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Posts posted by Fydlstyx

  1. I'm glad it has helped! (Can you tell I'm a teacher...? I have to make sure we have the foundation - or the layout - before we build upon it with the "rest of the story"!!!!)


    The best part is that the grammar, punctuation, and spelling are just the way they should be. ;) I always enjoy reading pic reviews, and am not nit-picky about that stuff, but some of them make my teeth itch.

  2. It’s just…beautiful. They’ve brought in these flying birds, designed by Carmel Mooney, and made of blue Murano glass…and during the day, there are sounds of birds actually chirping as you walk through the gardens. At night, you’ll hear crickets. It’s amazing.


    Your review has been awesome. I am really enjoying reading it! This surprised me. Are the bird chirping sounds recorded? REAL birds don't actually live in the Central Park area of the ship, right???


    Thanks again for sharing!


  3. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily enough. If you've ever had the displeasure of contracting a skin or nail fungus after having a manicure or pedicure, or having soaked in an improperly cleaned jetted tub, you would understand. Organisms can remain even after the procedure you describe, and the after-effects are rather unpleasant. In order to properly disinfect, bleach is generally the accepted method. Since I don't know whether or not the cruise lines use bleach to disinfect the jetted tubs, I don't use them. Been there, done that, and not gonna do it again. ;)


    Thanks for your response. Sorry you've had a bad experience. I hope they use bleach! :eek:

  4. I'm always concerned with how well can they clean a whirlpool tub between guests.


    Why? I mean, what exactly is your concern? I would hope they would clean the tub just like any other. Before you get in, just put some hot water in the tub and run the jets for a minute or two, then drain and fill it back up with clean water. That way, anything that has settled in the jets is not sent into your bath water! :)

  5. A word of advice - they will wear you down mentally - expect a 3-hour wait max and then they'll show you all of the wonderful niceties and properties on-site. Then, they'll hit you with 3 different folks - and try to get you to sign up for their program. You get a 3rd trip if you sign up with them too. We got the cruise, the 5-day vacation getaway to Aruba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Hawaii (our choice) and a severe headache.


    Bring a book or a PDA cell phone to pass the time.


    Our time share presentation was in Virginia. We said no multiple times and they dragged over another salesman, and when we got to salesman number three, I had a lightbulb moment. I started talking like they were convincing me and then said, "Do a lot of people bring their dogs?" A look of horror passed over the dude's face as he exclaimed that their property is entirely pet free (which I knew because I read that in the brochure in the room the night before). I looked suitably disappointed and said that of course we could not buy then because we do not travel without our dogs for longer than one or two nights. One last halfhearted attempt at selling, to which my husband replied, "Forget it. She never leaves those dogs," with a little shake of his head and a look that told the salesman I am a nut. Boom. Done. (Although he did advise that he knew how we could illegally and unethically pass our dogs off as service dogs).


    Took the "free" Spirit incentives cruise on Norwegian and never looked back. The cruise was fabulous. The process for reserving was extremely easy, and I noticed that a lot of people who carry on about it being fake or being difficult to book, etc (on other boards, not here) simply failed to follow the instructions. If you follow them exactly, it seems to work out just fine!

  6. Lots of great tips on here. Still pondering if I should take a Kindle on my trip, because, ya know, isn't there supposed to be "relaxing time" on a cruise? *eyeroll* I am thinking between the excursions, the on board entertainment, and whatnot, I'm never going to read! (Alaska, Celebrity Millennium, first time cruising)


    Definitely take the Kindle! Take a ziploc bag that it will fit into, as well. Then you can shove the Kindle in the bag and read it poolside or at the beach and never worry about it getting wet or getting sand in it. :)

  7. No we have never found anything in a cabin. But my daughter is a loser. I cannot remember a trip when we came home with everything. On the Carnival Freedom 2 summers ago she lost her only souvenir a Key West sweatshirt. I called Carnival when I got home but they never found it. Another teen from the cruise said that he had seen another girl from the cruise wearing the same one in the airport. They both probubly bought the same one but it makes you wonder.


    LMAO. Does your daughter know you are going around calling her a loser? hehehehehe

  8. My mother and I reserved our spots on the next Country Cruise and cannot wait! It's on the Pearl, and goes to Ocho Rios, Grand Caymen, and Cozumel. From past experience we know that we will stay on the ship in Ocho Rios. Cozumel will be new for us, and this will be my mom's first NCL cruise. She's going to love it.


    I am going to keep an eye out for a Roll Call, but wanted to post here and see if anyone did last year's cruise through Flying Dutchman Travel. I'd love to hear about your experience with the cruise.


    Counting down for almost an entire year might just kill me. With excitement. :D



  9. CarnivalLegendVacation-2011277.jpg

    I'm not sure what type of monkey this was but he sure liked my dad's hat. He kept trying to take it off




    I am killing another day at work reading more of your reviews. :rolleyes: I have avoided the itinerary that goes to Roatan and Belize because I was afraid it would not be safe there. Your pics are making me want to go, though. I guess if you book excursions the way that you did to keep the time filled up, it would be safe? Was there any time you did not feel at ease?




  10. Thank-You.....You can't help but to be positive and happy when you're on a cruise :)


    You know how when you have a favorite tv show and it is the final season, then the show comes to an end and every week at the time you always watched it, you feel sad because it is over?


    Your review is my tv show. :D I am looking forward to your next cruise so we get another review.



  11. The worse:


    free style dining on ncl (waiting way to long to eat in the main dining on nlc), room service on NCL, NCL in general.

    all the sale pitches

    muster drill (we typically skip it, and unpack during this time. Since I'm a responsible parent now, no more skipping)

    bingo (we bring the portable dvd player and headphones)


    This is SO funny - I am completely the opposite of you. I never had to wait for freestyle dining on NCL and always got the kind of table I preferred, didn't run into ANY sales pitches on NCL, and had decent experiences with room service.


    On Carnival, I felt that there was a constant sales pitch flying at me from EVERY direction. Want a massage? Forget relaxing, because as soon as it concludes, the therapist will hold you captive and try and sell you a bunch of crap instead of leaving so you can get dressed. I preferred NCL completely over Carnival.


    I don't say this to negate your opinion or try and convince you that you are wrong - I just found it funny that we have the exact same opinion, on the exact opposite cruise lines! :)

  12. Besides, if you give them the cash they can spend it to get something they really want instead of getting some gift that a stranger picked out for them.


    With cash, if they want candy, they can buy their favorite kind instead being stuck with your favorite kind.


    But they will be gracious and thank you politely and tell you how pleased they are no matter what you give them, even if they are going to toss it right into the trash.



    Just remembering the golden rule: do unto others.....

    If you have ever needed to support yourself by working at a low income job (which many of us have done at some stage of our lives), consider whether you would have preferred to receive money, some candy, or a souvenir from a customer's home town.



    Now if someone from Detroit, for instance, wanted to give you a brand new car as a home town souvenir..........then that would be a different story. :D




    It always amazes me that people seem to read only what they want to see in a post, and then respond to what they think they read.


    I certainly did not take anything away from my steward who may have been "supporting a family back home". I very clearly stated that I gave the steward tips daily, in addition to the automatically added gratuities.


    The gifts that I chose to give him were small, fun things. I will continue to do that. I enjoy it.



  13. If someone's still looking for a flashlight app for their iPhone - the one I use is called Flashlight by John Haney software - brighter than some others and limited options, which I like. Quick to turn on or off; very useful.


    You can also get phrasebooks and maps that work offline, when you don't have (or don't want to use) a data connection.


    Mine is called Brightest Flashlight, and I think I could signal other planets with it. It also makes a bizarre wheeeeeeeep sound when it turns on. I am smart phone challenged. My husband put it on the phone for him. It's....different. lol

  14. Re: #6: Order room service if going on an early shore excursion- this way you can continue getting ready while eating, sipping coffee, etc. If ordering coffee for 2 and you want more than a cup each - order coffee for 3 or more - and for the other items - put number required on by each. We always managed to be first or second on line for the exit ramps this way. We would always order a pitcher of water to fill out water bottles with also.

    Re: #'s 9 & 10 - repeat.


    I found it crazy that on Carnival they would not send a pitcher of iced tea to my cabin (NCL had no problem bringing this daily), so I said to the woman on the phone, "Ok, can I get iced tea for six (or 5 or 7, I don't remember) and they cheerfully brought me a tray with a bunch of glasses of iced tea. Really unnecessary and made more work for them. A pitcher would have been much more sensible, but ok. lol

  15. I take a fan for the White noise it helps me sleep, I also bring a bungee cord to hold the balcony door open so if I want to sleep with the sound of the ocean i can also do that.


    I so wanted to do this, but even out in the middle of the ocean, I convinced myself that it was marginally possible that someone evil could climb onto my balcony and bludgeon me in my sleep. :rolleyes: I guess I have issues. lol!

  16. Great ideas! I am definitely going to bring the room steward a small gift from our area, Lake Tahoe. Just a great way to start your week with the person who is cleaning your room and taking care of the little things for you. We will be on the Oasis in April and this well be our 12th cruise in all... still love to read these tips! I am going to make my list of five to add... if there is something left after all of these great suggestions!! :D


    I live in Pennsylvania so I took fresh Hershey's candy and some other packaged snacks that are common pretty much only around here. I also am "guilty" of taking a Penn State t-shirt for my cabin steward, and I left notes for him on postcards that depicted various things that I like about PA. Didn't care if he pitched them after reading....I just thought it was certainly more interesting than a plain sheet of paper or a dry erase board! :) I left tips daily in addition to the prepaid gratuities, and I had a blast folding each of the bills into cute things. One night I did a butterfly, one night I made a little person (pants and a shirt), my daughter folded some bills into a box with a lid and I put a Hershey kiss inside one night. It was fun....and I can never ever say that "I never even saw my cabin steward" as I have seen some people say.


    My cabin steward knew my name, greeted me every time he saw me, and was very attentive. Certainly that could simply be the way he operates, but I choose to believe that he also enjoyed the stuff I left.

  17. My dad is a diabetic and he needs to keep his insulin cold. There weren't any mini-fridges left on the Sensation so every night Johnathan filled a cooler full of ice so that the insulin would stay cold.


    I know I keep commenting on your review, and I hope that you don't think I am a nutjob stalker type person (I am not, usually, I promise!) but I would love to be on the same cruise as you and your dad sometime.


    The one thing that I keep noticing is that there is NOTHING negative in your reviews. It poured down rain? Yeah, the rain was peaceful. Out of fridges? They kept the cooler full. You just do not complain. The positive outlook you keep no matter what is really awesome. Don't be freaked out if my mom and I show up on a roll call with you sometime. lol



  18. OK I am back and ready to complete the first half of this review on the Carnival Ecstasy......



    This was the chocolate almond cake with butter pecan ice cream. You would definitely need some ice cream to go along with the cake because it was pretty rich. I realize I didn't get many pics of food on this cruise



    OK. I was envious of you before, but now that I have seen this pic while eating a crappy granola bar for breakfast, I am just plain jealous. :D


    I love your review and can't wait to go find the second half. It's so great that you and your dad can cruise together. These are memories that you will cherish, for sure!


    Thanks for letting us share a bit of your fun.



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