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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning to all. We have rain here today but nothing like the situation in Texas. I hope everyone is okay there. We were in Cartagena on our last cruise in 2018 on the Prinsendam. It was an interesting port and we even found Roman ruins of a theater. @superoma, a very happy birthday to your DH!
  2. @grapau27, Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline.The wedding pictures are lovely.
  3. I learned to drive in Boston….it prepared me for driving around here!
  4. Good morning from a very humid NY. August! I like the days but will pass on the meal as we are careful with spices.I have sailed from Boston twice but spent my college days there in the 70's.It was a great place to be young and on my own .I had many different part time jobs during college including waitressing and house cleaning. I can still visualize the beautiful Back Bay brownstone I cleaned weekly. My apartment was at the edge of Roxbury but I could still smell the "ocean" when the winds were right. @ger_77 I hope the two of you are starting to feel better. We still find ourselves tiring easily and unenthusiastic about food and were a week or so ahead of you. It will slowly get better but it is hard when one is used to doing more.
  5. Holy smokes! I just saw Jacqui's post! That was amazing!!I am so glad.
  6. Good morning. I am known in the family as "the potato queen " and have never met a potato I don't like. They are presently scarce here.I went to several stores yesterday before I found decent Yukon golds for an impending potato salad.The favorite recipe is for smashed potatoes but that will wait until the fall. I will celebrate Aviation day and Humanitarian Day. The world lost a wonderful Humanitarian when Dr Paul Farmer of Partners in Health passed away.He was an amazing man and certainly spent his life in a positive way. Perhaps the catfish I tried (once) was not the " good" type.I will leave my portion for others to enjoy. We are grilling shrimp and crab burgers tonight and may eat outside if it is not too humid. The potato salad is done and I will only need to make tomato pie.I am trying to tempt the reluctant eaters. @Cruzin Terri, I am sorry the truck hit you as well but maybe later today will be better.Condolences for your neighbor. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, what a great idea for a quilt ! @grapau27,Graham, that looks like a great lunch,enjoy! Terry
  7. Good morning Dailyites! I will celebrate the days and love the quote.The recipes look great but the older family members are not tolerating spices these days. We have not been to the port. @Seasick Sailor,Joy. I am sorry to hear about your friend Debbie 's brother.My condolences and prayers. @kazu,Jacqui, I was distressed to hear about your injuries and poor Shadow's situation. I hope she was found and that the wrist is less painful today. We are lurching along here and noticed yesterday that although we are all eating, general enthusiasm for food is markedly less.Believe me, this group can eat! Right now, eating is something one has to do instead if something to look forward to.I am sure it will get better in time.My DB said it took several weeks before he really felt like eating after his bout with covid.
  8. Good morning to all. I have incredible neighbors and try to reciprocate . I made lasagna for two different families as a thank you for the meals they sent over when the whole house had Covid. Black cats are both inside and outside here. They are elegant and sleek. The quote is a good one and appropriate for the times we live in. The recipe is a good one for today as I have leftover “gravy” and just need to get cheese to stuff the shells.
  9. Good morning. We have another beautiful day here and I am back to being the principal dog walker in our family. It was a pleasure to walk this morning with a breeze and gorgeous blue skies. I have always loved roller coasters but have had to be content with watching grandchildren enjoy them. @mamaofami, Carol, do you remember the Dragon Coaster at Playland in Rye? The executive Chef is feeling more herself today and asked for a potato leek soup for lunch. We decided on bean and cheese enchiladas for dinner. I better get to the grocery store. Enjoy the day everyone. Terry
  10. Good morning to all. Our weather is beautiful today, similar to @puppycanducruise with highs in the low eighties. I will salute all the days listed and appreciated Tina's thoughts on the Gatsby quote, @0106.I would like to read that book again and see what I think. We have decided to maintain the 24 hour help for our Tana for another two weeks at least. Right now, I can't imagine coping without these ladies. @ger_77,I hope things are improving in your house today. @kazu,I am thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs. @dfish,Thanks for the recipes and drive carefully. Terry
  11. @ger_77,oh no.I remember the "hit by truck" feeling all to well. My sympathies on the positive test.
  12. Good morning. It is a beautiful cool day here with a wonderful breeze.I may try dog walking later as the conscripted teenager states he "has no time".Oh my. I was the only one in my family growing up who was right handed.My father actually went to the Catholic school to state that his sons were left handed and will not be forced to write with the opposite hand. They stopped insisting on it.He was quite assertive. Years later I was a supervisor on a stroke unit and did a study on ambidextrous stroke patients and the difference in their recovery patterns. We have been to Copenhagen remember a tiny hotel room similar to Sandi's. It was our first time in Europe and we had a lot to learn! I think things are a little better for Tana today and the rest of us are doing well.The fatigue is an issue but at least we otherwise feel well.We have 24 hour help for Tana for a while which is a huge blessing. Debbie, I love the recipes today and am inspired to try the Italian one.Thanks.Enjoy your family party,even in the rain. Terry
  13. Oh no @ger_77, so sorry DH is positive. Hopefully he will get over it quickly. And keep testing yourself.
  14. @kazu,I am so sorry to hear of Shadow's problems. I honestly don't know what to say but I am thinking of you at this difficult time.
  15. Yes,the Docs have told us that there is a possibility of rebound.So far DH and I are ok because we took it as well.
  16. Good morning everyone. It is finally a little cooler and there is a nice breeze today.I am grateful for the 3 individuals I could imagine calling at 4 am if needed! We have been to the port and toured the same places Sandi did.We had a sunny day and really enjoyed it. DH and I hung on to our vinyl from our respective youths and even purchased a new turntable.I am surprised that we have not worn certain albums out.One of the things Tana has had to adjust to while living here is my ability to listen to the Allman Brothers over and over.It makes me smile abd occasionally dance. @richwmn,A very Happy Birthday to you! Terry
  17. Good morning. I will absolutely celebrate sons and daughters and will not get myself kicked off the Daily with jokes about Presidents.Play in the sand day sounds like fun. We have been to Sydney a few times and the last was on a very rainy late May Maasdam cruise.Rain pants and hooded jackets saved the day. Tana has a rebound case of covid with a high fever.DD and I found a private aide for this week to help us as we are both still very tired.This woman is just great and managed a difficult situation very well.She offered to find someone for overnight but we decided we could manage ourselves.Well, suffice it to say we should have listened to the wiser woman! There will be something easy for dinner tonight but I have not decided on what yet.The recipes look great. Thanks Debbie @dfish!Safe travels today Terry
  18. @puppycanducruise, John Banville used a pseudonym for his mystery series with his Dublin Pathologist, Benjamin Black.A few years ago he gave up and used his actual name for the latest book in the series. He had written a lot of books!
  19. Thank you.And my love right back at you as my teenager often says!
  20. Good morning. I will celebrate all if the days and try one of the pho recipes tonight. Books have always been my solace and comfort even though I use an eReader now. I also enjoy mysteries and historical fiction. I recently read all of the Benjamin Black/John Banville books and enjoyed his Dublin Pathologist. There are also many excellent Scandinavian writers now published in English.DSIL uses his employee benefits to import them to my eReader. I could easily spend the whole day reading. @marshhawk, Ann, your hair is lovely! It would cost more than that around here. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for having us all on the list but I think we are over the worst of it.We do remain concerned about Tana as her respiratory issues are significant. My best to all of you Terry
  21. This is the newest cat in DD's side of the house.She is 6 months old,rescued right before we all got sick.Her name is Misty.
  22. Good morning.The humidity and temperature were the same at six am. Our teenage dog walker said that his charges were not inspired for great distances. I salute cats and zucchini ,like the quote and have not been to Indonesia.Yesterday I made the salmon and spinach recipe and everyone liked it. It looks as if we have all recovered our appetites again. Today’s recipes look yummy but I would have to make a grocery store trip. Osiris and Junior
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