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Posts posted by guitarest


    You are so welcome, it's truly my pleasure to help everyone to cruise with their Service/Working Dog.


    You know your rights, you know all that you've been through to have your amazing hero by your side and most importantly your self respect and dignity will be intact!!!!!!


    All that being said, I had a woman, in an elevator onboard the Celebrity Summit who hit Brenda with her cane. It took all my self discipline to not deck that witch. I used my words and told her that there is a huge fine assessed to anyone who harms a Service Dog and if she didn't stay away from Brenda the rest of the cruise I would call Security and would file a lawsuit against her.


    I passed her a few times in the hallways but she stayed away from us and her husband even re-directed her when she was walking towards us.


    Be ready, be prepared, don't be caught off guard!



    Your a better person than I am, if someone even thought of doing that with Blitz I would smack them right back with my cane.... One thing to his advantage is he doesn't even look like a normal GSD (German Shepherd Dog) since he is sable in color. This color is the main color that most K9's are especially with foreign military K9's and security police. So Blitz has the fear factor working for him although he is a big ole huge creme puff.....


    Today is a day off for most in my area with Mardi Gras Parades and since I don't really care for parades I stayed home and had a special day. About 3:30 Blitz started barking and then the back door started making noises; my daughter and her boy friend stopped by. They stayed about 2 hours and played with Blitz and the Mel (the GSD puppy) and I realised exactly how much that little puppy has actually grown. Last time my aughter was home we picked up Mel from the breeder and when my daughter picked up Mel she became a really big puppy right before my eyes. Wow after seeing the pup every day she doesn't appear to get bigger but in 2 months she sure grew allot.


    Great story.....I think seeing Blitz in the store really caught the "bad guys" off guard and they thought he would be a threat to them.....how cool is that!!!!

    Your demeanor will make all the difference in the world as to how you present Blitz to the public. Make sure he is always acting appropriately and get him used to hearing you speak and order your commands in a soft but firm voice. This is preparing him for his public exposure. You, using a loud or big voice will only scare the folks around you. And, it's not necessary for a well trained dog!



    I am always talking to Blitz and he is always looking up at me or focusing on me for commands. He doesn't do anything without my approval and is very careful around people. I have had only one bad time with Blitz and it wasn't even his fault; we were in a different Roushes Supermarket and a older woman was in front of us in the check out line and she started in on the "why the hell do they let dogs in here". I over heard her and sparked up a conversation since the huge orange vest wasn't visible enough it only covered his entire back; lol. Then this woman started in on me even though my mobility is plainly visible that I am disabled. Then she started in on Blitz and how she is offended that dog hairs could get on her; etc.... Basically this woman was having a crap day and took it out on us; although the cashier did advise the woman about Blitz and I coming to the store often and his status as a "Service Dog". The woman then said she worked in social services and that some people just should not be allowed to have animals etc.... Basically I chalked it up to her having a bad day and she also told me of a time as a child she was attacked by a shepherd. Well I was also attacked as a child and still have the scars but that was in the 70's and this is not the 70's. Some people just like to make others lives as bad as they feel; I really felt bad for her since she was just a nasty old woman...


    All the other times great times with Blitz, he is a huge ambassador for his breed for sure.


    Thanks again for for sharing your vast knowledge.


    It's so hard to come to the realization that my Brenny is not human!!!!!!!



    See now that's funny because Blitz does not understand that he isn't and he is in the stage of "really daddy I'm not that large and I am still a lapdog". Something we have not done yet is a restaurant together, mostly because I eat at home and not out. So I have a few weeks left to try this out; Blitz is great in other areas but the eating thing would be a new experience. At home he lays down near me and does not get any left overs until there are actually left overs. We had a huge storm come through this weekend and between the squall lines we went to the local supermarket. While we were in there we helped the supermarket run out shoplifters without knowing we helped. Since it was in between storms we ran over to the supermarket, since the entire staff knows and loves Blitz we do not normally go there with his vest; we have a ID card attached to his leash and the leash also has a velcro sign attached that states "Service Dog". We went into the store and not 5 minutes after being in there the intercom came on about a security alert in the store. We casually walked over to the area with the meat, in the butcher area. Well the manager came over as we were getting the dog food and she told us that they had the attempted shoplifters who were trying to steal steaks. She didn't know if us coming towards that area had something to do with them leaving in a hurry without getting anything and dropping the steaks in another area of the store but it was cool that it appears we helped a little.


    So Roz other than the food areas any other advice since this will all be new to us..


    Thanks again for your information. You are a huge amount of information and all of it is so valuable to someone like me who has never done anything like this before....

  4. I love the pictures of Blitz and his little sister.


    I know these dogs separate well but I hate to see Mel leave. She looks so happy near her big brother!


    I am so not looking forward to that day which is coming soon. Well Mel and her brother decided to play in the mud today after I cleaned the kitchen (while I was cleaning actually). Oh talk about being upset with two German Shepherds.....

  5. Hackles, I have to remember that one; thank you all I had no idea what it was called. Also thank you for pointing out they are bad for the teeth, I had no idea. I will try to get either a small video or picture of it; I promise its so funny to see him like that. King (who passed away a year ago) had one that went from his neck all the way to his tail when he was excited. Blitz has his from his neck to his shoulders; then it appears to go away until just before his hips and it comes up again. The cool thing about Blitz and his hackle is that it sways side to side when he is running or walking fast. Its just really funny looking.

  6. What other things did he do? 'Cause "shock collars" (remote collars/e-collars) are humane and great to use unless you use them incorrectly.


    IMO Shock collars might be OK for a normal pet although a Working or Service dog should be way past the need for a device like this. Those who have a working dog should agree also. I know Blitz does everything I ask of him and the only time he closely resembles the act of defiance is when he wants to play more. I started with a throwing a frizzbee on Monday and we have figured out a cheap free device is not up to his standards.... lol Have plastic bits all over the back yard since those are not up to purchase standards....lol Geeez he loves playing and bring back more than a tennis ball. Its so pretty to see him jump up in the air and see him catch anything. Whats really cool is to see him catch anything, all his hair on his back raises as if he is upset although its all in fun games and I love the way he looks. I am unsure what the real name is for when dogs raise their hair when excited or usually its a defensive measure, athough not a mean bone in his body. I call it his Fu Manchu Patch from the neck to the tail; its funny looking for sure..... This week end I am heading to Wall mart to get a better made Whamo Frizzbee made for dogs or just better made than the ones we used to have.... lol

  7. Guitarest, Ontario Airport is only 2 hours from 29 Palms. Much easier drive than through LA traffic. Just FYI.


    Thank you, my only real issue is the direct flight thing. This will be Blitz's first flight and going for as long without the ability of a bathroom break. Yes he can do it but without a direct flight I am in the airport for almost 10 hours. The direct route will only take 4 hours (estimated).

  8. We're such wimps here in L.A. We're very lucky to have the sun shining most of the time. Of course, those earthquakes can take a lot out of you if you're not prepared.


    I have enough stuff in my car for us to live on for a week, if need be. The "pack rat" in me always clicks-in when it comes to earthquake preparedness!


    Well just as soon as I get my finances in order I will be heading to Calif; landing at LAX then driving to Palm Springs. My son is stationed at 29 Palms and I can't believe how much more expensive a plan ticket is to go to Palm Springs. So I am renting a SUV and driving there. I like the idea of a non-stop to Calif from New Orleans so Blitz should be OK with the trip. Delta is putting me and Blitz in the front of the section so he can lay down. Sadly his sister (different litter and only 9 weeks old) has to ride in a crate in the belly of the plane.


    OBTW I was stationed at Travis and loved San Fran and that area; while I was out there they had a real small quake. I totally freaked out and swore I would never live there; the small quake was on the news although it was so small most didn't notice it. I damn sure noticed it, I can run away from Hurricanes and we get decent warnings about those storms. I don't understand how you can deal with the ground moving....


    Guitarest, Welcome!! Your dog is just beautiful!


    I will be going to CT today, so I will talk to you all Wed when I get back.




    Thank you Cindy....


    Back a decade ago I lived in Hartford, I loved it up there for sure. The only real negative for me like some here is my lack of mobility while it was not near the level it is today I still had loads of issues on ice. I also hated that I could not drive my Camaro year round. So I moved back to Mississippi where I traded snow for hurricanes. I am still wondering about that trade off since I was here for Katrina and Gustav; although I was in Hartford when they broke the snow fall amount record.

  10. The funniest that I can think of is when an Autistic kid thought "service dog" meant I was training the dog to be a Secret Service dog! It was very cute!


    The only real issues with Blitz is the K9 thing, everyone thinks he is a Law Enforcement K9 and is treated as such. I see loads of people turn around and walk away, which is kinda funny. He was also stereotyped as a seeing eye dog, the mother walked pass me and blitz while I was reading the ingredients of some frozen pan fry instant meal in a bag. The mother to the child was something like, No son that's a seeing eye dog helping that man; which that comment alone is not too funny until she realized I was reading the label.... So in keeping with yhe child I let him meet Blitz and the little boy even said for a blind man I see pretty good....


    Just thought it was funny.

  11. I started with simple commands and socialization with Blitz at 6 weeks old, by 6 months he was unbelievable and now he is beyond my dreams with his abilities. I work with him every day and have no issues with him at all, the reason he has not received his K9 Certification yet is because this is Hill Billy He11 and not one certified person in this area to give the test. So I have to wait for a AKC event thats close enough for us to go and get tested.

  12. [/color]


    Wow! You've had some very interesting experiences. Thank you for what you and King did after Katrina. What a mess that was. I'm sorry for your loss of him.



    So far Blitz has been exposed to much of what you have written although the tail being ran over would be a new one. I find stairs very difficult so the ramps and elevators will be my route. I am sure he will do fine; sadly I will be the one who will worry enough for the both of us. Currently Blitz is in the living room laying next to me with those big ole paws straight up in the air sleeping away since today was a huge play day since we had great weather although my legs are telling me a cold front or weather front is on the way to our area.


    Thank you for the kind words about my son; yes I am very proud of him. I was medically retired from the Air Force just before I could put on TSgt and its been one heck of a ride since then with my health slowly going down hill. I just found out today my son is to put on Sgt very soon and he is attempting to get recruiter duty so he can be near me with his family and so I can see my grand daughter more often. I think he wants a near babysitter but I am more than cool with that. I am getting two cabins on the cruise and my grand daughter is staying with me and Blitz during the cruise.

  13. Blitz is part of a new program in my area; and he actually came from a breeder who specializes in K9's and its a huge learning process for me, the breeder and the local VA is watching to see what results we have with him. Prior to my mobility getting to where it is today I used to train dogs; in fact after Katrina CNN picked up and ran a report about Me and my GSD (German Shepherd Dog) King helping catch and hold looters and deter others from looting. This is how my children's mother (Im divorced) found out the kids were OK and we survived the storm. King performed many of the same tasks but did not have the paperwork like Blitz; sadly it was Kings passing last year that resulted in the need of another like Blitz. So far Blitz is "Rocking and Rolling" and doing great in his training. We are scheduled for "K9 Good Citizen" cert in two weeks; and his services to me is picking up item, carrying items in his pouch, helping me walk. His other duty that he has decided is to be a Ambassador of his breed (German Shepherd) and show children and their parents that even a dog who looks like a mean dog, can be loving and caring. We can't go any where without attracting attention; both good and bad. Even though I use a cane many will turn around and walk the other way when we walk approaching them (those usually look like those who are carrying drugs; lol) or we get mostly children who really wish to pet him and their parents who have many questions about him. So far most of his training has been done by myself although starting next week Blitz and I are going over to the breeder and she has agreed to assist us on small matters so that Blitz and I can move up to another level of training. I have zero issues with him; and he is great with what he is doing for me now my fear is the boat/cruise so since the breeder has more experience on this training she is going to help us. I am certain I have nothing to worry about; surprisingly my biggest fear is that 4X4 litter box. As far as part of Blitz's training while I am walking he stays on my right side, if I stop he will stand next to me unless I give the command to sit, then after 5minutes he automatically will lay down until I tell him its time to leave.


    Thank you for your reply, you are like the end all be all when it comes to crusing with Service animals. Prior to finding this site I was set on leaving him home and just staying on the boat but I would greatly miss him and have to rely on my children more (who are both adults). I am a little better off now since reading the reviews here.

  14. Boy! Talk about turning off service dog handlers from cruising......



    Current Service License from an accredidated organization


    OK stupid question here. Blitz is my first Service Animal and I have no idea what this Service License your speaking of. He came to me with the help of the VA and is registered in my local area as a service animal but other than the VA prescription that was used to get him I have no idea what your referring too.


    My first cruise is in May and and will be on Carnival and while I have a ID card for him and myself it was purchased at a internet service dog supply website. So am I missing something? Rather find out now than in May when the cruise happens.


    Thank you

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