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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. OK I have a funny story although might be border line Opps....


    So the local K9 Police know me pretty well for all the cool reasons, especially the one where we have the same breed dog. I have two neighbors who are K9 Cops and we share stories of our babies and Jimbo told me one that totally cracked me up. The Gulfport Police K9's purchased a Czech German Shepherd and his name was Jack. The command for a K9 to release a subject is "Off". These dogs are trained to respond to only their given name and its almsot totally impossible to undo the given name of a K9.


    So just think if Jack has a subject and he is given the command to release, "Jack" and " well I think you got it. I laughed so hard I could not speak for a 1/2 hour.......

  2. My husband has taken Ollie into the kindergarten classroom where my kids go to school too in conjunction with the senses science unit. It's good for the kids to know the dos and don'ts around the dog since he is at the school for meetings and events from time to time. One kid asked if Ollie did any "tricks". We think guiding is a pretty good "trick" but the kid inspired us to teach Ollie "give me paw" for treats. It didn't take him long to catch on and he will now give paw as soon as he sees the treats come out of the cabinet without being asked :D



    Too cool, I am thinking Blitz would have a blast also and he is well versed in those cool tricks like "give me paw", "High Five", "Be nice", "Play dead", and the all important "Speak"....

  3. Not cruise related but service dog related. A few weeks ago we were returning from our Disney World vacation with our daughters service dog, Orson. We were going through security at Orlando International Airport. They wanted us to take off Orson's collar, leash and CCI vest so he could go through the metal detector. We refused because well trained or not, I wasn't going to have him without a leash or I.D. on. So they said they would hand scan him and pat him down. We had to wait for a MALE screener because Orson is a male dog. I think that is just a little bit silly. :D


    No Sh-t, I needed that to get me laughing. At least it was a male security guard since it might embarrass your pup if it knew a female was fondeling his privates..... lol


    Brenda and I did a demo. to a Pre-K class today and Brenda was so good. She's just as sharp as she was years ago. I'm so proud of her. Of course, it took a while for her to get up off the linoleum floor but that was all the difficulty she had.......she was brilliant!



    Thats so nice of you Roz, I am sure the children enjoyed the show. I am thinking about doing the same with Blitz. He loves children and I am sure he would do well doing something like this. What exactly did you have to do to get clearance or approval to do this?

  5. OK guys its been almost a week since my battle with VA over (YEA) and my over all outlook on life has changed 100%. Blitz has so many treats and has also noticed my great mood. My daughters bot friend never knew the not so stressed Jocko and cant handle me, lol


    So I am proclaiming today as "Everything will go perfect for all my friends here at the Cruise Forum" day. All pups will have a fantastic day and those who have issues with your bodies I will put in a extra prayer for ya so that this will be a great start of the week for all my friends here.


    Freddy has also added his special fishy mojo for all here to have a great day at the very least!!!



  6. OMG what a wonderful day today was, so many great things happened to me today that I broke down and cried in my daughters arms while she cried with me. The most important thing that happened is that my battle with the VA is finally over since they granted me 100% service connect veteran. This was a battle that has been going since 2006. Another battle almost done is the apartment building that kicked me out because Blitz (yup Blitz my service animal) was a german shepherd. Their reason is that german shepherds are a dangerous breed and thats the final answer no matter what the law says. Today they offered to settle out of court, I refused and gave a reply as to what it would take or I will let HUD decide the damages. There has been so much pain out of this little adventure physcial and mental. The final thing that happened to me today is that I have a brand new baby in my home and if she looks familiar to Blitz its because it is his mom. The breeder asked me tonight if I wanted to adopt Tess after she is finished with her last litter. My only cost would be fixing her so she can't have puppies. I almost fell out this GSD is a fantastic dog; already a K9 Good Citizen.


    I said yes faster than she could finish her sentence, I can't wait till Tess moves to Mississippi. What a fantastic day today was, thank you lord.





  7. Hi Everyone, First, I'm so glad to hear about all our furbabies and that they're doing so well. It's such a relief to have them all recovering.


    Well, I went to the hospital with my children and Brenda in tow. I checked-in, dressed in that adorable gown, had my blood drawn, an I.V. inserted, temp taken, blood gases measured and was hooked-up to an EKG machine. A nurse walked in and said, "your sinus rhythm is absolutely normal!" WHAT????? We all looked at each other, she said she was going to contact my Cardiologist and the next thing I knew everything was being unhooked, unhinged and I was told I could go home!!!!!!


    My heart [after being on all the meds] had gone into a normal rhythm and the procedure could not be done!


    I was elated. I went home, the doctor called me and said that she's seen this in about 1 out of 100 cases and it was my turn, this year, to be the one!


    I must stay on heart meds and be checked again in a few weeks but, for now, I'm back to work and I'm so happy.........YOUR PRAYERS AND WELL WISHES WORKED!!!!!! The power of the prayer chain is not to be laughed at!!!!!!


    I love you all!!!!!



  8. I think I posted some pictures of my 100gal saltwater fish tank; this is my 10gal saltwater with shrimp and a cool fish called a Goby. They actually walk on their fins in the water and some (Mudskipper) can live outside of water for hours and just walk along looking for food and shelter. This is a baby tank where the fish stay until they are large enough to move to the big tank without becoming food for another larger fish.


    A larger Goby under the shells and small shrimp.



    Random shot of shrimp






    Smaller Goby under leaf and shrimp


  9. My daughter is home from college and tonight we took some cute pictures of her 17 week old German Shepherd puppy. This is my daughter and Dia just before bed time, as you can see Dia is still filled with loads of energy.








    And this is what Blitz looks like after Dia has played with him all day; in fact he has been sleeping for a few hours already.... lol



  10. I'm home this week. At my last physical exam my doctor found a heart irregularity and sent me to a Cardiologist [well, after more tests and more blood taken, then I care to mention], it was decided that I need to have a Cardioversion [electrodes hooked-up to my heart and my heart shocked into a more normal rhythm.]


    I'm having this done on Thursday and am on blood thinners, Digoxin and Beta-Blockers. I feel like a zombie and find it easier to sit and do nothing rather than go to work.


    Hopefully, after Thursday, I'll be a new woman and up and running like normal by next Monday.


    Boy, when they talk about life changing on a dime......


    I feel your pain, I have been on rat poison (also known as comadin) since the mid 90's and even though I still had several blood clots and one pulmonary embolism. I actually could not feel the pulmonary embolism but I knew something was wrong. I was gasping for air and winded by doing simple things. Today I was at the VA for the better part or the day and when I leave I feel like I was rode hard and put up wet. I have had allot of problems with my right heel for almost two weeks so while I was at the VA they looked at it, I have Bone Spurs on my heel since I have been babying my left leg and the right leg is finally giving me warning signs and I was told to actually start using my cane more. Thank you for your kind words also, I really enjoy helping others and will continue to do so until I am unable to help any more.


    I wish you luck for your Thursday results.



  11. OK I need some help from yall. This is virgin territory for me since I am fairly new at this. OK I am a local manager fir a organization called SAV which provides dogs to Vets with PTSD. Well I have worked really hard to get this off the ground locally and this has gotten my name out locally being a expert on the proceedures of Servcie Animals.


    So here is where I am asking for help, the VA approached me today while I was there for my appointments and asked if I could assist in getting a dog for a legally blind individual; but not in this area. I know many of you have mentioned CCI is there a point of contact or someone who I can speak with.






    Never mind found out CCI does not do Guide dogs

  12. OK I need some help from yall. This is virgin territory for me since I am fairly new at this. OK I am a local manager fir a organization called SAV which provides dogs to Vets with PTSD. Well I have worked really hard to get this off the ground locally and this has gotten my name out locally being a expert on the proceedures of Servcie Animals.


    So here is where I am asking for help, the VA approached me today while I was there for my appointments and asked if I could assist in getting a dog for a legally blind individual; but not in this area. I know many of you have mentioned CCI is there a point of contact or someone who I can speak with.





  13. Going to take Cooler to the movies tomorow and then a return trip to the aquarium in two weeks. Bringing Mackey home tomorow evening. He'll get his first trip to the hospital for visits then. I can only imagine the "pupparazzi" when he shows up with his litte service dog vest. He'll be a tail wagging machine and get lot's of love. Want him to think going to the hospital is the best thing ever!!!! I have to double check his birthday, I think he is 13 weeks now. Can you picture a 13 week old golden retriever marching around the hospital. And I'll be right next to him with a ton of cleaning supplies!!!!


    Too cool; if I had the time I would love to do visits with Blitz. He is such a wonderful spirit lifter.


    I felt so bad for him yesterday, he got soaked. We went to the store since the food supply at home was kinda low and my daughter told me she will be staying for two weeks. We left the house and it was dark and cloudy and raining north of us. Went into the store and Blitz made his rounds with me. Normally its OK to visit with his friends except yesterday it was real tough to walk. I don't have a clue whats going on with my right leg now; all I know is it makes walking unbearable now. My daughter wants me to go to the hospital er (either USAF or VA since I'm retired military) but I still refuse since I have a Rx Apt on Tuesday. We got through all the loving and shopping and while we paid for our items the bottom dropped out of the sky. This place is more expensive then Wal-Mart but its OK since they really do offer the small home town expirence. They asked if I needed help out to the car and normally I would say no but today I said yes. We headed out into the rain got to the car and poor Blitz looked like a drowned rat with huge teeth and huge feet. We got everything unloaded while Blitz was in the car; I got in the car and then Blitz did something so sweet. I sat in the car (its a feat since I am slow getting up or down) looked at my drowned rat who leaned over and started licking the rain water off my face. It was so cute and he is so calming, I tell ya I have such a connection with this pup.

  14. For sure, we had a really grand time.:) This was his 11th cruise and 3rd transatlantic. We are going again in October. Will fly to Venice, stay 4 days and then cruise home. This cruise is 17 days.


    I am keeping my fingers crossed, the other cruises had such calm crossings. It is also our first transatlantic from Europe to the US and not the other way around.


    We here in Ontario are under such heat and humidity........will be glad when it is over. I don't do humidity well or with "much grace.":(

    Cool picture, thats Blitz kryptonite he is cool with dogs, cats, even horses but ducks and all bets are off....

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