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Posts posted by bunchesofun

  1. Had my weigh in last night. Down 10 pounds in my first 2 weeks



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    Wow, that's great. It took me 6 months to lose 20. I had my WI this morning and I was down 2 pounds. I'm really thankful as I was really struggling to stay within points this past week, and went over a couple of days.

  2. At our Walmart, they are in the asile with the granola bars and Kellogs's breakfast bars, right next to the Pop-Tarts. :confused:


    They make a double chocolate chip brownie that is my personal favorite but they also make a cookie dough brownie. It's pretty darn good too.

    All for 3 pts each.


    Just at tip, heat them in the microwave for a few seconds and if you want, top it with a TBL or two of FF Cool Whip. You will feel like your not missing a thing over the fat laden desserts.




    That sounds about right. I was pretty sure they weren't with the cookies, but not sure if they were with the crackers.


    Wow, never thought to nuke them, but that sounds really good.

  3. I tracked points every day online, but I was WAY over every day no matter how much I tried to restrict it. But my first weigh in after the cruise I was up 3.8. I've read that the average cruise passenger gains a pound a day. So I consider that I did pretty well all together. My biggest challenge has been getting back on program since I got home.


    One of the ladies in our roll call had gastric bypass and had lost a significant amount of weight. From time to time I consider that option, but realistically, if I could eat small amounts like that in the first place I wouldn't need the surgery! Plus in reading the average person loses 50-70% of their excess weight, and then put back on a certain amount after 2 years. So for now at least I'll struggle on counting points.

  4. Thanks for the heads up on the soup. I had 1/4 of a canteloupe for my supper. I'm so lazy on weekends. :)


    Hey "Ready" welcome to our little group. It has been helpful to me to be able to talk to people who understand the journey. And as it relates to cruising too. I've had three gains in three weigh ins since the cruise. Of course it was over the cruise, dh's birthday, our anniversary, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. I gained about 5 pounds total over all those events, so it could most certainly be worse. My problem is getting back in the groove again.

  5. I know, once I get that "I've blown it for today, so what else can I eat" feeling, it always ends badly.


    Even just 20 pounds makes a difference. I noticed that walking from one end of the ship to the other I didn't get as winded as last cruise. Really hoping to lose at least 15 before the next cruise (June 2)


    Yesterday was not too bad. I ended up with a McDonald's salad for late lunch, and soup for supper. Sunday after church I make pizza with a premade crust and fat free Mozarella cheese plus pepperoni. Two slices 11 points. Then maybe soup again for supper tonight. I don't cook much on the weekends which my husband doesn't mind so that's what we do.


    Well hopefully the rest of the week will be good!

  6. Not sure how much of an issue it is. You can walk the whole way on any deck with cabins. The kitchen is between the two main dining rooms on decks 3 and 4.

    Well for example our 12 yo daughter is going to Circle C and that is on one of the decks that you can't get there directly from our cabin. I prefer to walk one end to the other on "public" decks, not stateroom decks so it will be a little inconvenient in my mind anyway :) Oh well, just need to think of it as a little more exercise I guess.

  7. As I stated in another post, we are taking the Conquest Nov 16, the repositioning cruise. We have only sailed on the Pride before. I was looking at the deck plans and it looks like on a couple of the main decks you can not get from one end of the ship to the other. You have to go to another deck, go past the place you want to go, then go up or down and backtrack to where you want to go. Is that correct? It seems kind of inconvenient.

  8. I know I should be asking myself, "Is THIS really worth it???" before I put something in my mouth. Because really, in the end, it's not, is it? It takes at least a week to lose a pound, but we can gain it in one day easily. Once, my first time on WW, when I'd lost control, I managed to gain 9 pounds in one week. So I KNOW how easy it is to sabotage yourself.


    I've got 10 months to lose 40 (or more) pounds and I really want to do it. But I can't if I keep eating when I'm out of points. This thread helps me focus on it all.

  9. We were just talking about being able to eat until you are sick. I just read an article in the Daily Mail, a British newspaper available online. Part of the article states:


    "The food cravings are made even more intense — and impossible to resist — because leptin is supposed to dampen the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment you get from food by suppressing the release of the brain chemical dopamine, helping to decrease appetite.


    But if you are leptin-resistant, food never stops tasting delicious, no matter how much of it you eat.


    This, says Professor Lustig, is why many overweight people find it so hard to stop eating, and why diets so often fail."


    Well at least they are beginning to discover exactly why we have problems losing weight. I get so tired of people who self righteously say "All you have to do is eat less". As if we had never heard that before! There is so much more to it.


    It's lunch time and so far so good today. Resisted making chocolate chip cookies which I had been planning on doing. Had a chicken sausage and baked beans for lunch. Will have spaghetti for supper. Was going to go shopping today until I realized it's a holiday and Aldi's is closed today.

  10. We also had my brother send us one of those "gift baskets" with crackers and chocolates. Well the cheese spread was open and moldy so I called the company to let them know and they send us a second basket!


    Then my daughter wanted me to make something as I hadn't done any baking over Christmas, so I made an apple dump cake, followed by brownies. And I couldn't stay away from them. :( I'm not ready to fly yet. Still in the nest.


    When I'm "in the groove" I can resist stuff, even if it's stuff I like. But when I'm like this, everything calls to me. Well I'm going to meeting no matter what this week. I missed last week because of the weather. My car was buried. In fact dh hasn't un-buried it yet for me. Better get on him.

  11. I haven't been to a meeting since the day we left to drive to Baltimore for our cruise, November 29th. I've wasted a whole month! Not gaining, just maintaining which I suppose is a positive thing considering the most likely alternative. I WILL go back to meeting this week no matter what my weight. I am afraid to stop paying as I do all my tracking online with eTools. It would be so much harder to track without the app. Plus it automatically changes your allowed points as you lose weight.


    Thankfully I never started smoking, in fact never even tried it. At least that's one addiction I didn't have to deal with. Food addiction is hard enough. You can't quit eating completely or it would be easy. No, it's limiting the amount of food you eat that is the problem. Somehow for me, if it tastes good, I want more and can keep eating until I feel sick. When I was first put on Wellbutrin, for six weeks it made me appetite "normal". I would look at my plate and mentally know how much I was going to eat, and the thought of eating more actually made me ill. I though I had the addiction licked. But then the affects wore off. I did manage to lose 88 pounds by just cutting down, until I hit a major plateau that lasted months till I finally started gaining it back. I gained about 60 back before coming to WW in June, and have lost around 20 since then.

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