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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. There are still doctors who make house calls.Due to my disabilities I have in home Occupational Therapy.I also had in home PT.
  2. It is available in the US in other forms .
  3. My all time favorite Italian dish is the old standard Veal Parmigiana.The best I ever ate was in a restaurant in Boston in 1973.
  4. Three of my doctors have retired since December .While one is in his 70’s the other two are much younger,40’s and 60’s . Years ago people did not as a rule work past age 65 .
  5. We cruised to Canada in the Fall .There is nothing negative about the country for us.
  6. We did an Alaska vacation ,one week land and one week sea. It was our second best vacation of all time. We did a New England Canada cruise 5 years later and it was great. Prior to booking a cruise or land vacation I researched thoroughly. We have vacationed in Canada 17 times .We love the country.
  7. Wednesday Feb.28 is the new Survivor.I read the cast names to my granddog .He did not react to any.Perhaps when he picked BamBam as a past winner there was a way that I pronounced the name that caused him to bark ?
  8. I ,as a rule,do not eat fish or seafood.The exceptions being shrimp,scallops and eel but only on cruises or in restaurants.
  9. I just DVR’d season 3 on SyFy but I am starting with episode 2.Hopefully there will be a re cap of ep.1 or else I guess I can either watch it on Demand or wait till it resumes on Netflix.
  10. The one I ate today was grown in the Philippines.
  11. Has anyone ever eaten Calamansi ? I ate it today for the very first time.
  12. I just finished watching the last episode of Resident Alen.There were many cliffhangers till the series will resume later in 2024.
  13. I am watching Resident Alien on Netflix,three seasons with a fourth later this year.It is a sci fi,murder mystery,comedy with well known actors as well as actors I never heard of previously. I am on season 2,episode 9.
  14. No .The only time I ever ate a salmon product was croquettes.
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