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Everything posted by drron29

  1. I forgot to mention our points chasing achievements. There were only about half the number of people at trivia than on the previous segment. We did add an English couple to the team and so reached the allowed 8 members. We thought we would be out of the points as we only scored 15. But surprisingly we won. Golf on the other hand had changes that totally affected my enjoyment as well as the other fellow who was always there on the previous segment. Numbers more than doubled to 18. Not only that there were several young children who with the teens made up more than half of the players. The 2 of us did go the following day but independently both decided that the second day was the last for this segment. Sad as for the previous segment it was the most enjoyable time I had had at golf ever.
  2. Rojaan started again with the caviar whilst I went for the foie gras. She then had the seabass and I the prawn curry. I asked for extra spicy and it delivered. Rojaan then had the mango trilogy and I the pavlova. When we got back to our suite the Easter Bunny had been.'
  3. Once again to Atlantide. And the wines. Before the food came our view was filled by this.
  4. This was an excellent excursion. Our guide was helping out filling in for a friend. Normally he is a curator at a Valencia Modern Art Museum. Back on the ship and as usual to Kaiseki. And my selection.
  5. The designer referred to this as feeling like a wave. Though some ;ocals refer to it as the urinals.
  6. Part of the program for the year. The building grows on you. The rest of the precinct.
  7. The sculpture outside the main auditorium. And now inside the hall. First the orchestra pit.
  8. Sorry but I find talking with your butler much better than talking to or about your butler.
  9. A definite change in atmosphere on the present leg of our cruise compared to the previous segment. A lot younger demographic and quite a few under 5's. Why are they being kept up until 9-10pm in the restaurants when they have become overtired and become grizzly or shouting? Why not an early meal time. And a 2 year old having tantrums on a 2 hour drive in a bus for an excursion is not pleasant. We had a great group at the putting last segmen now over half are under 15. Not enjoyable so no longer participating. But one positive. Not as many at Trivia so two firsts and 2 seconds. be thankful for small mercies.
  10. Yet In Lisbon 2 weeks ago it was our best boarding experience ever. Also at the start of the next leg in Barcelona we got back from our excursion just before 1 pm and a lot had already boarded. Rooms were available just after 1pm. Delays are more likely due to Port Authorities than Silversea as the first few that you meet are their staff.
  11. The Hyatt Dubai has obviously lost a lot of staff this year. We have met 2 waiters on their first contract who came from the Hyatt. And our favourite Atlantide waiter who we have cruised with before spent a year at that Hyatt during the pandemic.
  12. And into one of the larger concert halls. Now a smaller hall. And the views from outside.
  13. Now at the Opera House said to be modelled on a Spartan's helmet. Up to the top floor.
  14. A little bit of drama when an older couple had a fall crossing the street. Fortunately no serious injuries. Just facades of old buildings Now driving to the Arts Precinct.
  15. We are now out of the old city and walking towards the bus.
  16. Formal wear for the Captain’s welcome cocktail party now.
  17. You may have noticed quite a few narrow houses in this area. Most were of 4 stories so no area for a lift so it was up a circular staircase such as this one in a shop. On the outside a pulley system to get larger or heavy objects up to the higher stories.. Now came our rest stop at this 200 year old cafe run by the same family. And this is what it served. So a drink called Horchata made from tiger nuts with copious sugar. Quite sweet. Served with a local pastry. Some pics in the cafe. And with another classic Spanish restaurant next door.
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