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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. My oldest granddaughter was Co-Captain of her HS tennis team and currently plays in a tennis club in college.Her sister is on the HS team and met Billy Jean King at the most recent US Open.In 1957 I played in a PSAL tournament .The best female player that I ever saw in person was Sheila Maroschick.
  2. Yes,it is .Instead of discussing our Parkinson’s issues everyone was discussing similiar things that happened to them.I was the victim of Internet fraud,Bank Fraud and Medicare fraud.
  3. Thanks,Bonnie.His sister ,her children and 30 grandchildren live in Israel.He was very upset by what is happening there and he had a heart attack.
  4. Toby’s sisters other brother in law died tonight.I knew him 58 years.His funeral is Sunday and I am physically unable to go .
  5. Do you have a favorite ? If so,which one and why ?
  6. McAnns is 625 Eighth Ave.In 1969 I worked at 709 8th.Ave..I also went often to Kennedy’s and Shines.Every Friday when I was working was a liquid lunch day for quite a few years.
  7. There was an Irish Pub on 48 St.that had the highest bar stools and bar imaginable.I cannot recall the name of it.When I was young and healthy I frequented many Irish bars in Manhattan.My favorites were McSorleys and Tommy Makems.
  8. I did not know that you were an English History teacher .History was one of my favorite subjects in HS and college.My wife has a degree in History .She never worked in that field . I had a dual major of Psychology and Sociology and a minor in English with a concentration in Literature and worked in all four .
  9. I could just see you as a Teacher telling the above to your students,unless of course if you were teaching in a prison.
  10. Earlier today I was zooming my Parkinson’s Support Group.The people are age 45 to 85 and instead of discussing the illness we were discussing scams.One person said that he received a call yesterday supposedly from a utility company telling him that he had not paid his bills for the past three months and if he did not pay it immediately they were sending somebody to his home at 5PM to turn off his electricity .They said they would take it from his bank account and he gave them his account number.He was scammed for $100,000.
  11. There is or was an exclusive members only club on 50th.Street.I forgot what it is called but I went to a high school reunion there once.Why it was there I never asked.
  12. That is a very common practice in Manhattan especially near Central Park where many tourists from other countries gather.
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