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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. You're a good sport and I look forward to your picking on me along with everyone else!


    It may take some remarkable planning but one day we can all hope to celebrate our triumphs together!


    Roz its a two way and with all respect I do look forward to hopefully meeting yall here. In my area there is no experience and much of what I do is either coming from training other GSD's in the K9 mode or other forms of media like here and other websites, youtube and shows on TV. I will not sell myself short, although I just know I am doing some stuff wrong. All things considered I have been blessed with Blitz since he is very smart and eager to learn with very little direction from myself.


    My daughter asked me to visit her new apartment and after the 70 mile ride to her new place I was seriously impressed for sure. Her and her boyfriend/fiance have a very nice place and they just got new furniture. I was very impressed and Blitz got to visit with Dia also. Dia is my daughters GSD puppy who happened to loose 3 baby teeth yesterday since she is only 17 weeks old.


    Julie invited us to a dog park so we all piled into her car with Blitz and I in the back. This was Blitz's very first dog park and except for one very small fence fight (started by a beagle no less) which I corrected immediately it was a very playful day for Blitz. He got to remove his collar (we do not wear a vest, our leash has a huge Service Dog velcro attachment) and Blitz went from work to play mode. There were a few dogs there in two seperate areas one for big and one for small dogs. A few people showed up after us although most went into the small dog area since Blitz and his size scared almost everyone even though he was not aggressive towards any person or dog. In fact he loved a Border Collie there and played "Catch the Frisbee" with her. The Border Collie knew way too many tricks for sure and she gravitated towards me more so than her owner.


    On the way home I did a double take and stopped tofuel up and got Mid Grade Gas at 1.45 a gallon; we topped off. As I was getting out of the car I gave Blitz the "NO" command as he wanted to get out also then I told him to stay so he went in the area behind the front seats in my Mustang and layed down. I really love that car; they 6 way adjustable seat and lumbar support is sweet. I have the rear seats flipped down so its a larger flat area in the back and have a pillow back there for Blitz. After the action packed day Blitz and I both crashed when we got home I could not sleep due to the right leg yet Blitz slept all night.


    Hope everyone has a great Thursday

  2. Give me about two months to get this crap behind me and I would be more than willing to do this. My fear is I am quite active here although unless my daughter drags me out or I am doing something for my grand daughter I am a individual that stays home allot except to shop for food. Especially recently with the ingrown bone spurs, quite painful.


    If yall want too do this I would love too. That way I can learn from the experienced dog handlers here. Oh and pick on Roz in person.... I live in Mississippi and would need a little heads up since I have two other dogs that need to go to a kennel and a few fish tanks that need to have someone look after. Just need a heads up and I can try to drive anywhere to hook up.


    I'm there if yall are


    Well, you're right about not having too many animal lawyers in MS. I can't find a single one. But, I noticed the "old retired NCO" in your message--are you a veteran or a retiree? And is your disability service-related? If you're a retiree (receiving a military pension) or your disability is service-connected, the military should be able to provide you an attorney. I don't know which branch you served in but here are the links for each of them:


    Air Force: https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil

    Army: https://www.jagcnet.army.mil/legal

    Navy/Marines: http://www.jag.navy.mil/legal_services.htm

    Coast Guard: http://www.uscg.mil/legal/la/Legal_Assistance_Find_Lawyer.asp


    My husband is retired Air Force (an "old retired NCO" like yourself!) and we've used military attorneys for many things over the years.


    If you're a veteran but not a retiree, the military won't provide legal assistance but you might try HUDVET (800-998-9999). Their main focus is getting homeless vets off the streets but they may be able to help you move your issue through the maze of the main HUD process.


    Lastly, you might try the Mississippi Center for Justice (http://www.mscenterforjustice.org/) and/or the Gulf Coast Fair Housing Center (http://www.makeitfair.com/about.html). Both organizations provide pro bono assistance in housing discrimination claims.


    I hope this helps.




    Tried to edit my post althought it would not let me sorry for the double post.


    I noticed the "old retired NCO" in your message--are you a veteran YES or a retiree? YES And is your disability service-related? YES 100% DAV, The VA finally decided to include my being a ugly old fart as a disability so that pushed me into the 300% but only pay for 100% (LOL)

    Thank you again Kathi...



  4. Well, you're right about not having too many animal lawyers in MS. I can't find a single one. But, I noticed the "old retired NCO" in your message--are you a veteran or a retiree? And is your disability service-related? If you're a retiree (receiving a military pension) or your disability is service-connected, the military should be able to provide you an attorney. I don't know which branch you served in but here are the links for each of them:


    Air Force: https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil

    Army: https://www.jagcnet.army.mil/legal

    Navy/Marines: http://www.jag.navy.mil/legal_services.htm

    Coast Guard: http://www.uscg.mil/legal/la/Legal_Assistance_Find_Lawyer.asp


    My husband is retired Air Force (an "old retired NCO" like yourself!) and we've used military attorneys for many things over the years.


    If you're a veteran but not a retiree, the military won't provide legal assistance but you might try HUDVET (800-998-9999). Their main focus is getting homeless vets off the streets but they may be able to help you move your issue through the maze of the main HUD process.


    Lastly, you might try the Mississippi Center for Justice (http://www.mscenterforjustice.org/) and/or the Gulf Coast Fair Housing Center (http://www.makeitfair.com/about.html). Both organizations provide pro bono assistance in housing discrimination claims.


    I hope this helps.




    Thank you Kathi, I am a Old Retired Blue Retiree Card Carrying NCO. lol I will try your links, thank you.

  5. I'm just a paralegal so I can't give you any advice, but I'm close to an attorney who practices animal law. If you can post the city and state of the property you were evicted from, I might be able to point you in the direction of some help.


    Unsure how to PM here or even if thats a option, my email is guitarest at pruconsultants dot com


    Like I mentioned I am unsure what can be done, HUD has done their thing and while I feel really strong in this case and was more than able to prove my point and disprove there comments as not being factual and provided many individuals who testified in my favor that their claims were not true. I just hate that while its their means to make money sometimes more seasoned lawyers forget why they originally got into that business. To right the wrongs and make a little cash, majority that I have met or worked for refuse to take on anything unless its a cash cow.


    So far I have been very good at defending this yet we are in the final stages and sometimes just having someone in your corner demands a little more respect rather than one who does not have a attorney. The pain is still the same with or without a attorney yet a experienced attorney is always better at this rather than without.

  6. Thanks with the offers Guys and Gals, the thing with Blitz is over a year ago and HUD has done loads of investigating. The biggest problem with this case is they had to find all the owners of the property. Its a local complex in Gulfport Ms and I spoke with the Regional Mgr and let her know that Blitz was coming and asked what they required as a curiosity. A year prior to Blitz I had another GSD named King and they had no issues with him; for what ever reason they had issues with Blitz. He wasn't on the property 5 days and I got a note under the door stating its either him or me but someone has to go. They knew what he was as a service dog and I lived there since Hurricane Katrina without even a late payment and I stayed to myself so not even any complaints. What changed was the office staff and others on the property who didn't pick up their poop and the front office had loads of complaints just not about me. The apartment had loads of made up complaints about me to try to justify their actions what they did not expect was a old retired NCO who not only keeps paperwork but does the CYA unlike any one they have ever experienced. From proving they lied about local policies to even proving their claim were not only unsubstantiated but also very much lies. Just before HUD was going to pass their decision they located another owner of the property (over 35 individuals and over 20 shell companies) so the clock started all over again and hopefully there is no more hidden owners.


    Its been a year of he11 and since October its has been very painful since I expirenced 5 different ulcers on my legs and they are because of injuries from being forced to move. HUD even asked these guys to back off during the investigation and they still threw me and my family out. I know there are two sides to every story, just this one has loads of paperwork and witnesses to back up my claim...... lol

  7. Well the property that evicted us made a counter offer after I refused to take their first offer. They increased it by 2.5k and I declined the offer again and countered with my original amount. They are looking at 10 different violations of the ADA and my Civil rights and while I could actually use the cash I said no. I also reaffirmed to HUD that the entire company (its a National Corp) needs to have their employees who have direct contact with renters take and pass sensitivity training in regards to those with service animals and disabilities. I provided to HUD the paperwork where they said I had to move out or the dog (Blitz) had to go. I left the complex in November and they started the blame game and loads of trash talk. I gave HUD contact information of witness's and all types of paperwork proving them having nothing but unlawful intent. It would help if I could find a lawyer to assist with this case but all the rednecks in this area are either money hungry or do not do this type of case. I know if this went to a federal trial it would be millions awarded in my favor. They say justice is bind and fair; thats if you have the cash to pay for that fair decision. Something that I did just find out that the local regional manager of this area is no longer a employee and the manager is no longer in that capacity.


    Sorry venting........

  8. I agree wholeheartedly! We just made the entire staff at the Residence Inn Rosslyn go through training again -- what a nightmare -- being asked to leave their breakfast area and telling us that we were required to call ahead for a pets only room -- well after a letter to Marriott - the next staff meeting was on appropriate service dog interactions.


    Wow at least its not just the redneck who have a monopoly on being dumbazz's

  9. Rich and I are filled with peace and sadness. His sweet mother passed away yesterday. Rich and I were blessed to be at her side during the entire passage. I was with her on Tuesday with Mackey. Planned on a quick social visit and ended up staying over four hours. Mackey experienced wound dressing care, and other things that are a bit to personal to touch. At one point I asked her if she wanted him up on her bed and she said yes. This woman loves the dogs, but the bed was always off limits. So during some very uncomfortable procedures...Mackey a 4 month old golden retriever snuggled quietly against her heart. Her fingers just stroked his soft fur. Trying not to cry. We got a call early Thusrday morning to come to her side and we rarely left. The passage was special and my last photo was with her, one of her favorite caregivers and "Mackey". God Love these Dogs. They were so special to her. Rich and I are a bit numb this weekend, but will regroup. Love to all of you and I can't wait to hear about Brenda's new BFF.


    Wow this actually touched me, sorry for the loss. The power of dogs even puppies is so powerful and even though this was a puppy he understood how to act. Very powerful stuff here.

  10. Jocko: I've had some really horrible experiences some of which I've shared on this thread, many pages ago.


    I start the sentence and Brenda adds the exclamation mark!!!!!!


    I hear ya Roz, its truly sad what some people are like. I will say this though you should have seen the womans face; she was crying out for that POS husband and eyes were tearing up. Yet once she started walking by me she turned out being as nasty as her husband.


    I have had a few small experiences with stupid people, my former apartment building is one of those situation. The evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd even though he is a Service dog they still kicked me out because German Shepherds are supposed to be the second most dangerous breed of dogs according to them. Never mind acording to the AKC they are the second most widely used dog for service animals and number one for working dogs. They offered to settle last week and I turned it down because it did not include a few of my demand like making the entire staff who have contact with renters to go through sensitivity training as it relates to HUD. This investigation has been going on over a year now and the complex that did this to me has over 30 properties next to different bases all over the US. Mark my word the minute HUD says guility I will be celebrating like its 1999 (I know just go with it for those who remember the song).


    I hope all have a great weekend, we had a few huge storms come through today. I am excited abut this weekend since I am going over to a different area to try to catch more cool fish like this little one last night..



  11. UPDATE: I got a call this morning from Megan, at CCI, Santa Rosa. She informed me that I am #1 on the Waiting List. I was not contacted for Sept. Team Training because in my file it stated that I was going on a family cruise Sept. 24th and would not be available. It's true, I did say this at my interview. I'm sorry I did. I wouldn't be going through such ankst!


    I told her to pull the note, that I was insured for this cruise [imagine what the insurance company is going to do when I tell them I can't cruise because I'm getting a Service Dog!] This should be interesting.


    She said the class is full, participants have been matched with dogs, but there is a 50/50 chance that a dog will be ready by August 26th. She said they've been observing a dog who shows great intelligence and ability to go through Team Training and graduate. She said this is not a guarantee that the dog will continue to show such promise because they don't like to rush the dogs but it's looking good.


    She will call me on the 26th, one way or another to let me know that the dog is or is not ready. If it's not ready then, I will definitely be called for the January class. She wouldn't tell me anything about the dog! I'm glad.


    Thanks guys for, once again, being my sounding board. I'll let you know what happens on the 26th.


    Good luck, great news and the sooner the better. I am very happy for ya...

  12. OK what a week so far from the brat 2 days ago to the Red Neck today.


    So today I was at Rouses today and I believe I am being tested by someone. So this is how my day went, I turned down the second isle and this older man was walking my way and he said something that I did not catch. I said excuse me to him and he said it again, "That dog does not belong in here" after he said that he then threatened to shoot Blitz and me. I then said excuse me can you please repeat that again which he does and walks very quickly away mumbling again how he was going to shoot Blitz. I mean ***** did I do, I tried to explain that Blitz was a service animal although he did want to hear it nor did he care. So then the funny thing happened, his wife (I'm assuming that what she was) started yelling at her husband to come back and rescue her from the mean German Shepherd, the man never returned and the woman got really upset. She started crying right in front of me and then I asked if she wanted by, I stepped back and Blitz during this entire time was sitting. The woman quickly rushes by me and once she gets past me she starts yelling curse words at me and Blitz again and running towards her old man. They both quickly left the store and the second time in two days the staff at the store came over and appologized to me for the rude people.


    There was a store clerk real close to us when this happened and she was the first to say they can't choose who is allowed in the store. I mean serious for over a year nothing but great expirences, fantastic people and then these two situations almost back to back. There was another shopper next to me when this happened and she even felt bad for me and Blitz then we ended up talking for 20 minutes about grand babies and my fish tanks.


    Ok so what would have you experts done in that situation. I know if I wasn't in such bad shape today since I spent most the day being examined at the VA and was in extreme pain I would have hauled off and knocked them both upside the head. Yes I'm venting, I just can't believe my luck two days in a row. I can't wait to see what the weekend brings.....

  13. Thought you all would be interested in seeing what some CCI graduates are doing these days: http://www.courthousedogs.com/index.html


    We have Courthouse dogs in our county and there was a short piece about them on the NBC evening news tonight.


    Wow that was a great read, thanks for posting... One would wonder as smart as dogs are how much stress do they experience from these tasks?

  14. Boo Hiss Boo on the wedding dress....... Never again; Never again.... lol


    OK small brags about Blitz. As far as everything goes I am real new at the service dog thing and today Blitz surprised me and stressed me out at the same time.


    I'll explain we were in Rouses (grocery store) and everyone there loves him, so much that Blitz loves the place and identifies with many people. He loves the Deli and got smoked turkey slices today, did I say those people love him? So I was leaving the Deli with my meats when this little kid of maybe 5 years old was running around and circling around us like a shark ready to attack. The mother was on the other side of the store and had no clue where this child (read as brat) was at. While I am going to the check out the kid stops right in front of us and yelling at Blitz with his arms out saying "What r u going to bite me" "Your a stupid dog" and I just continued to ask him to stop even tried to get the childs mother involved (which she didn't). Finally one of the ladies who shops there and has a mutual friend of mine got in between me/Blitz and this child. I made it to the check out and the same lady who I thanked 1000 times easily, complained about the kid to the store manager. They went to the mother and her reply was somewhat surprising, she dared a dog to bite her child and she would sue the F&&& out of them. this is what is wrong with the world today, and the final insult is they were parked in a hadicap spot yet no tag, or anything displayed. Of all times not to have my phone to take pictures of the illegal park job.


    Now for the brags, Blitz took the childs abuse for at least 5 minutes maybe more. I continued to ask him to stop and Blitz sat down and just stared at him with the normal shepherd look with his head at a 45 degree tilt. I was calm through this time period until the child got about 6 inches from Blitz and his arms were extended and Blitz stood up and the ears rotated and while he did not take a defensive posture I was the one who was scared. My fear was from working with King, my boy King while would not have attacked he would have barked and scared the child. I think Blitz handled the situation better than I did.


    So question, what would the pros here have done? How would your dogs reacted?


    I am so proud of my Blitz and he gets extra treats tonight, since he was a fantastic boy today.....


    The classic Blitz head tilt....



  15. Hi

    I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this thread

    Europe and So. America this Dec when we will be doing a 30 day

    Venice to Santiago, Chile on the Star princess with one week in Florence prior to the cruise. Italy seems to have no problen at all with service and non service dogs entering the country or at the hotels/

    Whew - hope I didn't bore you, maybe our experience will encourage someone to take their service dog to Asia or Europe.

    Dee :)



    Wow talk about a experience and a heck of a story, I have some experience in that area of the world since I was stationed there, or a temp assignment so I know more than most. Your lucky since some regions of those countries still eat small dogs (or did so in the early 90's) and a black small dog is the favor since they are supposed to have better tasting meat. Cant confirm that but I thought it was a wild time and I was very careful about what I ate over there. I had a few friends while over there who were nationalities of the host countries so they warned me. While in S Korea I walked into what I thought was a different fish store, loads of tanks and many tables; found out later it was a restaurant (poor fish).

  16. OK now I am pissed, the article say it all although its basically a person not only selling vests for individuals who as the ad puts it "You must act dumb or blind" so they can take their dog anywhere.




    There is a special place in he11 for this seller.



  17. Jocko: Of course we want pictures! I have to go thru mine. Leann Emily had such a striking pose this morning, wish I had a camera. She is one adorable kitty cat.


    OK I just don't want to hog the forum and upset people. I am slowly getting out again since I now have new ortho shoes that more evenly distribute my fat butt when I am standing and walking. Unsure if anyone has ever had internal bone spurs but that hurt like heck. Although I am so excited once the VA makes its payment to me I am Calif bound and going to huge my Grand daughter until she asks me to stop. I never knew a small girl would have so much impact on my life and my desire to continue to live. I purchased over 200.00 in school clothes and mailed them yesterday to her. Got everything lined up to leave on Saturday the 13th all I need is for the VA to follow through with their promise. Thats the only thing that could hold me back.


    Now back to our original topic. Here is Blitz and his little sister who is one litter behind Bitz. I fostered her till she was 14 weeks and taught her all her basic commands and it is my understanding that my son did not continue the training so I have to go through that again. I hope that Mel remembers me so that I will still have impact on her when I arrive.




    This is Dia and Blitz doing what they enjoy the most, I swear Blitz has gills....




    This is King as a pup, this little puppy turned out to be the best dog I ever had in my life so far. King in his adult form helped me (my legs actually worked quite well in 2005) and Law Enforcement catch and detain looters after Hurricane Katrina. Now who would be scared of this little puppy.




    And of course who would have thought the little cutie on the right side would turn out to be "Blitz the Wonder Dog"



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