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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I have been going to a Pain Management doctor since 2018,a wonderful person .His wife is an Acupuncturist.I had 9 sessions with her ,9 epidurals with him,2 experimental surgeries with one of his associates to the point of him telling me there is nothing more that he can do.I have also discussed other options with him that other doctors suggested.
  2. I picked Cleveland in 5 ,primarily because I had a cousin who played for Cleveland in the 50’s or possibly the 40’s .
  3. The doctor ended things by walking down the hall and opening the door for us to go to the checkout desk. My pain began in 2009 in the lower back.I had spine surgery in April 2010 I have had 37 falls adding pain to my body.Currently my pain is in my entire back ,both legs and feet.I have a burning sensation constantly in my toes I have constant numbness in both feet at the same time and a sensation of falling.I have had 9 epidurals ,the last two did not work,two experimental surgical procedures ,acupuncture and I have been to 12 physical therapists.My most recent PT was earlier this year from a wonderful guy who was born in Israel,studied PT in Israel and Holland as well as the US . He tried his very best but could not help me.I have been to numerous Neurologists,Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons. The only place I can be without pain in on my bed where I am when I post on CC.I really feel bad for Toby because she spends so much time taking care of me instead of going out and enjoying things. Last night she played mah jong and one of my daughters stayed here with me.
  4. Thanks,MJ .I have been previously referred to a Stony Brook doctor.It is too far for me.I live in Nassau County.It is difficult for me to be in a car for more than an hour. The doctor yesterday was in Great Neck, Earlier today I found out that a woman who I knew in HS died from Alzheimer’s .I last saw her at the HS 40th.reunion .I had no idea that she was ill Yes,I was disappointed that the Mets were eliminated .
  5. Yesterday afternoon I saw my next house neighbor who is a Yankee fan.I asked him who was going to win last night.Instead he asked me and I said Cleveland .He laughed and said “Lenny,please do not watch the game because you will jinx thevYankees.” I did not watch it.
  6. Sorry to hear that your mother is in Hospice.One of my neighbors was in Home Hospice and one of my friends was in a facility Hospice ,both families said that the hospice was amazing.
  7. He asked me to draw some very simple objects ,I was unable to do that.He had a drawing of a clock and asked me to draw ten minutes after 11 .I could not do that.He said 3 words and 5 minutes later asked me to repeat them.I was not able to.He had me step up and down with my feet while seated.I could only do it with my left foot.He held my hand and asked me to resist his pushing.I could not do it with either hand. I kept on telling him that I was in excrutiating pain even sitting in his office .He asked if I was depressed and I said that I was.I told him that at home I am screaming nearly all day because of the pain.He just sat there without an expression. I told him that I am depressed because I cannot remember simple things like addition and subtraction ,that I was an athlete when I was young and now I cannot walk more than 3 feet. Today I called a guy who is in my Parkinson’s Support Group ,he recommended one of his doctors.I am going to call one of my nieces who is an MD ,but I cannot do that till Sunday.
  8. Two of my friends called me earlier today hoping that I would have good news to tell them ,alas ,I did not. Thanks,Graham
  9. Sinemet did not work for me.One of my problems is that I have 13 other medical issues that react negatively to certain medications.Every Parkinsons medication that I have tried have been prescribed in low dosage to not cause me problems with other medications .The Parkinsons meds do not work in low dosage.
  10. Sorry to hear about your mother.I hallucinate at times from Parkinson’s.The scariest thing for me is when I look in the mirror and I see another face .The first time I freaked out .
  11. When we left his office he walked ahead of us to open the door to the check out desk. Every doctor who I have been to in recent years has told me there is nothing more they can do for me.I have a niece who is an MD .I have a very close relationship with her .She has offered to try and find a doctor for me to see but she practices in Westchester and the doctors she knows well are there.
  12. I went to the doctor today that I waited 6 months to see.I was not expecting a miracle but I hope that he would be able to offer me some form of relief from the Parkinsons. Ninety minutes of traveling in each direction .We arrived at the medical building and could not find parking.We saw a Valet sign and went to the area but nobody was working there .Then I saw a person leave a spot and we parked. Less than two minutes to wait to see the doctor.I brought all my recent MRI reports plus the discs,all recent lab results ,all other recent test results.The doctor had absolutely no interest in seeing any of what I brought and no interest in what is ailing me.If I wanted to see him again his next opening was in June.Not a good day .
  13. Without trying to seem morbid :In 2009 the President of the last company I worked for and a close friend died from Pancreatic Cancer.In 2013 my closest female friend died from Brain Cancer.In 2015 a friend died from Stomach Cancer.In 2017 my 41 year old nephew died from Brain Cancer,two long time friends died from Pancreatic Cancer and one from Lung Cancer.That same year I was very sick .I honestly believed that I was going to leave the planet.My family made me a Celebration of Life Party and asked for no gifts .Three friends who came to that party have since died,one from Covid,one from Brain and one from Lung Cancer.Yet I am still here.My life away from CC is not something to be desired.
  14. My son in law the huge Rangers fan would have been at the Garden tomorrow night but unfortunately he has Covid now. I am a Rangers fan ,most of the residents on LI root for the Islanders.
  15. Have you ever been to Kemah ?It is a city just outside of Galveston.When we go to Houston we stay at the Kemah Boardwalk Inn.It is practically on the water.The guy who designed the property had vacation in Manhattan and made the hotel are exterior look like a miniature NYC .On the grounds there was an aquarium ,an arcade with Coney Island type games ,restaurants and a concert area.There were Jazz Festivals on the property every October.
  16. As I have stated numerous times since you and I lived relatively close to each other and hung out in some of the same areas it is very likely that we dined at some of the same pizzerias or Italian restaurants.My picks are the consensus of several NY sportswriters.
  17. I have been to Houston several times.I have met quite a few people who moved there from NYC and nearly all were proud Yankee fans.My friend Dave worked for NASA and he said a lot of his co-workers proudly wore Yankee tee shirts on casual work days.
  18. In the 20 years that I have been living in my condo development nearly every person I have met moved here from Brooklyn and are Mets fans . On the block my house is on nearly everyone moved here from the Bronx and all of them are huge Yankee fans.
  19. My late friend Dave,a Mets fan moved to a suburb of Houston where all of his new friends rooted for the Astros .Dave never gave up his love for the Mets.
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