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Posts posted by Fydlstyx

  1. If you truly are trying to visit Iceland by sea, without any flights, I want to challenge you to think outside the box. Summer and Fall, Queen Mary 2 does 7 day TA's to/from Southampton. The HAL cruses are also sold in two segments, to/from Copenhagen. It's possible you could do the crossing one way and pick up the cruise the other. But there are other options coming from Europe. In August/Sept, into October there are other ships doing repo cruises back to the US, and many seem to be stopping in Iceland. So, my challenge to you is to go to www.cruisetimetables.com and choose Reykjavik, Iceland as a Port of Call, and look at the cruises in Aug/Sept/Oct that are coming from Europe. It will show you who they are and their itineraries. Try to match them with the QM2 crossings. You may find yourself with a few days in Europe to relax and explore... Another tool is this listing of TA cruises:




    If this truly is a bucket list thing, you will find a way. EM



    Thank you for this link. Really, really, really, thank you. I am now hooked on TAs and cannot do the Carnival Horizon in 2018 because my daughter will be graduating from college during the cruise. So now I am figuring out what other TAs I want to try. :D

  2. Jimbo may be right, though I think it's a mistake to do a shortened Europe season. Dates can be seen on the Carnival website if you try to add a booking. Just leave booking number blank. My friend saw it this morning. No itineraries, just dates.


    Would you mind explaining to me how to do this? When I click the Add a Booking tab, it forces me to enter ship info and Horizon obviously isn't on the list yet. Am I doing it incorrectly or can it not be done on a phone?




  3. I don't see this lasting. Was on the Vista and saw very few people paying the extra to use this place.



    I ate there several times on Vista, and it seemed fairly popular. The food was delicious and the prices were reasonable. The service was outstanding.

  4. hi, will we get to watch the rose bowl on the vista?

    we are penn st!:)


    It isn't really likely. There IS a small chance you will be able to watch it in the sports bar if it is broadcast on network tv, but almost definitely will not be available in your cabin, and won't be broadcast on the big screen.



    WE ARE!!!!!

  5. I wish I had given smoking areas some consideration before I selected a cabin on deck TWO for the TA. I am so bummed that I didn't think about it ahead of time. I prefer not to be indoors to smoke, but realistically, I don't see myself making the hike up to eleven every time I want to smoke for two weeks. :( I tried to change to a higher level cabin but the cost is just too much more.


    Guess I will not make that mistake again, huh? lol

  6. It will be interesting to see how a premium priced ship, with no casino or shows, will sell. While there are probably a lot of people in the US who like the idea of going to Cuba to engage in social programs, I am not sure that they are also likely to want to spend the money being asked.


    For the money involved, people who,want to visit Cuba as social workers could do a lot better going via a third country.


    I think people are confusing the Fathom Dominican cruise activities with the Cuba cruise activities. There is no "work" involved in the Cuba cruise, and passengers would not be engaged in any "social work". There are social integration/cultural programs that one must be involved in as part of the agreement that permits this sort of tourism. That's all.

  7. There are factions in Europe that HATE Americans....do you want to be a target? There you go....make a choice. I'm with your husband...cancel the cruise...don't be a target.


    Yes...you can have accidents here, in our own country...but the folks over there WANT TO KILL US....your choice.


    This is so beyond ridiculous. "The folks 'over there' want to kill us"??? Are you being serious?!


    Your world must be very small. That's sad.

  8. I agree entirely. 1-2 Euros is plenty for a porter with the higher amount only if you have a considerable amount of luggage.


    Please encourage all your fellow travellers to tip according to European custom - you won't get any better service giving high gratuities!


    Thanks. So it will be pretty much the same for the porters as it is in the US, then, as I normally tip a dollar a bag. I know some people tip more, but I just do not see any reason to give more than that to the bag handlers in port.


    I appreciate the info!


  9. After reading the initial post and all of the responses, I still am unclear about why guest services was ever called. If your child is ill and you need the doctor, you call the number for medical service. If your child has thrown up and you need clean bedding and towels, you dial the number specific to reaching a cabin steward. So why call the guest services desk at all? I do agree that they should have answered, and I would not have sat on hold for an hour and a half, when you can just walk down to the desk, but again, I don't know what going to the desk would accomplish.


    I also don't understand how losing your bag because you were busy with your children can be remotely construed as being the fault of the cruise line. You left your bag behind. Easy to do, probably, but definitely not anyone else's fault. I don't do self assist when I cruise alone, and I would never do it if I had a bunch of bags and children to wrangle.


    The whole morning fiasco seems to center around the flight that was booked with too early a departure. 10:00am is just too early to try and fly out, particularly if you have kids with you and can't just dash to the airport and gate on your own. You COULD make it alone, but even then it would be stressful and you take your chances. There are too many variables that cause people to disembark later than scheduled. Airports recommend you arrive two hours prior to departure, and when most ships begin disembarking at 8, there is no way it would be humanly possible to arrive at the airport two hours prior to 10am since, well, you are getting off the ship two hours prior to departure! Knowing how close you were cutting it probably set the tone for a rushed and stressful morning with a sick kid, harried parents, and a recipe for a bad time.

  10. What if anything do the cruiselines do to make sure a service animal is indeed a certified,real deal service animal? Do the owners have to carry documents? How many people are abusing the entire system due to theirs or their animals seperation anxiety problems in order to take the animal along? I personally know of this happening with the airlines. Yes yes i know its politically incorrect to ever question such things, but i hope they make these people prove they are indeed service animals and not---pets !!


    Doesn't affect me, so I don't worry about it at all.

  11. I was on the Fantasy & this stuff happened to me. I have sailed with other cruise lines before, and will sail with other cruise lines again, however, NEVER EVER AGAIN with Carnival, NEVER! They were awful with customer service, before the cruise from the moment we found out there was a change, rude at check in and rude on board, likely from all of the unhappy people. it got to the point, their own staff was "hoping Carnival would do more" INCLUDING staff whom I spoke with by phone the minute we landed back in Miami at the port.


    Dear Nessa, cancel now if you cruise is not until September and avoid disappointment and heart ache! Pick a better cruise lines who will treat you right!


    Yep, Carnival staff who answered the customer care calls agreed that Carnival dropped the ball. They just didn't have the authority to do anything more. CCL put them in a lousy position, being the gatekeepers who had to listen to the complaints and repeat that they were sorry, but. :mad: The people who answered letters of complaint via email were exceedingly rude, as well. It's too bad that Carnival handled this so badly. it shows that they really just do not care, as they know people will continue to cruise, and that people who change lines won't impact passenger numbers because there are always new cruisers coming.

  12. I know that tipping is not expected/customary at restaurants, etc., but was curious about tipping porters at the actual port when you hand over your luggage. Is it expected at the port, and what is the usual amount?


    I noticed an old question asking if people would refuse more than a 10% tip on excursions and have to say that when I left a tip that was typical of what I would leave in a US restaurant at a restaurant in Seville, the server DID call out to me as I was leaving and put the money back into my hand! It's very strange trying to get used to not being expected to leave a tip! :)




  13. When Carnival launched the comfort matters form, it appeared they were going to once a day room service.


    And we were told no, you could order both if you like, but passengers were still coming back saying the stewards were telling them one or the other. This still is being reported. Other are claiming there's no form, or no change to service.


    So we were told they would revise the form to include the verbiage BOTH to clear up the confusion. But we were told it would be a while because SO many forms were printed up.


    So now the new form appears to have been printed. The word BOTH is missing, and it still says to choose the best time, and not TIMES. Again, the verbiage "select all that apply" is extremely vague.


    So I believe "we" are still being steered toward once a day service.


    Yep. And now all the "mini bars" will be empty. Soon we will be asked to bring our own towels and sheets. You know, to save the stewards time.



  14. I'm sorry you found that rude, but I would enjoy seeing a juggler and would never see Kathy Griffin.


    And that is your choice, but given that this was a Carnival Live! cruise, FEATURING Kathy Griffin, many people were on the ship because they wished to see her.

  15. We didn't know until 10AM the day of the cruise that we were not going to Key West.


    Exactly. And Carnival may have sent some passengers an email the night before, but I definitely was not one of them. My email arrived in the morning when I was already on my way to Florida.

  16. So what about someone like me


    ID Be complaining if this happened to me.

    This one CCL messed up


    Really Freeport over Keywest:eek:

    The $50 is the difference in the port fees:cool:


    The only reason they are going to Freeport is the Mechanic forgot to put the muffler bearings back in


    They completely glossed over the fact that it was a Carnival Live! sailing, as well. Many people were on board solely because of the Kathy Griffin show scheduled in Cozumel. I purchased a VIP ticket with meet and greet, and yes, it was refunded in full, but that doesn't make up for the fact that they sold tickets to an event then didn't provide it. The VERY least they could have done is acknowledged that many of us were missing a show that we were really looking forward to and offered some compensation that was not insulting.


    They "flew in" a juggler to replace that entertainment. A juggler. I wonder if KG knows that's what Carnival felt was an equal replacement for her show.

  17. what happens if you arnt on Facebook?

    How would people know?


    Why back to Freeport they could still do Key west :confused:


    I honestly do not believe they were ever even considering keeping Key West on the itinerary when they sent out that first email that showed two potential itineraries. However, they did not want to put that info out there early enough for people who had NOT already traveled to Florida to reconsider and stay home. They knew exactly what they were doing.

  18. Where did you see/hear that? We are on this sailing and weren't told that.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    It was on the letter they handed out at the terminal. They didn't expressly mention it and I would bet fully half the people there threw that letter away, just as they were expecting.


    Carnival was shady as h*ll with the way they handled this whole fiasco, and I am not at all satisfied with the "compensation".

  19. I am assuming fresh paint, carpeting, wallpaper, etc.? Did you notice anything like that? Did she look good overall? Details, please!:D


    None of this was done. The cabins didn't receive ANYTHING as far as I can tell. Most public areas area clean and well maintained, but were definitely not re-done. I honestly think all they did was add the venues like Guy's, Blue Iguana, etc. The Fantasy is definitely showing her age, but is a nice enough ship, and as I said, well maintained for her age.

  20. Various reasons. I thought it was extremely cheap of them to only gave us a small shipboard credit for one night lost - we paid more for that one night than the credit. Not to mention the enormous itinerary change and the decisions they made around that. Also because of Jonas, the supplies were missed and they had to pick up supplies at other ports so when we ate at Chops, a paid restaurant, they served us sub par steaks and wheat bread (this was towards the end of the cruise so they probably were running low on supplies). My last 2 nights I tried ordering salads at Silk and the vegetables were old and slimey.


    I love cruises and we are diamond members with RC, also we were on the Quantum last year and have always had wonderful expiriences, however this particular trip it felt like they really cheaped out.


    Seriously?! These are the "corners they cut" that cause you to believe the captain knowingly put the lives of thousands of people at risk?


    Are you for real?

  21. The saddest part is that some of the larger ships now have lawns. Why not allow us to bring our furry friends with a pet deposit. There is a huge market. Where are the investors?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I hope this never happens, despite the fact that I am a major dog lover. There are just too many opportunities for things to go wrong. You do not know the personality of other dogs, and there are irresponsible owners who would lie about their dogs' temperaments. I can see kids being bitten, people antagonizing others' dogs and causing major fights, etc. Then there is the question of what happens to the dogs on board when their people head ashore to participate in excursions....... It just isn't practical. :(

  22. Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


    (I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


    Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


    He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




    Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this.


    Aww, I am so sorry. He looks precious.


    On one of my petsits, the family cat became very ill and ended up needing to be euthanized while he was in my care. It was devastating for us, but the family was many states away and were just heartbroken.


    Decisions like the one you need to make are just so difficult. You're in my thoughts.



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