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Posts posted by Fydlstyx

  1. Have two little maltese's both housebroken.

    One will be one yr old and the other 14 months at the time.

    I know boarding is $$$ did it for my other little guy (but is now at the rainbow bridge)

    I want to give her a fair price.. she doesn't work and have two school kids.

    She has to let them out in the am, feed them. Afternoon let them out

    Supper feed them and let them out and bed time let them out.

    She lives a two minute walk and I know she could use the cash...


    I do petsitting through the website called House Carers. Have had a listing there for many years. I live in PA but primarily petsit and housesit in Florida, because I love Florida so much. Some of the people I initially met that way as strangers have become like my family. They've watched my children grow up, and we've gone back and stayed with them just for visits when they don't need a petsitter. :)


    The perks for me are that I have a free place to "live" while I petsit, often have use of the family car, and have built in furfaces to love. The perks for the family are that they have no worries while they are gone. Someone is there taking care of their beloved pets, their home is not empty, and it costs them nothing.



    (you are welcome to contact me at spinamonti at g mail dot com if you ever would like to discuss me doing a petsit for you (anyone)).

  2. It's gotta be either port canavaral or Freeport


    I was at both last year on the pride, we went on the only sailing we could do the entire year based on my sons camp and husbands work schedule


    I mean what a snooze fest these ports were . I lived in Orlando for 30 years so no thanks to Disney. Too expensive too short a trip no thanks



    They should just do away with these, do key west at least


    What's everyone else think??


    Port Canaveral and Nassau, with Key West coming in a close third.

  3. My wife has Celiac disease and as such we aren't cruising with friends or family who are familiar with her restrictions we always choose to eat at a table for 2.


    It's much easier than training someone who doesn't understand that, "NO! Please do NOT pass the bread!":rolleyes:



    Yeah. Must be tough to have to politely decline bread. :rolleyes:


    LOL - sorry, just thought this was very odd. No need to "train" anyone. No need to even disclose your wife's issues. Just decline the bread. "No thanks." Done.

  4. So the fuel barge fills up on the PORT side which is the smoking side on this ship :eek: When we were leaving on our 8 day in Feb they were telling people that the only smoking area available was the Casino bar. I don't smoke :) but my mom and sister do. I don't know if it is always like that or if because of the downpour the day we left (lido was ankle deep) I thought it was at least a good safety thing to have. :D


    During fueling on the Ecstasy, no ash trays had yet been put out and crew was actively telling smokers they were not yet permitted to smoke anywhere other than in the casino bar area.

  5. HELLO.......I'M BACK.


    Who is ready for another photo review from yours truly. This review will be just like my others.....lots of photos. Feel free to ask any and all questions along the way.




    I almost never visit CC anymore, but something told me it was time. I must be psycho....er psychic or something. :D So happy to see another review from you! They're my faves. Hope your dad is well!

  6. I have learned a few things about what to take cruising each cruise.


    1.I print out my luggage tags, fold and cover with clear packing tape. I purchased a small package of zip ties and use them to attach to any and all bags going on board.

    2.I take a photo of my luggage ( in case my tape and zip tied tags get torn off).

    3. I take a few small bungee cords to attach smaller bags to the top of my luggage. We always self debark and it makes the luggage easier to handle.

    4. We spent the extra money to purchase luggage with the 4 spinner wheels, much easier to handle.

    5.The next cruise will include a small door prop to hold the door open to hear debark instructions.

    6. If you have a room with multiple people, you can add a bit of privacy by buying an expanding tension curtain rod and a cheap curtain. you can extend this over the hallway in the cabin. It works in a lot of the cabins that have an entrance with the storage on one side and the bathroom on the other.

    7. You will not need beach towels, the ship provides them to use on board and on excursions.


    Any other suggestions?


    One suggestion I thought was fantastic came from the CD on the Ecstasy. He said every port day, before you depart the ship, take a picture with your phone or camera that you will be carrying off of the emergency contact phone number on the back of the Fun Times. They differ according to what port you are in, and you will have that number at your fingertips if you have an emergency and need to use it.

  7. and out first ever cruise. I did check the message boards and they did say that "most" had hairdryers. I also had very long (at the time) and very thick hair. I need a full size hairdryer anyway. I was not trying to get people upset. I just wanted newbies to know so that they were not put in the same situation.

    We love cruising and from the moment we got of the ship, I have been trying to get back on. And we are cruising again in 45 days. It did not ruin my trip. It just hindered me getting ready.


    Sorry you've encountered some rudeness. I don't know why people feel the need to say nasty things to people when they make innocent comments. I did not take a hairdryer on the Ecstasy last month because I just assumed there would be one in the cabin. My cabin steward did cheerfully provide one when I asked, though, and it was a perfectly acceptable hairdryer. The BEST one I have ever used was on the NCL Pearl. I purchased a similar dryer after I came home - not the same one, as they are super expensive and I am hard on my hair appliances - because I liked it so much!


    I was bummed that there was no fridge and therefore no mini-bar in the cabin on the Ecstasy, too. I hadn't ever given it any thought because I've always had these things available to me when I cruised. lol

  8. The TV is our "background noise" too. On one cruise, they played the Friend's Thanksgiving episode with Brad Pitt so many times while we were getting ready for dinner that our entire family knows EVERY word of the script. We've watched some of the game shows and a few movies. We've never seen an entire episode or movie from beginning to end, but over the course of the cruise we've seen it. It's a very odd way to see a movie...lol.


    That happened to us on NCL Sun with the movie Life As We Know It. We never watched the entire thing in one sitting, but we saw the whole thing, numerous times, as it was constantly running. lol Fortunately, we liked the movie.


    I feel that NCL has better tv offerings than Carnival. Carnival's channels have always been fuzzy when I have sailed CCL, and half the channels seem to be one form of CNN or another. I also MUCH prefer NCL's ship stats/distance sailed channel over those on Carnival. I really liked checking our progress on the NCL ships. The channel that is fed from a camera on the ship is better (IMO) on NCL, too, because it is normally on the bow; whereas CCLs, at least on the Ecstasy, is aimed out of over the pool deck.


    I don't care a lot about tv channels and shows while on board, but I do like the ability to watch a movie while lying in bed late at night, and I like that the movies are rerun so that you can catch parts of them whenever you feel like having some down time.

  9. Sounds like the normal stomach flu that goes around here in the late fall and winter time. You could have been exposed before your trip or by someone who became ill after already on the cruise.


    Our hospitals are full of influenza and stomach flu elderly people right now...turning away patients and sending them elsewhere.


    Hope you feel better soon & get your strength back !


    I am better now, thank goodness!


    It wasn't the flu...I had actually had the flu a few weeks prior to my trip. This was hellish. I am very much convinced I contracted an illness on board. The fact that others were ill as well really reinforced that idea for me. Obviously, it was not the fault of the cruise line or anyone else - I just was bothered that my steward quickly silenced me and brushed off the possibility that there was something being passed around the ship. It was the last day of cruising and it seemed they simply did not want to deal with the possibility, you know?


    If I was the next person boarding and staying in the same cabin I had, I would hope it would be disinfected. :eek:


    Edited to add that no matter where I picked up the "bug" or why, or what it was, I'd get right back on that cruise ship in a New York minute. lol

  10. OP- I would totally try to escalate this come Monday. I mean I completely feel for you. That's horrible. I have samsonite luggage as well and that stuff isn't cheap. If it went to the bottom of the ocean $50 would't even come close to covering the cost of it, and then to think of what's in it...OMG!

    Now, I wouldn't have put my iPad in it, but that's hindsight. I also travel with liquor in my luggage and have successfully flown home with it (knock on wood). I mean what other choice do you have when flying? But I really think Carnival needs to help you out here. I really feel horrible and think you should be compensated for the belongings you lost due to the negligence of the people they hire to entrust your belongings with.


    I am surprised at the people posting claiming to be so shocked that someone packed liquor in their bags. You have no choice but to pack it in luggage to be checked, as you can no longer carry it on with you when you fly home. I pack glass bottles of alcohol every time I take a cruise or travel internationally and have the opportunity to buy duty free. I take jumbo ziploc bags and pack each bottle inside of a zippy bag, then roll it in clothing, like scarves/wraps, tee shirts, etc., to add cushioning. I also put our tablet (not an iPad, but similar) into my suitcase packed between layers of clothing. I don't see any issue with that, either.


    The issue here is that they DROPPED THE BAG IN THE OCEAN. Every single item inside the bag AND the bag should be paid for. Carnival should make sure of this, as it was from their ship that the bag was being removed.


    I really liked your response. No matter what was in the bag or how it was packed, the OP is owed reimbursement.

  11. Wow, quite a variety of opinions here! Just to be clear to everyone, I do enjoy our balcony. I have had to wait in the room before for room service, or for family who are coming to our room, when I would have preferred to be on the balcony with my husband, enjoying the fresh air, views, conversation, etc. we could not hear the knocking on the door while on the balcony. My plan is to glue a magnet to the back of the button so that I can move it inside the room when I am not on the balcony. And I'm looking at a very small $ investment for this. Probably in the $20 range. I can easily place a post it note above the doorbell that says "please ring bell" or something similar.


    I don't really understand why some of you seem to be offended that I would want something like this?!?!?! I will be getting one in the next few days for both of my up coming cruises. I would be happy to report back on how successful it was.


    I'm looking forward to enjoying my balcony without feeling like I need to stay in my room waiting for a knock. (Oh, and why would a doorbell be worse than leaving your door open for anyone to pop in? No thanks!)



    I think it is a cool idea. Sorry you've been subjected to such rudeness. CC did not used to be this way. :(

  12. Just off the Ecstasy Friday. I became very sick Thursday night while still on board and actually spoke to a couple of people who also experienced symptoms. I have been home four days and am just hoping it soon subsides.


    I am curious if others on this sailing got sick, as well. When I mentioned to a cabin steward that I felt there was a number of us with similar symptoms, he was very quick to brush it off.



  13. I just tried to unwind my infinity scarf and wrap it around my shoulders to keep warm. I wasn't warm and my DH thought I looked goofy. Get one black pashmina and definitely bring lipstick![ATTACH]335347[/ATTACH]



    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app



    LOL!! That is one teeny tiny infinity scarf! All the ones I have are big enough to wrap around your shoulders once you shake them out to their full width. I have one on at my office right now. You're gonna need a bigger one. :D

  14. We sail NCL and never bring any dress clothes or dress shoes. We always look nice but hate to dress up on a cruise. I bring a lot of bathing suits, covers, tee shirts and shorts for daytime and capris and pretty tops for me and nice shorts, Kaki's and polos for hubby for night. You can never have enough casual wear for the daytime hot and humid weather. Why would you bring infinity scarfs? You will never wear them IMAO. Bring shoes that are comfy. Skip the high heels. Almost impossible to walk in heels on a rocking ship.


    I always bring several infinity scarves and wraps/pashminas. I find the dining room, theater and bars to be very cold, and these items come in handy to wrap around my shoulders.


    I also bring about six pair of shoes (at least) for a seven day cruise. I have that many packed for the four day I am leaving on on Monday. :) Half are high heels/wedges for with formal wear and maxi skirts, and half are flats/sandals/flip flops.


    I always overpack to the extreme, but I do it on purpose. I want to have tons of options and on almost every cruise I go on, someone borrows some item of clothing from me, so there's that!


    I would suggest to OP that if you are taking a Kindle to read by the pool or on the beach, bring a large ziploc bag to put it in so that you can read it while it is protected from water, sand, spilled drinks, etc.

  15. There were two things recently that actually caught my eye that I really liked -- one review was written by the 13 year old daughter. It was fun to read about the cruise experience from a young girl's perspective (and it was written quite well).




    I read a review a couple of weeks ago written from the perspective of a baby. I think he was around 2 and his mom did all the posting for him. ;) I was prepared to not like it and ended up loving it, probably partially because his mom was an engaging writer with great grammar and spelling, and the offhand comments "from the baby" were often hilarious.

  16. Allow me to add my voice to those deploring

    *bad grammar

    *poor word choice

    *Excess Capitals

    *silly spelling mistakes like "dinning" for "dining"

    and other evidence of the mass illiteracy sweeping our society .. harrumph!;)


    Can we please get rid of the word anyways, too? Anyway does not have an s at the end of it. :cool:

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