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Posts posted by bunchesofun

  1. We went out to Cracker Barrel for Chirstmas lunch and then Chinese food for supper. But I don't think I'm up. Won't make it to meeting this morning as dh didn't un bury my car while he was shoveling snow. Besides the roads are still really bad around here. DH went out last night for lottery tickets and said they were horrible. I missed meeting last week as well. I MUST go next week! As said before, must get on track as it was hard enough to lose it the "first" time!

  2. Today is the first day I have had that I haven't picked or had two lunches, etc. It's 8 o'clock so only have to keep it together one more hour :)


    I know I can do it I just have to concentrate and remember how wonderful it feels to step on that scale and have a loss. I really didn't think it would be this hard to get back on track, silly me.

  3. Any amount off is a positive thing no matter how long it takes. I weighed in this morning and lost another 1.4 pounds making 21.6 (I think) since June. I've only lost 1 pound the past 5 weeks because I was up and down. Hopefully that's over now. I leave Dec 2nd and wanted to lose another 4 but don't think I'll make it. Oh well. It's just a number. I'm hoping to keep any gain to a pound or two. That I can deal with. Last cruise I was somewhat careful and gained 2 pounds. I took my scale with me on the cruise to keep me grounded.

  4. I had previously lost 88 pounds which took me three years. Then I lost the thread and gained back 60 but maintained for two years. Now I'm back on track and losing again. So glad I didn't gain it ALL back though. So I know it takes time, it's just that I've spent my entire life since I was 6 being on diets. Okay, okay, I know this is not a "diet", this is a way of life. But still. You're right, some weeks are better than others but it will all even out in the end.

  5. I know what you mean about the clothes. Mine are heavier too. Had weigh in yesterday and I lost 1.4 pounds. I was surprised but pleased. We had gone out to supper twice this week. Once to celebrate my boy turning 18. Where did the time go??? We had cake in the house but I only had 1 1/2 pieces total. My weight loss has slowed to 1 pound a week average. I so wish I could lose more each week. I can't help but do the math that it is going to take me over two years to lose what I need to lose to be at goal. I know I shouldn't dwell on that but sometimes the numbers just jump out at me to depress me.

  6. Went to weigh in this morning. I gained another .2 pounds. The ONLY thing I did wrong this week was have popcorn at the movies last Saturday. I came in 2 points over for the week. What is going on? That shouldn't have caused a gain that long ago. I am starting to get frustrated which is not good. Well, hopefully if I stick with it I will have a big loss next weigh in.

  7. Congratulations! I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I was doing good then my 17 yo son took his sister and I out to supper at a Chinese place. I was fairly careful, using the WW Chinese cheat sheet online. I had broccoli and beef, chicken on a stick, 2 egg rolls and green beans, however I realized later the green beans had oil on them. :( That plus (probably) all the MSG and I'm up about 2 pounds when I weigh in the morning. Sucks 'cause I was doing so well too. You wouldn't think one meal could do that to you. I didn't have excessive amounts either. That was the only thing about the WW cheat sheet is that it didn't give quantities of food, just said a "portion" was so many points. Oh well, what is, is and I'll deal with it tomorrow.

  8. snip -


    I am sailing on Celebrity Equinox on 10/24 10 nights Greek Islands. Any one on this board on the same ship by chance? It would be great to have a WW buddy to touch base with while on board.


    I cruised among the Greek Islands back in '72 when I was 17. That was my first experience with cruising. You'll love it! The islands are so beautiful and the water is gorgeous. Wish I was on the cruise with you.


    I'd have to really study the Simply Filling plan. On the one hand it might be easier but I'd have to switch gears from regular points tracking. Hmm something to think about...

  9. I too track online and will have to get used to paper tracking for the trip. Though on the other hand last year I bought internet access to keep my email from getting out of hand. I might bring my laptop along this time and continue to track online after all. Would be worth the $$ to do it. I HAVE TO track. It's so easy to go over otherwise.

  10. On our last cruise our daughter was 11 and in Camp Carnival. Our cabin was aft so it was a long walk to the front of the ship to take her and pick her up from CC. This year she's 12 and doesn't need us to sign her in or out so I expect I won't be getting quite as much exercise. But I'm going to wear my WW pedometer (the one that tells you how many activity points you've earned) and try and meet a certain goal every day as far as how many steps I've taken.

  11. I had something kind of cool happen. There's these dresses I've been getting from onestopplus.com that I really like. Well, they're starting to run out of them and they're on clearance. They were out of my size, and a few sizes smaller too. I decided to order some that were a much smaller size and keep them for when I get there. On a whim I tried one on and it fit! It was a little snug, but actually wearable. That was exciting. Now granted they are probably sized larger than normal, but still.

  12. I plan on eating what I want - however - I'm really going to ask myself if it's worth all the extra points. Then take responsibility for what I do. Last cruise I took my bathroom scale with me so that I could see, day by day, how I was doing. I gained 5 pounds, which I thought was not bad. I intend on taking the scale again this year.

  13. Getting back OP is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult, but it's an attitude. When we aren't careful we get kind of almost an I don't care attitude (even though we do care). We get kind of lazy about tracking. Or my problem, eating something questionable first THEN looking up the points and getting discouraged because I just blew half a days points on something like a chocolate chip muffin! (Boy was that good, but deadly)


    I am still uneasy about eating on the cruise. I see it's so easy to eat more points than you planned. I don't want to eat totally off the Spa menu, I mean 7 nights of chicken breast will get old really fast. But I don't want to go way over points either. I might just have to take my points "booklet" into the dining room with us so I can double check points values before I order. I can't find my notebook that I was figuring points on the different dishes, but I guess I can start over and work on it.

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