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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Beautiful pictures, thanks. I hope DH feels better soon.17 times,oh my.Glad you got in to see the Doc right away.
  2. Good morning to all. Chicken pesto meatballs sound delicious and I think I will try the instapot recipe, thanks to Tina @0106,again. It is always a dog day here and our two provide us with lots of entertainment. I try to avoid junk food but sometimes the temptation is just too strong. I would hope that we are all somebody. @marshhawk,I am sorry you had such a big reaction to your booster and hope you are better today.I have a theory that because DH and I worked over 40 years in Healthcare that we were exposed to every possible virus and bug over time . This is just a theory.... @Sharon in AZ, a very Happy Birthday to Craig.Enjoy the celebration too. Fred the Dog day celebrant
  3. @bennybear, I hope all goes well tomorrow for DH. @kazu,Thank you for showing us such a lovely picture of Jose and his dahlias.
  4. Good morning. I am waiting for the ancient Subaru to have his inspection. The owner and his mechanics are always pleased to see us but hopefully today it will be simple.It is hot l and humid already so I decided against walking home and back later. It is a good collection of days and I love the quote.Books have been my escape my entire life and continue to be very important now.I would love an ice cream soda today! The recipe sounds great and the slow cooker would be put to good use. My niece and her husband have tested negative and are feeling much better. Thanks to all for the prayers and good wishes. My DS informed me that the sharks have followed us back home.I had not watched the news and did not see that there were sightings at Jones Beach and the Rockaways.Maybe they came to sight see..... Be careful in the heat today Terry
  5. She had her birthday in late June. The party was held out doors but there were a few people who were Ill and did not know it. They unfortunately caused quite a few Covid cases within 4 days. Yikes.
  6. Good morning everyone. I will salute new friends and would eat a raspberry cake if someone else did the baking.We have not been to the port and I like the quote. My executive chef has picked the second recipe.I even have the ingredients in the house.It will be a nice dinner with a separate soup pot for my two vegetarians. Thanks so much Tina @0106! @grapau27,Graham, your gardens are beautiful . I loved the hydrangeas. The town of Orleans in Cape Cod, MA had a hydrangea festival when we were there.It seemed every house had huge bushes in full bloom. The high temps yesterday that you had were alarming.Please be careful! So far,I have a little soreness in my arm from the booster yesterday. DH seems to be OK as well.I did notice most people were wearing masks inside again now.NYC rates are at 15%. My niece sent a picture of Camilla looking like a big girl these days.Her grandpa is expected to leave the hospital today,thank goodness.
  7. So glad DB is feeling somewhat better but sorry DSIL is now positive.
  8. Good morning. We are on the midst of a thunderstorm and both dogs are hiding under the kitchen table as it is a ground shaker.I am trying to get some cooking done before it is too hot.The oven is working on two different quiches now and the instapot is busy making vegetarian chili.I love how the dried beans cook so beautifully in the instapot. I will hug everyone here today and confess a love for sour candies.We have not been to the port.I also love Guacamole but tiny avocados are going for 2$ each these days. DH and I are having our second booster shot today. We plan to come home and rest. Last night was a long one and naps are needed. Terry
  9. Thank you for including Camilla and her Mom but they are much improved now.Camilla's Grandpa remains hospitalized due to covid but is starting to improve.We very much appreciate the prayers and good wishes as well as your work on the Daily lists.
  10. Sandi both my DIL and DS are long distance runners.They were really anxious to restart their daily runs but found the fatigue(both) and the leg pain(DS) were quite limiting. It was almost 2 months for both of them to regain their prior levels of endurance.My DIL is a Dr but freely admits to being a very bad patient and she was really mad about not being able to run the way she used to.They had what was considered mild cases!They are both 45 this year and thought recovery would be easy.
  11. @Crazy For Cats, a very Happy Anniversary to you both @kazu,I am enjoying the beauty and variety of your gardens. Thank you for letting us see the results of your labors.
  12. Good morning to all.It is 80% in the humidity department and we felt it earlier on our dog walk.Oh my, we could use a nice sea breeze. Ice cream certainly deserves a day but emojis are sometimes hard to figure out. We have not been to Japan but would love pictures. I spoke to my niece(Camillas Grandma) last night and her husband was admitted to the hospital where he works .He was in a picture with the baby a few weeks ago.He is on oxygen but in a regular room.The rest of the covid sufferers( Camilla and parents) are much better. @Cruzin Terri,enjoy your trip to Williamsburg and visiting with friends. Tana had a hard time last week due to the high temperatures.This old house tries hard but the room air conditioners stuggle to keep up. We had extra help but cooking/meal prep was not a strong suit so my dinner last night was a hit! Thanks Tina @0106! We loved the chicken florentine with the low carb recipe. I will save the baked chicken included today for a less hot day. I made pasta and bean soup yesterday for my vegetarians and have a lentil soup request for tonight. We are odd here and enjoy soup throughout the year. @1ANGELCAT,so sorry about your brother's car.I hope he has no after effects from the accident. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi , my brother and my son both reported leg pain similar to yours for several weeks after their covid bouts.DS is a runner and was unable to run for almost 2 months.I hope your pain is less soon. Terry
  13. firGood morning everyone. It took us 6 hours after we left the Cape Sagamore Bridge to get to NY.Oh my.Traffic,accidents and several iced coffee stops before we picked up the pooches and landed in the driveway. I thought of you Gerry @ger_77 as I was driving away from the rental house.Icould see the family all lined up in the driveway in my rear view mirror and did my usual amount of crying. It is hard when family is not nearby. @0106,Tina, thank you for the recipes.I think we will try the low carb one tonight.Last night I am embarrassed to say that we ate cereal for dinner!I did not offer to do more than that either. @SLouisCruisers, Sandi, the blue bubble is on strike but I am thinking of you and your extended family today @rafinmd. Roy, also thinking of your aunt as she is laid to rest. @marshhawk,Ann, I unfortunately know what you mean about cancers in the mouth,head and neck.My Dad was a heavy smoker and underwent many surgeries.It was 35 years ago and not much could be done.Hopefully your team of Docs will be able to do more. We love spinach here and appreciate the old Woody Wagons.We have not been to the port. Camilla is finally negative for covid as are her parents.My niece(the Grandma) and her husband have caught it a second time.They are NP's in a hospital and often babysit Camilla.Hopefully they were not positive when we saw them on Sunday. I am happy to be home but enjoyed the vacation so much. Terry
  14. @Seasick Sailor,A very Happy Birthday to Allen! @dfish,Enjoy your cruise Last picture Beach at Nauset two tired grandchildren in towels after riding waves for hours
  15. Good morning to all. We have not been to the port and will pass on the recipe today. We are aware of sharks and their seal food supply. The life guards at Nauset beach were very aware of them as well. I will pass on the pandemonium and salute Bastille Day. We have one more beach day and return home tomorrow. It has been so nice to spend huge chunks of time together. Terry
  16. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, I am also sending my condolences to you ,your family and Buddy's family.As others have said,it is so hard to lose people at such a young age. @marshhawk,Ann,Yes!Skaket Beach is just perfect.We arrived at high tide and walked the water out.
  17. We went to a Bay beach today and hid our fair. skin under a shelter. It is hot and the grandparents are escaping from the beach to the rental house. DS playing on beach and backs of kids heads!
  18. Good morning to all.We are with my son and family on beautiful Cape Cod. The beach yesterday was wonderful but got very windy by one pm or so.My chair has an attached umbrella that was unusable most of the day.My DGC's were in the 62 degree water with their boogie boards until several seals arrived to surf the waves. The lifeguards were busy as they came within 10 feet of the shoreline.Sharks had been seen a few days before so people took no chances. It is so nice to be with everyone and just relax on the beach. @rafinmd,Roy,I am sorry about your aunt. @HAL Sailer,Melisa, I am also sorry to hear about your DB's Covid. @durangoscots,your fall sounded scary and I am glad nothing is broken.I hope you feel better soon. @grapau27,Graham, also sorry to hear about Sarah's covid case. Camilla and her parents are still positive but are doing well otherwise.We were going to try to see them on the way home but I don't think that will be possible. Terry
  19. Good morning to all.We are at my. wonderful SIL's home in SE Mass. We drive later to my son's rental on the Cape . We were supposed to see Camilla but unfortunately she and her parents have covid for the second time. So far they are doing ok but we worry anyhow.I did see my niece and nephew for the first time since last year. My DD called to tell me they are all managing well at home.The hospice nurse was there yesterday and changed some meds. The dog sitter sends photos of our two with her small dog.The dogs are having fun too! My best to all of you Terry
  20. Good morning. It is hot already here but at least I got a decent dog walk in.Tomorrow I am taking both dogs to the dog sitter as we will be leaving for our Massachusetts getaway My DSIL has planned a BBQ with my niece and nephew as well as their children and the famous Camilla. We will join my DS and family at their Cape rental Monday afternoon. I am so excited but a little nervous leaving home at this time. We have someone staying in my side of the house with Tana as it woud be unsafe otherwise.She has a lot of difficulty with mobility due to her breathing issues. Of course DD is here as well as DSIL.I think ( ha ha) my control issues are showing as I am worried about how it will go. Tana assures me she is still capable of ordering people around when necessary! We have not been to the port,I avoid cookies in general and prefer thin crust pizza. @rafinmd,I am glad you are home safely and happy that you have more cruises to take. Terry
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