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Posts posted by bingo3

  1. In addition to cruise related fun stuff, I put together a booklet for my grands with information about the ship, pictures, things they would be able to do, info about the crew, rules (since their parents were not along to help!), info about the port of call (ours was only a 4 night to Nassau, they were 6 & 8) and spaces for them to write what they liked about the cruise, etc. Since I had to take them out of school to go, it was the end of May, so they didn't miss much, but I also wanted the cruise to be educational for them. I was surprised to see my granddaughter take it upon herself to write notes while we were sitting on the beach in Nassau. She had been very observant on the walk over and wrote things down she had seen, in her own notebook. You would be surprised what kids might do if given a journal!

  2. Are you thinking these price reductions are due to the storm changed itineraries? Like maybe we will see more price reductions?


    Probably, since you have no clue where you'll really go. I may cancel my January cruise, since final payment is not due till end of October. If I wanted to go to the Bahamas, I would not drive 8 hours to a port to do it, would drive 2 hours to Charleston. I realize the cruise line has no control over the weather or what happens to the port, so not blaming them. Just stating a fact. I choose cruises out of hurricane season based on ports. There are just some I have no desire to sail to, Mexican ones included and right now, those and the Bahamas seem to be the destinations taking the place of closed ports. Dang it all!

  3. Adults must now be in a connecting stateroom. Just an FYI, many other cruise lines have adopted similar policies in the last few years.


    So your options are:


    1) Book the kids in a connecting stateroom

    2) Book one adult in each of the rooms where you want the children to sleep, then have the children sleep in the staterooms you wish. This is not "breaking the rules" and is allowed, I think they just want to have a responsible adult assigned to each stateroom.

    3) Book a different cruise line that will allow the configuration you want



    Oh, and welcome to Cruise Critic :-)


    I agree and this is not worth stressing over. I would not consider it breaking the rules when it is known it is done. We did the same last year with the grands, had two rooms booked, connecting rooms and children stayed in one and us the other, but was booked with one adult, one child per room. Just book it the way they want and enjoy your trip!

  4. I'm sorry, but is hard for me to be sympathetic. If everyone would read the contract, they will see the lines are doing exactly what they said they would in the contract, actually, they are doing more than they have to. Insurance is also for these circumstances. Not planning properly is not RCCL's fault. IT IS HURRICANE season, choosing to sail during the season without insurance, and with unrealistic expectations, is just not smart. But to then blame the cruise lines, is just ludicrous in my opinion. And to be honest, if I pay for insurance, why should someone who did not, get the same benefits?? That makes no sense to me. Flame away, LOL! (I won't read it anyway) But it's the truth......

  5. People need to actually read the cruise contract......not agreeing with practices that were clearly pointed out beforehand, is not RCCL's fault. People are also encouraged to take out insurance, especially during hurricane season. People choose to cruise during the season, so therefore need to be willing to take whatever risks are incurred. That's just my opinion and also why I do not sail during hurricane season, but I always take out insurance. People expect things, that had they read, AND BELIEVED, in their contract, they would know they are not going to get refunds, freebies, etc. Complaining about it will not help and ALL cruise lines do the same. The fact they are even offering credits is outside what they have to do. They are a business after all and they are trying to make money, greed, not sure I'd call it that. They have financial obligations, staff to pay, bills to pay as well, and they have investors, etc. to answer to. After all, if they didn't make money, they wouldn't even be an option for our traveling pleasure. Much as these inconveniences have occurred, the cruise lines have taken a huge financial hit, as well as the tourism in all these countries that were hit. JMHO

  6. I am enjoying your detailed review. For those who don't like all the detail stop reading and move on.



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    Well said!! Honestly, this is the OP's review and she can write whatever she chooses. Everyone's style is different, some give barely any details. I appreciate the time involved and appreciate the review and take what I can use from it. I don't even have a cruise booked on this ship, but have enjoyed others to Bermuda and was interested to see how it is on Anthem. Maybe next time for me. Thanks again!!


  7. I am sorry his happened to you, but accidents do happen and it sounds like they tried to do everything they could to assist you afterwards. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent every accident that could possibly occur. I am sure the crew member was very sorry and will most likely be more careful in the future. The old saying "we learn from our mistakes" applies to all of us at one time or another. Some of us must recover from worse mistakes made than others. I am gad you were not seriously injured and hope you feel better soon!

  8. Thanks! This is what I was looking for! I booked without a Travel Agent, and have never been able to figure out how to get a proper invoice from the website.



    This won't work if you booked with a travel agent or mailed in a gift certificate or anything like that. Ridiculous. I think this will be my last RCCL cruise as this has been so frustrating to keep up with my balance all because I mailed in a $100.00 gift certificate I got for $90.00!! Can I say I hate RCCL's system right now!! argh! Would have never got the certificate if I had known the nightmare it would cause. Cannot view information online either. Even Carnival does a better job of letting you see all your information online!! Sheesh! :rolleyes:

  9. Unfortunately. for some stupid reason, once you redeem an AARP gift certificate, you will no longer be able to view any of your payment information online. You will have to call for an invoice. It is ridiculous. :( Carnival does not work this way, not sure why RCCL can't do better and your information be viewed online, regardless of payment sources.

  10. There are busses and other transportation to horseshoe beach and a nice little section there perfect for small children. Almost like a pool, but the ocean, very well protected and gentle. It's to the right of the beach. Bathrooms there, rentals for chairs, umbrellas, etc. There is a man made beach near the ship, there is a charge to get in there now I think and things there to do with children. There may even be a playground nearby, but I cannot remember, maybe someone else can. I would look on the Bermuda Port Board and research Bermuda for other things to do. Bermuda is beautiful, we have been twice, but not with children.

  11. With research, I think it is known what perks exist for those who qualify, therefore, no one should be upset about it in my opinion. As for harassing to purchase extra things, etc., I must admit, I do not care for that. Not classy at all for sure, but I will just ignore them, I am good at getting my point across that I am not interested. It must work to some degree or they would stop it!

  12. I am already booked without the sale but did a mock booking to see the difference. With the 60%off, I would pay almost 200.00 more than what I already paid. Not much of a sale in my opinion, They apparently adjust prices for each sale (several since I booked) that I have looked at to where you pay the same regardless of when you book.

  13. My guess is the responsibilities of the Cruise Directors have changed over time, and especially on the larger ships. I suspect they have more of a management role now and people under them to run the programs. With all the activities, shows, etc. taking palace on these ships, there is no way the cruise director can manage them and be present to direct them. Just making sure everything is taking place on time, etc. would be a chore!

  14. My mother got an email, but I did not, for the same sailing. Bummed as we chose this cruise because San Juan is the only port we have not been to, it was already a short day and now worse, would know it, Murphy's law! :( I have been disappointed with some other aspects of this cruise booking and RCCL, I hope this is not all a bad omen! At least I still have time to cancel if needed. Dang it all!

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