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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @1ANGELCAT,so sorry about Jaguar. @JazzyV, Vanessa, so sorry about the legs.Is it an Unna boot? @Seasick Sailor, I hope Ron's surgery well. @rafinmd, Bon Voyage!
  2. Good morning. It is warm here today but seems less humid,always a wonderful thing. I have two dogs here who love to find mud and usually do.Cameras are to be celebrated but I am not known for skill in that area.My DH taught me the joys of hugging as I did not grow up in a "huggy" family.I saw my brother last week and we had a good laugh about finally learning something valuable in our older years. I worked with a lot of Filipina nurses and therapists and loved when they brought their tasty dishes to departmental parties. I would love to try the recipe soon as it sounds great. @dfish,Debbie, your hair looks great and thanks as usual for our recipes.I decided to try yesterday's florentine meatballs for tonight with rice. @kazu, Hope you get home soon.A long rest is in order. Take care everyone Terry
  3. @Seasick Sailor, sending prayers for your friend Ron @St Pete Cruiser,I am happy to hear you are recovering but that must have been a very difficult time.Please take care.
  4. Good morning to all. @kazu, Jacqui, I am sorry to hear of your flight difficulties. My DB had the same issue last week and was stuck another day before he got home. @aliaschief , Bruce I hope you found the keys. My poor aging Subaru( he just turned 13) had yet another mechanical issue yesterday.Thankfully we had just exited the highway when an awful grinding sound started.I was only one block away from the mechanic and limped into the place.He was kind enough to take my sick car and give us a ride home.DH would not have been able to walk that far. I paid the ransom this morning and I am happy not to go anywhere today. We have been to the port and I do have pictures but I am unable to access them as the computer is being difficult.Imagine waterfalls, steaming mud flats and possible troll houses. A truly magical place! @rafinmd,Roy, we are truly appreciative of Tana's inclusion on the list but her situation is going to include multiple episo.des of pneumonia and a severe cough. Perhaps the rotation us more appropriate. I am so caught up in the day to day of it that I tend not to look at the big picture.Frankly, it is way too hard to look at the big picture. Thank you all for the constant support for us.I find it amazing
  5. @AncientWanderer,I empathize with the bee sting.I hope you are feeling a lot better.It can be very serious. @durangoscots,I am so happy the two dogs are getting along.Enjoy!
  6. Good morning from a very humid and soon to be rainy NY. Sunglasses will not be needed but I love my eyeglasses that change automatically in response to sunlight. I pretty much use onions in everything I cook and love them. I worked in a Nursing Home as a PT and very quickly learned that Bingo was a preferred activity and was taken very seriously.I made sure my patients were treated prior to the scheduled Bingo time or suffered the consequences. We have not been to the port but would love to see pictures. Yesterday’s photos were so lovely, thanks to @Quartzsite Cruiser and. @StLouisCruisers. Today includes visits to 2 doctors for DH. Walking is much improved and the swelling at the ankle is less. It is just hard to put on real shoes! The recipe sounds interesting. So far our dinner plans include several leftovers. Terry
  7. @mamaofami, Carol, a very Happy Birthday to you. I hope Sam is feeling better and will be home soon.
  8. Good morning. It is quite humid already and I was a dripping mess after venturing out for the first dog walk of the day. The last time I was in a canoe was in Haines, Alaska on an excursion to a glacier. We have not been to the port.I truly believe in forgiveness but sometimes have a huge struggle.I certainly salute my beautician. My DH is walking better as the gout slowly resolves.He started taking black cherry extract capsules as well.Thank you for the suggestion . Tana is feeling "a little more human" but has an awful cough.Her fever comes back at night.We again are taking turns to stay with her as there is a lot of anxiety present. We had a great discussion last night at 3 am regarding the meaning behind different dreams.We both have had recurring dreams in the last 3 years that are similar. If I weren't so tired I would research it further! I am making bean and cheese enchiladas for the group tonight but like the sounds of the recipe. Enjoy the day everyone Terry
  9. Good morning to all.Sloppy Joe's sound good for tonight and I think I will use the "crack pot" recipe.Thank you so much Debbie @dfish. We have not been to the port and I like the look of log cabin homes. @cat shepard, my niece ,Camilla 's Grandma, says that Grandpa has always had a special connection with the baby.He is the secret weapon when babysitting! I will finally meet the baby in July.She is taking a few steps now,holding on.We are all so thrilled. Take care everyone. Terry
  10. @Sharon in AZ,Happy Birthday! @JazzyV, I am sorry to hear that you had to take an ER trip.I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.The City ER's do have interesting people..... @kazu,I hope the flight works out.I love the picture of Jose,thank you for posting it.It will be good to be somewhere else on this difficult day.
  11. oh my.I am so sorry you have had such difficulty with this neurologist. Even here in my very populated area we have long waits for specialists but not as bad as that.
  12. Good morning from a humid and warm environment today.I encountered a lot of dogs and their owners early today as it gets just too hard to walk in the "soup" later. We try to have a good laugh around here most days and usually succeed. I had a great Aunt who told us many stories involving fairies and kept us entertained as children.I think my dog Fred goes to work with me every day and I appreciate his help. The Graduation took place outside and was very nice.DH stayed with Tana and they watched on the computer.DD and I shed a few tears and remembered the day our young man was born.I can always count on her to be sentimental with me. I think there would be a revolt here if fish heads appeared on the table.We will have to come up with something later. I got this picture last night of Camilla and her Grandpa. .
  13. The day after a steroid injection is so amazing.I am very happy that the pain is less.
  14. @rafinmd, Roy, a very Happy Birthday to you! @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, Happy Birthday to your DD!I am so sorry DH is still positive @Quartzsite Cruiser,Lenda I am glad the steroid injection helped but so sorry your DH has such a struggle with Spinal Stenosis. @bennybear, I was sorry to hear about your DH's melanoma diagnosis and hope he can have it treated soon. @marshhawk,Ann,I loved your picture yesterday and showed it to Tana. Thanks. @grapau27 ,Graham, I hope the injection helps. @mamaofami,Carol I hope you are still ok but sorry to hear about Sam and his aide. So much going on.Please take care everyone. Terry
  15. @Quartzsite Cruiser,I hope the specialists are able to help.Please let us know what happens @kazu,I am glad you are ok but what a close call.So sorry about the phone and bag.
  16. Good morning from a cloudy and humid NY.A huge thank you is due to everyone who mentioned cherry juice and gout.I put an order in for the cherry concentrate tablets last night!DH is not a complainer at all but one can see the obvious pain he is in when trying to walk. We have not been to the port,look forward to pictures.I am undecided about the quote and salute HVAC techs and rain forests. I think I will pass on the recipe today. Our soon to be graduate attended a party during the evening yesterday.DH and I were joking with him that he needed to put his phone away to actually speak with his friends.DD gave him a ride to the party and told me there were at least 20 kids outside on a small lawn all looking at their phones.Oh my.We later found out that the parents collected all the phones as they came into the house!It was a pool party with ice cold water in the pool.I am sure he had fun anyway. Our Tana had a long night with awful coughing.DD told me she could hear it in her house.I am hoping today will be a better day. Again,thank you everyone for always being there.We all appreciate it here. Terry
  17. @cat shepard,I spoke to the principal yesterday and she assured me the graduation will be streamed .We have a lot of really big extended families in the school district and each graduate is given only 4 tickets.Theceremony will hopefully be outdoors but they will move it to the gym if rain comes.
  18. Thank you for the prayers and kind wishes for DH and Tana.The two of them are watching a movie together in the AC and commiserating. Everyone here is appreciated but especially @kazu, @grapau27, @cat shepard, @rafinmd , @marshhawk, @Cruzin Terri, @StLouisCruisers and @Seasick Sailor.
  19. Tana’s son graduates from eighth grade on Thursday. She very much planned on going and we hired an ambulette to get her safely there and back. We are really disappointed for both of them as she is really unable to go at this time. Although we try ,we certainly can’t make up for her presence at such an event.
  20. I so appreciate your prayers for Tana. I read your post to her and she asked me to tell you to please be careful walking in the 100 degree heat downtown!
  21. Good morning to all and welcome to Summer. We have been to the port and toured both Rouen and Monet’s home in Giverney.I had looked into taking the train to Paris but it all seemed so rushed in spite of an overnight at the port. My DH appears to have gout at the ankle joint instead of the great toe where he has had it before. I was alarmed to see the foot and ankle very swollen,red and warm to the touch.We managed the MD appointment,bloodwork and X-rays within 3 hours yesterday.Walking is very painful. He starts prednisone this morning in an effort to decrease symptoms. Our other patient unfortunately has pneumonia again and struggles to maintain her ability to cope.She is such a strong woman but it has just been a very difficult few weeks for her.We are grateful for the good wishes and prayers from the Daily family. Dinner tonight will be vegetarian chili with corn bread. It is bubbling away in my “crack pot” as I write.I am trying to come up with ways to cook that are less laborious….
  22. Good afternoon.I am very late today as DH was not feeling well and needed to see the primary care Doc.We are home in one piece and have medication that will help. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, so sorry you are still positive @dfish,Debbie Congratulations on the new baby girl in the family take care all
  23. I am loving all the Dad photos. Graham, @grapau27, you were and still are a very handsome man!
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