sure I won’t celebrate Jenkins Ear Day but I will give a nod to Jumbo and antiques. I like the quote. The meal suggestion sounds tasty as does the drink. Denali was awesome when we visited in 2018. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events! 🍾
  16. Good morning everyone from a frosty, sunny, Northern Michigan. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. I’ll celebrate beavers because they are so important for our ecosystem. Not sure about snail papers. I studied the metric system in college because of our impending conversion to it, hah! It’s still a more precise system of measurement. The quote seems more of a joke than a quote. The meal suggestion is always welcome as a side dish here. The drink sounds tasty. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! 🎉
  17. Good morning everyone, a beautiful sunny day in store. Thanks for the daily report. Sorry Charlie, Starkist doesn’t want tunas with good taste. Don’t be a drowsy driver. Hats off to Twinkies, they made it into many lunchboxes. I like the quote, sometimes a straightforward blessing is desired. I’ll pass on the meal as I don’t have an air fryer. Not sure I’d like the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!🥂
  18. Good morning everyone from frosty, sunny Northern Michigan. Thanks for the daily report. Three important days to recognize today. Interesting quote but as someone who had to meet constant deadlines I didn’t have the luxury of letting them whoosh by. The meal sounds like a great brunch item. Think I’ll pass on the drink. Haven’t been to today’s port yet. Prayers for those on our prayers list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today and happy birthday to @NextOne!
  19. Good morning everyone. I’ve been MIA the past few days, we were in the Chicago area visiting my sisters and their families for Easter. Yesterday we flew to Traverse City with my mom and drove her to her house in Boyne and now it’s chores and chilling. We’re sort of freaking out as we have painters in our condo in Boston getting it ready for sale next month, too much going on all at once! It’s overcast and cold here in Northern Michigan. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. I’ll celebrate ferrets, produce managers and pb&j! I like today’s quote. The meal suggestion sounds great for a brunch along with the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events!
  20. Good morning everyone from somewhere between Toledo and Bryan Ohio. Thanks for the daily report. I’ll be celebrating a real vacation today. Don’t think I’ll be celebrating mermaids but I will celebrate mom and pop business day. I like the quote, I don’t think we’re prepared for how ugly the third act can get. Pass on the meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  21. Good morning everyone from a gray and rainy Boston. Looking forward to our train trip through the Berkshires and beyond this afternoon, nothing like an overnight train trip snug in your sleeper. Thanks for all of the daily updates. Hard to believe that it’s already Holy Thursday and opening day, tempus fugit for sure! Today would be perfect for a hot tub. Love the quote! The salad sounds tasty and spring like. Think I’ll pass on the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list including @summer slope, please take care!🤕. Cheers to those celebrating happy events!
  22. Good morning everyone. It’s misty and gray here this morning. Thanks for the daily report. A busy day here. I need to go into my old office after getting a frantic call last evening from my replacement who needs direction on a project that is due Friday. We’re also packing as we’re taking Amtrak’s Lake Shore Limited to Chicago tomorrow to spend time with my family over Easter. Busy, busy. Three nice days for us to celebrate. My penmanship has devolved into a scribble so I’ve got that covered. The quote is pretty funny. Think I’ll pass on the sauce for a meal. The drink could be nice. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone who is celebrating a happy event today!
  23. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Two important health related days to recognize. I hope we all live long and prosper. The quote is a nice lesson on obtaining joy. The meal and drink suggestions both sound nice. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for those involved with the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore, an awful tragedy. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!
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