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Everything posted by drron29

  1. There wasanother Silversea tour going up the Tower but we walked on. More Spanish electrical wiring.
  2. And the view from where we get off the bus. Yrs that is the Silver Moon. And off we walk for the rest of the tour.
  3. After a breakfast in the Arts cafe we were off on an excursion. This turned out to be not so good. We were put into a bus and drove around the city for 45 minutes then let off the bus just outside the Port gates to walk to the Roman ruins. First from the bus.
  4. Come the morning and we were in Cartagena. Able to sleep in as only a 9.30 am excursion. So it was already light. Good views from our balcony. Some rowers over at the Naval base.
  5. Back on board and once again we bombed at trivia. But I regained some pride by winning at putting with 2 holes in one. Then dinner once more in Atlantide. The daily menu. We both started with the soft shell crab. It was nice. Rojaan had the lobster tail again and I went for the fillet steak. We were having dinner with another couple from our trivia team. I ordered mine rare and the other fellow ordered his medium rare and I am sure they mixed the orders up. I did have the tomato soup which I love on Silversea. Weboth ended with the cheeses cake. It was another good night.
  6. I then decided to have some real tapas here. The menu. So I had the Iberico ham with cheese sandwich, smoked salmon and gorganzola which was the best and anchovy on tomato. Now time to go back to the bus.
  7. We then had some free time so I went for a walk.
  8. And now we went for the obligatory Tapas. Actually got 3 glasses of wine. The first white was awful the other white and the red OK. The tapas as usual were mini tapas. were mini tapas.
  9. Truly amazing. The main body of the church is divided into half so that 2 different services can be held simultaneously.
  10. Because it is holy week some of the relics are missing to be used in the nightly parades.
  11. Now at the square that has the cathedral. The former stables for the Army. And now into the cathedral as usual built over a mosque a bit of which survives.
  12. We are now in the old town. It was under the rule of various Islamic regimes. At least 3 different Islamic groups ruled Rondo. When retaken by the Christians the complete population was killed. Some repairs.
  13. Where the bulls are kept the night before the fight. Seven stalls but only 6 bulls fight. A spare in case there is a problem with one ofthe bulls. Now we are walking towards the Old Town. The Parador and attached restaurant. A large gorge separates the old and new towns. It is actually called the Puente Nuevo and was completed in 1793.
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