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Everything posted by gumshoe958

  1. People can and do cancel last minute or no show. Royal doesn’t want empty suites. RoyalUp means that won’t happen - and Royal makes more $$$.
  2. The stand-alone Starbucks stores aren’t included but the Starbucks coffee sold in Cafe Promenade is.
  3. Don’t think for one moment that Royal is the only line looking to cut costs. They might do it in different ways, with varying impact on the guest experience, but rest assured they’ll all do it. So don’t assume the grass is greener on the other side. Like it or not, Covid and Ukraine have been a turning point for the cruise industry.
  4. Graciously accept their apologies and appreciate that these things happen.
  5. Like any Royal megaship, she’ll be overrun with kids when school’s out and much calmer when it’s not. And like any Royal megaship, she’ll have plenty of places where you can get a respite from the kids. Ultimately, Royal is a family line that has made a business decision to appeal to kids. If Icon’s not for you, that’s fine. Other ships and lines are available. Royal has 5, soon to be 6, classes of ship. All different, catering to different tastes. Why do people expect every single ship to be designed just for their tastes? I don’t really like burgers. But I don’t moan about McDonald’s or Burger King not catering for me and demand they change their menus. I just don’t go there. Other restaurants and foods are available.
  6. Yes, it’s been on sale for a week. There are/were some amazing group rates if you have a TA who’s signed up for them.
  7. Exactly. And it’s even more vital if flights, hotels etc are non-refundable and the trip is a long way in the future. Anything could happen in the next nine months. There’s always a chance a cruise will be cancelled for any number of reasons. In this case, the bottom line is money talks.
  8. Jewel has two production shows, City of Dreams and Tango Buenos Aires. Otherwise it’s guest headliners in the theater, movies (there’s a nice little cinema on board) and live music in the Centrum, Schooner Bar and Safari Club. Not a patch on O, Q or even V class ships - but I guess most people sail on Jewel for her itineraries rather than the entertainment.
  9. NCL have also started charging for room service continental breakfast this week. Let’s see if Royal does the same. Face it, prices everywhere are rising fast. Cruise lines aren’t immune. We’ve already seen Royal trial cuts to MDR menus and cabin cleaning. I doubt very much that’s the end of it. I would guess every department’s been told to make savings and they’re starting to filter through to the passenger experience.
  10. Check the app; if nothing’s showing for your sailing yet you can change it to show the current sailing which will give you an idea of what’s on offer.
  11. Obviously couldn’t wait for that first free Diamond drink of the day 😂
  12. Quite a bit better as the headline price on the website will be for a neighbourhood balcony.
  13. Assuming you didn’t book with a big box TA that doesn’t take part, you can always try bidding for an upgrade with RoyalUp. Look out for an email nearer the time (usually about a month out). Upgrades from insides to balconies tend to be the easiest to get so you may get lucky, and get a relative bargain.
  14. Oh ok. Yes, it shows up on the UK site but it won’t let you actually book. I think it’s only bookable on the US site (and by TAs) atm.
  15. How? I just get the Oops, Something Went Wrong page when I try to book it.
  16. Sep 22nd is very early for the final 7 nighter in the Med. The westbound TA usually departs at the very end of October so yes, I’d say it’s pretty much a certainty that the dry dock will be at the end of the Med season.
  17. There are no earlier slots. The entire MDR is now used for early traditional dining, then once the early diners leave they start opening up the tables for MTD. That can happen a bit earlier than 7, so you might get seated around 6.30/6.45 if you’re lucky, but if you want to eat any earlier you need to go for traditional dining.
  18. The problem is since the restart people have become accustomed to ships not sailing full and get a nasty surprise when they find they are. Did people seriously expect to have the ship to themselves at the first fully restriction-free Thanksgiving for 3 years?
  19. What they pick is academic as you just go to any restaurant as soon as you’re on board and make reservations for wherever you want, whenever you want (subject to availability).
  20. Looks like the concierge just cut and paste from the Diamond letter and overlooked the required edit for D+ … simple mistake.
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