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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. In the 50’s on every street corner in Brooklyn you could find guys singing trying to get a record label to sign them.In 1957 three of my friends and I went to a record label in Manhattan .The plan was to spend the fee of $5 each to get our song recorded.If it was liked we would receive a small sum of money and a record.Two of the guys never showed up so it was my friend B and I.During the recording I did not realize that it had started and I said to B “when will the begin ?”.Well ,I have the completed record with me asking the question.
  2. I still have my entire collection of 800 VHS movies.The only one I have that has some value is a Casablanca that was a prize in a contest I entered .It is a Gold Edition. I never removed the wrapping.I also still have the newspaper story about me winning the contest.
  3. When we moved from NYC I got rid of hundreds of vinyls that I regret doing but I do not know where I would keep them now.When my younger daughter moved out of the house she left her cassette collection and vinyls stating that she would take them soon It has been nearly 20 years and they are still here.
  4. I have hundreds of LP’s going back to the 60’s.My children bought me an old fashioned phonograph a few years ago so that I can play the records.I have several obscure one’s that nobody except possibly DaveKathy has ever heard of.
  5. Greg,when you were in college did you ever know a guy with the last name Roos.He is likely the same age as you.He lived in Kansas.I cannot recall the city,He moved to NYC after graduation .
  6. I remember Toffenetti’s and Jack Demsey’s.Last year I reconnected with a friend who I last saw in 1955 .We had a 5 hour phone conversation and discussed all the restaurants that we used to go to that are just memories now. Toby and I went cross country in 1970 and made stops in 43 cities,many were very small.We brought home brochures from each city.
  7. She is graduating this month as an honor student,co-captain of the tennis team,a member of a travel soccer team.She tutors kids in Math,does a lot of volunteer work and was accepted to every college she applied to.
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