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Posts posted by bunchesofun

  1. Cari,

    There's no getting around it, when you're on some meds, it's a lot harder to lose. I was on something that caused weight gain, and since I was not watching what I ate, I gained a lot. It wasn't actually till later that I realized it was the meds. But if you keep tracking and staying within points you should be okay.


    I did my weekly weigh in yesterday and was only down .6 from last week, and I was good all week staying within points and not using my extras most days. Oh well maybe next week will be better.

  2. Nikki, our cruise was Dec 2nd and I have had a devil of a time getting back to normal after we got back. Of course we did have, Dan's Birthday, our anniversary, Christmas and New Year's, but I'm going to have to learn how to deal with celebrations and not let them derail me. As much as I'm looking forward to the next cruise, I'm afraid that afterwards it will mean months of struggling to get back on program.
  3. I just don't know what it is with my body. I kept myself to about 31 points a day all week (My allotment is 29) and was only down about a pound, then yesterday had 41 points and I'm up two pounds! I can't use a large portion of extra points in one day or it messes up my losses. Very depressing. I am still heavier than I was November 28 before we left on the cruise. And I was hoping to lose that, plus a bit more before the next one in June.
  4. I understand where you are coming from. I have to constantly talk to myself as well to keep myself on track. The fact that you avoided the munchies last night is great! Each time we resist is a triumph.

    Today would be weigh in day, my last, but we forgot and made an appointment to take the dog to the vet at the same time, so that's it. I think that I am the same as last week even though I have been good this week. It's so depressing. My dh cut down on food and lost 10 pounds in 5 days! Why can men do that??? Oh well.
  5. We all have triggers that set us off with the eating. I am addicted to sweets as well. Though I do pretty well with the Fiber One brownies. The most I've eaten in two a day, but they're 2 points each and worth every single point. Too often I get the urge to eat when I know I'm not really hungry. That's what I have to fight.
  6. Thanks Cari, it really is helpful to talk with people who understand completely what you are going through. Like I said, I thought I showed restraint the last cruise, but still gained almost 4 pounds and have had a hard time getting back on track.

    It's been getting a little easier the past couple of days, so maybe I'm over the hump now. Got my dh using Spark People to track what he's eating because I don't think he realizes how big his portions are. He too needs to lose about 100 pounds. And I think to myself, "How did THAT happen?" And the answer is one pound at a time. That's what happens when we are not vigilant in what we are eating. As you said, one day slips into another, then one week into another and before you know it, it's years.

    I do not plan on that happening again! I am now 57 years old and have been battling this since I had my tonsils out at age 6. That triggered my weight gaining. It's been a battle ever since.
  7. I just figured out it's 17 weeks till our cruise. I would hope that I could lose at least 17 pounds by then.

    For me though, one big thing, is going to be to watch it more carefully while on the cruise itself. I thought I showed restraint on the cruise, but I have had a very hard time getting back in the swing of things since we got home. I have to remember that a cruise is not an excuse to eat as much as I want. (Though I didn't do that even on the last cruise) But obviously I ate more than I should have and it showed on the scales.
  8. I forgot about meeting this morning until it was too late. Probably sabotaged myself tho as I think I either stayed the same or had a gain. I only have one more weigh in paid for, so may or may not go back, but plan on continuing the fight. I'm always okay over breakfast and lunch, but after that... I have trouble limiting my supper portion, plus just get this bug to eat that I can't seem to fight.

    Bitsey, welcome to our little group! Thanks for sharing your journey as it makes goal seem attainable since someone else could do it. In total I would have had 164 to lose, but am down 44 from my highest, so 120 to go. I really don't care how long it takes as long as I can get there.
  9. Although I feel I do better going to meetings, we are cutting back on expenses where we can so I am only paid through Feb 1, then I'm on my own. Hopefully I can do it without meetings. I had previously lost 88 pound by myself without any outside help, so I know I am capable of doing it.

    Is that Fuelband like ActiveLink where you have to pay monthly to track?

    That Chili recipe sounds like a winner. Please post it. I am always looking for lower points meals.
  10. I weigh myself daily and chart it using "weight commander". That way I can see the daily fluctuations and not let it bother me if I'm up a little one day as I know it will go back down again. I think it helps keep me in line. I took my scale with me on the cruise and it helped to know exactly what was going on (gaining!) and how much. In the end I only gained 3.8 pounds on a 7 day cruise. I hear the national average is one pound per day.

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