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Posts posted by Fydlstyx

  1. I understand that. What I'm calling Cranky, is when you label somebody else rude simply because you're not getting what you want. I'll be honest, I've done it (usually when I can't make a turn while my light is green because somebody is crossing the street I'm turning onto; or for other whiny crap like that). These labels don't stand up to examination and neither does this one. You don't get what you want, you start looking for somebody to blame, and you find somebody whose behavior is in some way not what you think it should be. That's when the labels start. That's the scenario I'm talking about.


    What I'm seeing here, is people who don't want to share a table see somebody occupying a seat; envision how that could potentially lead to them having to share a table; and then they decide that it's positively wrong.


    And putting one person's selfish desire to not share a table against somebody else's selfish desire to sit at a table and read does not make sense. One is not better than the other, they are equal.


    I can also balance your "there of plenty of places to sit and read" with there were seven other chairs at that one table alone where somebody could sit and eat.


    Because, while there are many places to sit and read, there are not many places outside the eating areas where you can pull a chair up to a table (which some might prefer just as much as others prefer to have a table to themselves). So one person's insistence that she not read in the buffet is equal in merits with her choice to do it anyway.


    Further, nobody seems to consider that she might have been hoping that others would join her. Sitting at a 2-seater is just shy of a guarantee nobody is going to share your table. Even if it's crowded, it's more likely somebody will the take the empty chair to another table. Sitting alone at a table for 8 says "there's room here, come join me".


    And whether you think this behavior is rude or not, there is absolutely no need or excuse to deal with it by being rude. In fact, responding with rudeness is counterproductive.


    You can politely ask if you can share the table. If you need a whole table, you can politely ask if they will be done with the table soon. These are good manners.


    If I were reading and somebody asks politely to share my table, I will say yes. And it will pull my attention away from my book long enough to notice if the area is really crowded. It which case, I'll probably decide to leave. If somebody politely asks me if I'll be done with my table soon, it will have the same affect.


    If somebody behaves rudely about my reading in an eating area, I'll still share the table if they need a place to sit. But I'm going to stay put and continue to read until they leave (that's the counterproductive part).


    You're kind of awesome. ;)

  2. If we (DH and I) were not having any luck finding a seat. I would have no trouble parking myself at their table.

    I might ask "Are you alone"? If they answer yes. We're sharing, like it or not.


    I know this is an old thread, but have to ask.....will you be ok when I come to dinner alone and do the same while you and your husband are sharing a table? When I vacation alone, I read while I eat. I have every bit as much right to a table to eat as you do, so am baffled by your hostility.

  3. My husband and I are foodies and it's, hands down, the best steakhouse we've ever dined. Well worth the price.


    I am totally not stalking you, but now that I saw you post in the Roll Call for this week, I noticed your name on this post, too, and was curious - are you doing the Chef's Table on the Ecstasy? I am. Am looking forward to it. Wondered if you'd done this in the past and what you thought of it.



  4. Planning to go on a cruise for my 30th without the kkds. Always wanted to go on a Disney cruise but they are so expensive. Found an awesome deal for a day cruise to Nassau and castaway cay for 1200. Then started looking and other lines and most of their 3 days are less than half the cost. It's leaving out of port Canaveral ( already bought the flight for this day) so it either 3 day disney on the dream or 3 day on royal Caribbean. Is disney really worth the extra money? Don't really care about the characters sp that's not why I'm going with disney.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Forums mobile app


    If I were taking a solo cruise, there's no way I would consider Disney, as I would want to relax and NOT deal with a million kids. :)

  5. We once saw a small boat with a sail stitched together from different fabric with 4 men on board. Even from far away we could tell they were sunburned and looked like they were physically struggling.


    They were Cuban refugees trying to make it to America but they were very off course. We stopped and got them. It was the second day of the cruise and they gave us updates throughout the cruise. They were kept in the jail and the ship tried to offload them at every port but no one would take them. We met the US coast guard early am the last day of the cruise and they took them and brought them back to Cuba.



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    Wow. That's some excitement to witness, huh? I do feel badly to hear that they were kept in the jail, but I guess it's not like there is just a spare room somewhere for them to be put up in. :( I am glad they were rescued and hope they were treated well.


    Thanks for sharing.

  6. My review pet peeve is really bad grammar or a lot of obvious spelling mistakes, missed words, etc. Like you, I dislike when the reviewer complains about the weather being bad as if the cruise line is at fault. Glaringly incorrect statements bother me, too. For instance, someone once said in a review that the lunch buffet was only open for an hour a day. The way it was phrased indicated that they were talking about the main Lido buffet, which is open for many hours each day.


    My favorite parts of reviews are usually food porn and a lot of photos!

  7. My review pet peeve is really bad grammar or a lot of obvious spelling mistakes, missed words, etc. Like you, I dislike when the reviewer complains about the weather being bad as if the cruise line is at fault. Glaringly incorrect statements bother me, too. For instance, someone once said in a review that the lunch buffet was only open for an hour a day. The way it was phrased indicated that they were talking about the main Lido buffet, which is open for many hours each day.


    My favorite parts of reviews are usually food porn and a lot of photos!

  8. Could you provide some proof that this is true?


    While none of us were there, making it impossible for anyone posting to "prove" the validity of the reports of the attack, I would think the reports should be sufficient to "convince" you. You can google and find numerous sources. I am opting to include a link from NY Daily News.




  9. This did actually happen, although it was sexual assault and attempted murder, and he entered a guilty plea. The female victim did survive. I believe the trial was in September 2014.


    There are bad people everywhere, all we have to do is read a newspaper or listen to the 10PM news.


    Treat people with respect and be smart and aware. I believe this was an extremely rare occurrence for a cruise ship.


    While we all really want to believe it is an extremely rare occurrence, the fact that it has happened again already makes it seem like it is becoming less rare. I have to admit that this IS something I worry about when I cruise. I am concerned when I return to my cabin alone and enter it that there is the possibility that someone is in there already. :mad:

  10. Think about really. If they wanted in your room to kill you would it really matter whether they where off duty or on duty ? Also if your not the kind to belittle anyone then there would be nothing to worry about... Just sayin'



    I truly hope you do not think this is true and that you were just being facetious. You know that the woman who was assaulted didn't actually "belittle" the crew member, right? He HEARD her utter the words, "son of a b*tch" while she was getting to the door and assumed she was insulting him, according to the information released. His perception that she had insulted him incited his rage. Because he was unstable to begin with, obviously.


    Victim blaming makes little sense in most cases and absolutely none in this case.

  11. Point taken...yes indeed, I am a hypocrite. Please feel free to bypass the rest of my ramblings. Sorry for the offense.


    No, actually, you aren't a hypocrite. Laughing at the goings on at the guest relations desk and ogling and commenting on a young lady's body, which is what I assume took place as your daughter sunbathed, are ENTIRELY different things, and only an ogre would not be able to make the distinction. :rolleyes:

  12. All the complaints by OP has rattled my curiosity.


    In all the Meet and Greet sessions I have attended on NCL, the officers practically beg us to let them know of ANYTHING they can do to make our cruise the best.


    Did OP let them know of the complaints, or did OP wait to get home to post on CC about his gripes??


    They have always been very anxious to correct problems that are brought to their attention.


    I would venture to say no, that the OP likely did not share their concerns or disappointments with officers or staff. Had the OP done that, I bet someone would have mentioned that you can use your cabin key card to get cash in the casino. You do not have to pay the ATM fee. You just take your cabin card to the window where you would cash in your winnings and sign some paperwork and they give you cash, which is charged against your shipboard account at absolutely no cost to you. I believe there is a limit for the transactions but am not sure what it is because I was happy just taking out $100.


    I think it would be interesting to see a copy of the Freestyle Daily papers from the cruise, as well, because I can't imagine it just being blank and not having any evening activities!

  13. Thanks for sharing your awesome review. It was so fun to read the entire thing. It really felt like I was on the trip. Your writing style is so friendly and fun, and you provide so much detail! I was as sad as you about it being over. :)


    You know why you kept having little positive surprises like the bobsled ride, the room upgrade, the limo when you expected a town car, etc? It's because everything about you is positive and fun! That's infectious and clearly people wanted to give something back to you!


    Thanks again for writing all of this and sharing the pics. I hope to share a cruise with you someday!



  14. Sorry to hear. I did finally reach the concierge desk. They asked if I had received out welcome letter. I told them no.


    They e-mailed over a list of stuff we could choose from to set up the suite. Types of pillows, 3 bottles of liquor, soda in the fridge, etc. Hopefully the VIP embarkation and everything else works out too. Though we are sailing with family that's not in a suite, so we may be stuck doing regular boarding.


    I wonder if Flying Dutchmen cruises are different than Sixthman cruises.



    That is awesome! And yes, it sounds like FD and Sixthman are very different experiences. :rolleyes: Have a blast!

  15. That is disappointing to hear (but better for me to know now, so I don't get my expectations up). My husband and I will be going on our first cruise in October - the Welcome to Jamrock cruise, also chartered by Flying Dutchmen (same ones who did your Country Cruise, I believe). I booked an aft penthouse suite, and one reason was for the perks - since we have never cruised, I thought the priority boarding would be helpful. Was your cruise out of Miami? Was there no Suite/VIP Checkin area?


    Also, did you get to eat breakfast and lunch at Cagneys?


    The description of the suite on the Flying Dutchmen Welcome to Jamrock web page does say "Includes butler and concierge service" but it doesn't mention the priority boarding or other perks. I read about that on the NCL website.


    I hope the suite will still be worth the extra cost - but even if not, the incredible lineup is bound to make me happy :)




    Yep - Cagney's breakfast/lunch was included and delicious. :)


    There was no priority/suite check in area, and when I asked about it, I was rudely told that it did not matter if we were in a suite. (Shut up and go wait where we told you kind of attitude :rolleyes:) No one came out to escort us to the suite, and the keycard was not different. I know that's unimportant, but is just another small thing that was not included despite the astronomical price for the suite.


    The suite was very nice and we were happy with it. We did receive a few treats, too - choco covered strawberries, etc., that were delivered to the cabin while we were out. One piece of advice I will give you is that you should ask the cabin steward what time treats will be delivered because frequently we came back to some fruit or sandwiches that looked very nice, but that had been sitting out for an unknown period of time and were warm to the touch (ick).


    I was disappointed at the lack of priority boarding, never meeting the concierge and butler until disembarkation, and the absolute cluster that was priority disembarking.


    There was a lot I liked about the cruise. There was a lot that left much to be desired, too. I would not ever cruise with FD again for a number of reasons, one of which is their utter lack of basic courtesy at the "hospitality desk". While Ann and Tracy were very nice to us via email, etc., the people they had working their hospitality desk were flat out rude.


    I think you will like your aft penthouse suite very much - we had the opportunity to see one of those and the location is perfect. :) Have a fantastic cruise, and call the butler and concierge if you don't see them and you need/want something! I will be anxious to hear how your trip went when you get back.

  16. We boarded the Valor on 1/26/14 in San Juan. I went to leave the ship to get some water at the local CVS and my card going thru security gave a message to go to the luggage sorting area to have my suitcase opened. I thought that was odd until I remembered I had 4-inch Buck-knife in my daypack inside my suitcase. That knife has been in that same pack for over 15 years. That is all I thought might have been a problem. Why now? I’ve had that same knife on nearly all of my Carnival cruises.


    I went off of the ship and met with 2 security screeners that said they found something in my suitcase and wanted me present while they opened it. They opened my suitcase and said they saw on their scanner that I had a “Leatherman” tool. They looked thru the contents and didn’t find a “Leatherman” but did find the 4-inch knife. They said the knife was OK since it was 4 inches or less.


    They scanned the suitcase again and said they still see a “Leatherman”. They still couldn’t find it when looking again. To save time and to be helpful, I opened an interior pocket inside my daypack and pulled out a 2-inch folded medical tool. This little tool has ½ inch mini-pliers for bottle caps, ½ inch scissors, a 1-inch blade and removable tweezers. I bought it at my family pharmacy almost 15 years ago and it has been on every cruise with me since.


    I use the tool to open medicine bottle caps and to puncture the foil film every morning due to arthritis in my hands and I also custom cut a bandage and pad with the mini scissors due to a chronic injury to my leg.


    When I handed the tool to the 2 security screeners they giggled about how small the tool was. I explained to them I have taken it on all of my recent cruises on Carnival (and Holland and NCL) but this is the first time I haven’t carried it in my carry-on. Carnival has looked at this mini-tool many times in the past and always passed it thru with me. Well, not this time!


    It didn’t matter to them what I used it for. They continued to go on at length that this is a ”multi-tool” just as is any other “Leatherman”. I was told I was not allowed to take it on-board – “… no exceptions for any reason.” When it was clear they were not going to allow me to take it with me. I asked if I could at least get it back when I returned to Puerto Rico. They said no. Once I leave security, I do not have any opportunity to get it back. That is the way it went! To rub salt in my wound (no pun intended), they giggled more when I was walking away with my suitcase. They were debating out load over which of them was going to get to keep it. They must not realize how their voices project in that interior room. That; or they really are that ignorant.


    I had a very difficult trip in what would have otherwise been a very good cruise. To open my med bottles I had to use the sharp edge of the nightstands to pound the caps off. Then I used this cumbersome Buck-knife to puncture the seals. Trying to cut my bandages with a Buck-knife instead of medical scissors was a nightmare. I never did get any well fitted and had a bad time of it.


    Today I had over an hour-long conversation with Carnival customer services about my bad ordeal. They said they were very sorry this happened but there was nothing they could do about it. I asked if I could have it returned to me and they repeatedly said it would have been destroyed upon confiscation. That was a bold-faced lie. They didn’t know how to respond to me when I informed them of the security screeners going on about which of them was going to keep it. The Carnival rep today didn’t know what to say when I proved I recorded the ordeal on my i-phone 5.


    All I got was an, “I’m sorry this happened to you.” They refused to get it back for me or to even reimburse me for the little original purchase cost.


    It doesn’t make any sense to me to allow a 4-inch folding hunting knife on board but I can’t bring a 2-inch folded medical tool with a pharmacy label on it.


    I guess I’ll have to find other vacation options in the future. I did cancel my next Carnival cruise today. I don’t know if I will book another one. The only way I could ever go again is if I could take another medical tool like I did many times before.


    Thanks for letting me vent.


    Next time, just ask the cabin steward for a pair of scissors. No need for an ordeal to open the packaging.

  17. We're booked in to an Owner's Suite (S3) on the Pearl (Cabin 9504) sailing out of Miami next Friday. This is a music charter run by Sixthman.


    Anyone know if the amenities that usually come with a Haven suite (butler/concierge/access to the Haven) are limited because it's a music charter? I ask because we haven't gotten a pre-cruise welcome letter/packet that I've seen mentioned on here. I've also emailed the Concierge Desk several days ago and gotten no response.


    This is our first cruise and I just trying to figure out what's available to us.




    I was on a chartered cruise (the Country Cruising cruise on the Pearl) in January, in a 2 bedroom suite, and can tell you that very few of the expected suite perks were offered. No priority boarding, the concierge and butler were pretty much invisible/non-existent, etc. There was a bottle of champagne waiting in the suite when we arrived.

  18. You say you booked this cruise for this performer. His representatives have offered a free ticket and 'meet and greet' at a concert in the future, thereby honoring the price you may have paid for seeing him. If you are telling us the truth about him being the reason for booking this cruise, you should be satisfied with the future ticket since you will be seeing him later. That you had the rest of the cruise to enjoy, you haven't lost much, if anything - the cruise wasn't cancelled, only his performance was cancelled due to his own stupidity. Asking for a refund is getting a bit greedy if you really wanted to see him perform. Your future concert ticket will give you that same opportunity, and that should be enough. Asking for a refund suggests he wasn't the real reason for booking this cruise, and now you want to cash in on what you see as an opportunity to make a few bucks.



    You have made a lot of assumptions and have one hundred percent demonstrated the old adage about doing that.

  19. Sorry, NCL... Not Royal.


    Most of the time, similar cruises leaving from FL and going to the Caribbean run very similarly priced no matter which if the mass market lines you are sailing on.


    I wish you luck getting what you want. If the travel agent wont go for money back, perhaps you might ask the travel agency for a perk for a future cruise booked through them, if you want to take a non-charter cruise? They might be willing to give you either a discount or some OBC on a future cruise. You could then take a trip at a time and place good for you.


    Those are good suggestions. Thanks.


    I have always thought RCC was higher priced. I do not know why, since I have never checked into them at all!

  20. It looks like there were a number if other performers on the cruise, not just this one. I also see that his people are offering not just a concert ticket, but also a backstage pass and a chance to meet the performer.


    Yes, the prices are a little higher than the average cruise on a Royal ship, but I know of a few others that are similarly priced group cruises. I'm looking at one that is about $450 per person higher than just the cruise the weeks before and after for next year. It is a group of people I want to cruise with, though, so I'm willing to pay it.


    I do believe you are being unreasonable in asking for a partial refund. You attended or had the opportunity to attend performances by other singers.


    Maybe you might ask for a second ticket, since you need one for a partner to attend the make-up concert, but I wouldn't expect a cash refund. If you do get a refund, I wouldn't expect more than $75 per person, and that instead of the concert ticket once he returns to performing.


    Thanks for sharing your opinion. I appreciate all of the civil responses I've gotten from CC members, even if they don't match my opinion. :) To clarify, a meet and greet was also part of the package ON the cruise, as was the opportunity to socialize with the artists around the ship. I do not know how prices compare between NCL and Royal Caribbean, as I have never sailed on or looked into a RCC cruise, and am not sure what relevance that has.


    The main reason I feel passengers are entitled to a partial cash refund is that obviously the TA is not going to pay for an appearance that did not happen, and I feel they owe it to passengers to give some of that back rather than keep it as profit.


    Some people from the cruise are already attempting to schedule a show to use their comped tickets and I think that's a bad idea. If the man is in rehab, I don't think planning to see him in a month is wise, as those shows will likely be canceled. I do not know if there is an expiration on the comped tickets, as information has not exactly been free flowing. We'll find out, I guess! Hopefully, he will do a show in my area so that I would not have to incur travel expenses to redeem that ticket!


    Have fun on your cruise! I already wish I could schedule another one (not a chartered cruise, though....I think I have had enough of that for a while!).

  21. Looking for some suggestions from fellow cruisers on Miami hotels with cruise packages. Previously stayed at Embassy Airport, but hoping for somewhere a little more reasonable than $300 and closer to restaurants. Also open to idea of not going with a package if someone has had a great experience? Any info would be greatly appreciated!



    Avoid the Quality Inn Airport on 79th Ave. It was FILTHY, everything felt damp, and the room was tiny. They filled the cruise shuttle for 10 and said we could not leave til noon. Shady area. Shady clientele. It was YUK.

  22. Seeing you say you can use the ticket, I consider that ample.


    Life is full of small disappointments. Someone does not always have to 'pay' for them. IMO


    Hopefully you had a fun cruise and enjoyed all else........ or most of the 'else'.

    No one will go through this life without sometimes not getting every single tiny thing we expect. This is one of those times you did not get a check mark beside every feature you expected. In the whole scheme of your cruise, did it make THat big a difference?

    I sincerely hope not.


    Hopefully you will use the concert ticket and have a great time.


    Well, it really DID make that big a difference, as I would never have booked the cruise if he was not on it. It was very expensive, and I only spent the money because Trace Adkins was a part of the cruise. So it wasn't a small thing like the pools not being filled, or not having lobster night or something like that. :)


    Certainly there are many disappointments in life, and no one has to pay for all of them. I understand what you are saying there. However, do you believe the TA should keep the money that will be refunded to them as profit? That hardly seems fair, either.

  23. Just curious, why would the TA be re-imbursed?



    The TA should be reimbursed because they booked Trace and he did not fulfill his obligation. It was a charter cruise. There's no way they are going to allow him to keep the money they paid him after the fiasco that caused him to leave the ship. If it had been something beyond his control, like illness, maybe there would be some disagreement about that, but I can't imagine Trace's reps even TRYING to keep the money he was paid.

  24. Will you ever actually be able to use the concert ticket? If similar happened to us, I know the "free" concert ticket would be of no use.


    IMHO that is no compensation at all. I think the organizers owe you cash. I can't figure out, though, how to calculate the amount. Any idea what his fee was for the cruise? Maybe that amount divided by the # of pax as a refund to each passenger would be fair. And they can keep the offer of a concert ticket ;)


    I will probably be able to use the ticket, but will have to purchase another one in order to have someone go with me.


    I have the same issue you mention about trying to determine what a fair amount for a refund is, because I have no idea what it cost to have Trace there. The ticket was a nice gesture, and came from Trace's people. That's why I think the travel agency still owes us all something. I am sure they will be refunded the money they paid to have Trace headline, so it just seems obvious that they should be paying some of that back to the passengers (obvious to me, anyway).

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