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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. A guy who zooms the Creative Writing for Parkinson’s that I belong to has a residence on Block Island.I found that out today.He is a retired Dentist from Manhattan.
  2. The Highline is wonderful as is South Street Seaport,the various museums ,and my favorite Ellis Island.Years ago I became good friends with a guy who posted on CC.We exchanged e-mail addresses,then phone numbers ,then home addresses.He lived in Tennessee but grew up in Staten Island. He sent me a book about Ellis Island .I knew that I one day would have to go there.,
  3. Billy Joel and one of my co-workers from 50 years ago grew up together.She often told us of their childhood adventures.In 2007 I organized a school reunion .People came from all over the world . We discovered that even though we all grew up in NYC there were so many places that we never went to .The summer reunion was spent at every place we had never been to.
  4. If you have any questions about NYC I have lived in NY 80 plus years ,60 of which were in NYC and I spent 45 years working all over the city.
  5. I spent 25 years working on E.18 St and walked to E.57 St.every day after work in winters to take an Express bus home to Brooklyn because it was the only way I could get a seat.It was “wonderful “ walking on the slushy streets.
  6. I have a recommendation for a film about the Long Island area of NY. It is titled Rockaway.It came out in 2017 and won numerous awards . It is currently on Prime.
  7. The only time my wife and I ever go to a ships buffet is for the Oatmeal raisin cookies .I could live on them .
  8. A close friend of mine who grew up in NYC married a woman from Georgia. They moved to the city of Adel and he taught English there for 32 years.He never lost his NY accent .
  9. Yes,definitely .The actors are very good especially Stephen Graham who was one of the stars of Boardwalk Empire and Shira Haas.
  10. Me too.I am fluent in Brooklynese.I seem to be the only one of my friends and relatives who never lost their accent as the people who post on this thread and have met me can tell you.
  11. When I tell people I am from NY they immediately think it is NYC.They do not seem to realize just how many towns are in the state of NY.The town I live in has 1600 people.One of my children lives in a town with a population of 250.
  12. Exactly.In 2010 we cruised with close friends to the Panama Canal.We met a couple on the ship and engaged in conversation,They were from PA. He had a distinctive accent and told us that he grew up in Beaumont ,Texas.My friends father grew up there as well and the guy and my friend began conversing.The guys wife did not have an accent and I jokingly said to her that she must be from Brooklyn.She was and we both went to the same HS.She was 2 years older than me but we hung out in the same places.We exchanged e-mails and had many interesting conversations.
  13. My late friend Pamela and her husband moved from NY to Houston then retired to a suburb of Dallas.She met many people who were retirees there originally from Brooklyn.She even started a Brooklyn club.
  14. I was borderline obese in HS .When I went to the 40th. reunion I weighted 185,I am 6’5.All of the male attendees were pot bellied.Those who shunned me in HS were envious but alas things have changed for me.
  15. Nearly all of my close friends have died.I have Stage 4 Parkinsons and I am totally disabled.The only enjoyment I have aside from family is conversations with school people about the good old days.
  16. I am in e-mail and or telephone contact with 30 people who I went to various schools with.Even in weekly conversations we enjoy talking about our school days.
  17. There are alumni from my HS in both Southern and Northern California .They have informal gatherings once a year.My friends living in Berkeley usually attend the one in Northern California. There is also one in Fla because many graduates of the school are retired there.
  18. When cruising on sea days 99% of the time I am in the library or the gym unless of course the casino is open.
  19. That is your choice but not everyone feels like that.
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