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Posts posted by sprint180

  1. Sorry your trip was disappointing. I know all you have to do is ask your steward but when you take the time to set things up in advance you think it will be done. That's why you do it in advance, so you don't have to deal with it when you get there. I'm not hard to please. It would not ruin my vacation but I can see where it would be disappointing. Enjoy your next one! I only wish I was elite.

  2. What is even more amazing (at least to moi) is that about 60% of Americans do not even have a passport.




    curious why that is amazing to you. My family got passports for our cruise but would not use them otherwise. I know very few people with passports. Very uncommon where I live.

  3. I like the idea of a small sign up fee. Certainly would slow down those who come in trying to make a splash and stir things up. Might not be popular with many, but IMO it would be a good idea.


    unfortunately some of the rudest comments come from people who have been on here forever and would gladly

  4. I don't like the "use the search" or "read FAQ's" gripe either. When I first found this site I had just booked my first cruise. I was so excited, it didn't even occur to me to search or read faqs. I thought the faqs were to tell you how to use the site, what the buttons were for and so on. I was just excited and asked a lot of questions. As I look back I asked all the question that seem to make people mad. Thank goodness most people were wonderful and gave me great advice. Unfortunately the first mean response to an innocent comment really took the wind out of my sails and made me not come back for a long time.

  5. ... and the local islander with bad intentions thinks to himself.." Hmmm, what do we have here...middle aged sunburned couple in the worlds ugliest tropical print shirts, carrying excessive number of t-shirt filled bags, taking pictures of rocks and trees, thinking they look good sipping a blue drink while a paper umbrella jabs at their nose. Could they be tourists? I'm not really sure.... Ohhhh, hey mon, I SEE A LANYARD!!!! NOW I KNOW FOR SURE!!



    baahaahaaa, now that's funny

  6. I take money out of dh's acct :eek: every month for vacation. He doesn't know, hasn't missed it yet!

    We don't drink, don't smoke, don't eat out, in fact we just realized we haven't been ''up town'' all summer for fun.

    We don't have satellite or cable. Don't buy a morning coffee. I pack lunch for work.

    We buy a new car every 200,000 miles or so. or when it becomes unfixable. overall we live simply.

    About forgot. Have a credit card that gives cash back. I pay as many bills on that as possible. But, always pay it off or it defeats the purpose.

  7. The first time I called Princess to ask about a cruise and asked how much the ''fees'' were. Didn't realize they were taxes etc. I said I knew there were some on my last cruise explained they were added. She never tried to understand what I was asking about. Was extremely rude. Then I called back and asked someone else and they corrected me and were very helpful. So I booked with her. That being said. She has never returned a call or email since them. I have given up and just call the regular number. I probably won't book Princess again.

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