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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Hi, I haven't posted in forever. We were away for two months, then on a cruise to Spain, home in time to put the house up for sale and then Oz's accident.


    He went to jump up on his chair and the mat slipped out from under him. He landed on his back and was paralazed in the back end. A racing trip into the emerg vet...he said it was a neurological injury. Spine so swollen the messages were not getting to the brain. He was given steroid shots, back to his vet the next day for another steroid shot and also the day after. Then on steroid pills for 10 day, followed by 10 days of non steroid anti-inflammatories. Those are finished on Sunday and we see the vet again Monday to talk about chiro plastics.


    We have had to keep Oz on lead 24/7. But, he is much recovered with only what appears to be a slight weakness in the back right.


    I think his accident took 10 yrs off my life. It was horrid watching him watching me and knowing he was in so much pain.


    The only other option to the course of action we took was to take him to another city for spinal surgery with no promises of positive results and big risk.


    So, I have been giving my little hearing ear partner major love, in addition to the usual love. He is the Best.


    At least it appears the damage that could have happened I feel your quite blessed that the back right leg is all that appears to have problems. Count your blessings for sure.

  2. You just stay your sweet, loving self and don't worry about how much you do or do not know. Your love and kindness showen towards your dogs will shine through.


    No matter how much we do or do not know, if we just give our dogs the respect and kindness they so deserve they'll show us the way.


    Yesterday I was walking Brenda and she kept stopping [i never turned to look at her], her collar had slipped down around her muzzle and she was trying so hard to let me know [i never looked at her because I was so involved in what I was reading!] When I finally saw what had happened I felt so guilty. I was tugging on her muzzle the whole time...such an idiot. That will NEVER happen again!!! :rolleyes:


    OK I'm so confused what type of collar does she have? Did it crest over her ears and the jawls were holding the collar in place?


    As for kindness towards my babies, they are treated better than any others that I know of. They are not left outside unattended, they are fed only the best dog food dry and can mixed. Their minds are exercised everyday as are their bodies and finally Blitz loves going shopping with Daddy cause he can get loving from his outside friends.

  3. Sorry for being so annoying and obsessive, I have complete OCD when it comes to these amazing dogs. I live and breath and even have CCI in my paycheck every month.


    If you've had enough of me.....I give you permission to say, "shut-up, Roz!"


    Thats not it at all Roz, I enjoy your thoughts and it shows your quite knowledgeable on the subject. I fear that my posts are too extreme and sometimes off subject since I am new in regards to service animals.

  4. The way he's leaning into you, you can just guess how much he loved you too!


    We were two peas in a pod for sure, he always slept on my bed until he was unable to get on the bed. Then I got him a huge pillow that was right next to my bed and he only went to bed after I went to bed. Yes we had a huge connection. Unlike any I have ever experienced; yet Blitz is trying very hard to exceed the standards set by King.

  5. CCI does not have many dogs that are actually pedigreed. Brenda came with AKC "papers." Both her parents were full blooded English Labs [dad was black, mom was yellow.] Usually their dogs are cross's between the Lab & the Golden Retriever [such great dogs.]


    CCI has the their own breeding program with dogs that are specifically meant for breeding only. These are dogs that have been watched very closely by Vets & Trainers. Dogs who are not known to have health issues, especially hip & joint problems. Brenda's dad was "Bobby" one of the most prolific Sire's in the CCI Breeding program. He was an English Black Lab, with the biggest head and broadest shoulders. She looks exactly like him. He past away at the age of 14, two years ago.


    The breeders live in special homes and are taken care of like the Queens and Kings that they are!!!!!;)


    Not to be taken rude but is there anything about Service Dogs you do not know? You are very knowledgeable about the subject for sure.

  6. Ollie is home. Poor pitiful puppy. All indications for now are that all is OK, but we will have a definitive answer after the biopsy results come back next week. He has 10-14 days off of work and my husband is working from home all of next week. I think that's a good thing lol. Stiches will need to come out next Thursday. We do intend on working him a little bit over the next few days, but nothing too strenuous. He does have to see how the Harry Potter movie series ends after all!


    I am happy for you that Ollie is home finally.


    I agree about Harry Potter also; from what I have read this is the most violent movie of the series. So the movie still has the normal rating PG-13 although many who have reviewed it warn of small children seeing this movie. My daughter got me into the Potter movies and its fantastic to see those three kids grow up in the movies. Its going to be difficult to shake the "Isn't that the kid from Harry Potter comments" for their next movies.

  7. Wow vet bills are just going through the roof. They know people will do almost anything to keep their pet healthy. Hope Ollie will be home soon in the comfort of his family!! I'll keep praying for him.




    They sure are, as is the price of decent food for our babies. I spend easily 300.00 a month on food and treats for Blitz and his two brothers. His two brothers are dogs that my children left behind when they moved out as adults. So I guess its not so bad for food and treats. Then the monthly flea and heart worm; I just received a love note from my vet reminding that Sarge and Willie's shots are due in June.


    The AKC offers a HMO type insurance for Blitz and I have looked into it yet have not decided if I am going to do this quite yet. Monthly premiums yet its very limiting as to what it covers and just as restrictive as real HMO's.


    Blitz came from outside the normal trained service dog loop and with that said I was wondering if the others here have papers on their dogs? My personal belief is it really doesn't matter if a dog is AKC or not although there are those who feel different. So the service dogs that come from CCI or other organizations do they also come with breed documents like the AKC paperwork? Is there a stipulation on breeding your dogs? or are they fixed? I saw a report on CNN over a year ago about a woman who had cloned her dog who was fixed by the ASPCA when she adopted her pup. She looked into it and they were actually able to clone her pup. A slight ironic twist on this story was she was a fugitive and when this proceedure was made public the men in black suits showed up and she went to jail. I am unsure what happened after that.


    The internal medicine vet did call this evening and said the chest xray was clear so that's good. At least whatever might be going on didn't spread that far. We'll know more in the morning. Poor pup. It's so quiet without him home tonight.



    I so feel your pain; often many feel its just a dog. Many people especially in my area believe a dog should be kept outside and have no rights. Many people do not understand the wonders of having a dog as a family member; I didn't say owning a dog. It is my belief that that the loss of a family member be it two or four legged is a great pain. When our pets are sick hopefully they have given enough warning that the marvel of medical science can repair what ills them. I hope and pray your pup gets better; my own pain was with King. While not a service dog he was trained as a K9 by myself and was very busy after Katrina.


    This was my heart break and little did I know this was just a few weeks before his health would get worse and he passed in my arms. I dearly miss King and looking back I made so many mistakes with him. Mind you not knowingly but mistakes none the less. I am just so blessed to have had such a smart and devoted dog. While I made those mistakes; I hope that I have learned from those mistakes and hopefully I will make none with Blitz.


    This is our Myspace Photo, from June 2009; I don't know who had more facial hair or hated shaving more...... lol





  9. "Money sucking" ....... such a good way to put it [or not!] I hope Ollie will be okay.....you must be so worried! Poor guy, he must be so scared.


    Brenda is a whining, qivering mass of jello at the Vet's office. She becomes a hyper, visibly shaken mess. She actually starts talking to me. I'm sure she's saying something. She's verbalizing sounds like she's trying so hard to say, "get me out of here, now!!!!" It's not funny but it is!!!!!! I actually take off her working vest so she doesn't embarrass CCI - And, so that strangers won't think that all CCI dogs are like this. Poor thing.....


    I'm so sorry that you have to go through this expense but I'm so glad that you're not hesitating to take care of our Ollie. You're a considerate, responsible owner and I'm so proud of you.....Now, doesn't that help that "sucking sound" a bit?


    Blitz loves going to the Vet, they taught him a bad trick. The young lady behind the counter taught him to prop himself on the counter where he is almost as tall as I am to get a treat. Its taken a while to break him of it; although I do allow him to do it at the vet. Willie, my daughters first dog; gets into the Mustang and knows he is going some where. He is usually very excited then the shakes start and by the time we get to the vet he looks like I do in 50 degree weather. Once inside Willie is OK its something about the trip or not knowing maybe? He was a Katrina rescue; although he was 3 months old (estimated) when we adopted him and he has been with me since then. So I feel your pain when a normal pup turns into ahuge chicken.

  10. Well, I printed my luggage tags and Boarding Pass for my upcoming cruise and I'm doing the "doc-dance" - Remember when they used to send your cruise documents in those wonderful pouches. HAL had the prettiest ones, people used to use them as clutch bags.


    I can't wait to be standing on deck when we sail under the Golden Gate Bridge. I have to get up very early......but, it's so worth it.


    Who else has an upcoming cruise?



    Have fun..... I just got a letter from the VA stating my case so soon be resolved and hopefully I will be able to go on that cruise since joining this website to get info on cruises. OH boy I better be careful Blitz is liable to jump off the boat to go swimming.


    For all of you cruisers, do they allow our service animals to cool off in the pools or is our only official places the shower/bathtub in the room?

  11. Hey guys, been a while since I have been on. Have had issues with my legs; my daughter came by to provide support for her daddy also. Well today Julie suggested we go to the river, while I am paying for it right now in my legs it was so much fun to see Blitz be able to play with Dia. Here is a small video from today, the man in the video is Graham who is my daughters boyfriend.



  12. Sorry you're both experiencing that. It's so confusing to the Service/Working dog who thinks they need to "alert" you to the noise.


    It can be tough for dogs in general......And, some dogs handle it better than others.


    Oh Blitz surely warns me and the need to be alert; although in person he is very socialized. He even picked up a very bad habit recently, when I get up from my lazy boy it usually takes me a while to get standing. During this entire time he is barking at me as if trying to encourage me. So wondering where this barking came from; why the dumbass that owns Blitz for sure. This DAV thought it was cute that Blitz would bark at him and encouraged it; although not all the time. So I am now suffering from a stupid encouraged learned trick. Now I am doing everything possible to to unlearn him (I know bad improper english) and this barking. When people knock at the door its easily controlled, loud noises that normally happen, or other items no problem. So I'm off to youtube to find more suggestions to stop the barking.

  13. You know, Sunshine, I've been walking "Brenda's walk" for so many years now, I forgot what it felt like to have a puppy walking and responding to me.......it was exhilarating to say the least. Not that I don't adore my Brenny and all that goes with her senior pace.......It's now time for her to kick-back and enjoy those lazy, afternoon naps.


    I can't believe it's already been a year since Crackers graduated, unbelievable how fast the time goes by.......hopefully, it'll be like that in my waiting process.


    Yeah I agree, as I grow older its hard to believe how fast time passes. My son has been in the Marines 4 years now and my daughter is soon to graduate college. Somebody is getting older and I deny its me....

  14. Congratulations! I hope you get exactly what you're hoping for. Planning a cruise is one of the great joys of life.


    Great video!


    Thank you, all I want is to be treated fairly as do all individuals who are DAV's. Sadly there are so many of us now and my case is more of the normal protocol. Its been a very long time having to deal with this and hopefully it will soon come to its end.

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