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Everything posted by 57redbird

  1. For some reason the MDR just isn't our favorite venue...too loud, slow service no matter the day of the cruise or the meal, feels like a high school lunchroom & on our cruise last year the lunch menu never changed.
  2. Before there were size limits we bought Victorinox large suitcases....now hubby still uses his but I have a Delsey (which I'll trial next month to Maui). I'm all about low weight but adequate space. I think the V weighs 8 lbs empty.
  3. Jason Meyers is also a great PCC...never in a hurry. He's in Vegas.
  4. When we fly to Hawaii my hubby brings his cane (which he does need at times) & claims he needs extra boarding time so he can find space in the overhead bin...I board when it's my turn till our upcoming trip after my spine surgery - I'll see how I feel.
  5. Our packages have been on the truck from a city 30 miles away, then to one 5 miles away, then one 8 miles from that city then back to the original 30 mile away one...delivered the next day.
  6. I agree about FedEx....I wonder if UPS raised their rates so businesses changed to FedEx...bad move in my opinion.
  7. I"m sorry you didn't get better news about your cyst...hope there are more options.
  8. @JazzyV you can take me off your list....lately I've been taking 1 or 2 Tramadol (if that) a day & still just the 1 Gabapentin at night...I think I'll live.
  9. . Cleaning seats then tables with the same cloth - This is my biggest yuck & I've seen it too many times to count both on cruises & shore-side.....
  10. @kazu what are the odd symbols (instead of letters) that show up in your wine selections?
  11. We prepurchased it along with Club Orange but got a paid upgrade to a Neptune which included both - we were refunded the price of both.
  12. I think it depends on the length of the cruise.
  13. November is still part of hurricane season in Mexic0.
  14. @kazu Please add us to the December 10, 2024 Koningsdam Mexican Riviera sailing. Our 1st since (finally) reaching 4*. Thanks, Pat & Mike (57redbird)
  15. The picture I'm curious about has witches hats & briefcases.
  16. @Sharon in AZI think you've got your islands mixed up - sounds like your on Oahu, not Maui.
  17. Progress report - I took 1 - 300 mg gabapentin at bedtime last night -- only woke up twice because I needed to go to the bathroom, not because of pain!!! YAY!!! was a little uncomfortable this morning but the last pain med I took was at 2 pm yesterday. I'm supposed to increase the gabapentin in a couple of days but don't think I will - depending on how I feel. A couple of tender spots on my leg still but not like before.
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