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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Morning all, just been watching the highlights of the Tyson boxing fight. Time he gave up and kept the promise he made his Mrs and enjoy a peaceful life with his family. Have a good day everyone 🙂
  2. Hope your mum caŕrys on with her improvement Sue You take care.
  3. You would expect to buy top quality water from them but they are selling folk crapp and their own at that 😉
  4. Morning, the above got me thinking was he alive on arrival 🤔? Did he arrive by motor pike and side carp ? Has anyone else seen weird things? I once saw a man with one arm walking into a second hand shop once ? All have a wonderful day take care 🙂
  5. Look a talking dog 😊 That got me thinking?🤔 If aliens saw us walking our dogs and picking up their poop, who would they think is in charge?” 🤣
  6. Maybe the bird tables are that popular they were flying off the shelves to be outside 🤔? That's retail shops for you!
  7. Morning on thiswet/dry/suunny day wherever you are. Almost the weekend again and after a nice breakfast time to ponder such strange and wonderful things like... If you were doing your house up and a burgerler was to break in and leave his fingerprints in wet cement. Would the police consider that to be concrete evidence?😊 Have a good day and take care!
  8. We ate out for our lunch today and had steak and egg. Very enjoyable meal.
  9. Morning, hope everyone is OK this morning. Middle of the week again gives you the option to look back at the weekend or look forward to the coming one. Whichever you choose have a good day today and take care😊
  10. @Megabear2 sorry to read your sad news but if she's had a long happy healthy life,until now. Then take comfort from that. I suppose there is never a good time for our loved ones to say goodbye. Take care.
  11. Seems to be a laid back day on here today hope everyone is happy 😊 Days are good when we can think of anything, like.. If a cannibal decided to go vegan/vegetarian. Would that be classed as a No Brainer ?? 😉
  12. We had a notice from our council once and it said our back gardens were to be dug up and new sewer pipe to be installed at a cost shared by six houses. Only one person was getting blocked pipes since he had his cowboy mates mess about with his property. Soon found out his newly elected to the council aunt Beryl had signed this off. A quick letter fired off to the council, letting them know tha we were aware that Beryl was a relative and the work needed was not passed by any water board they had done. Never heard anything about it since. So as others say start digging who is behind any proposed planning.
  13. Channel 5 showing Britannia on coastguard rescue now.
  14. They should have seen us play in our younger days. The pitch was shocking, hardly any grass, more stone and gravel but we still won on aggregate 😊
  15. For those of us who stayed up until daft o'clock or fell asleep hoping to see the N L 😉 Here is a blast from the past when I was only 22 years old which would be the summer of 1978. Used to have a right giggle watching folk on Top Of The Pops trying to dance this one . Memories eh ? 😀 https://youtu.be/67K69Cxl49g?si=LwboRYz6LxdST3Z2 Catch you all later 🙂
  16. Morning I was thinking the same but I have been up a couple of hours now . We gave it a half hearted attempt last night but a few houses around us had decided to light up their gardens with security floodlights and it was a bit cloudy as well. Some folk did get photos but the best ones were on country fields near to us . Just a misty morning here ,was going to take Mrs K out for lunch to our local pub but they are having a re-furb so will go to a fish restaurant she likes instead but wont bother you all with photo's . Whatever your're all up to have a nice day -Take care 🙂 .
  17. My mate Barry said he got a good view of our Northern Lights as he left the Red Lion Pub last night ..Sent me this photo 😉😆
  18. Now they are relaunching DSA hopefully next year ,you may drop lucky with some promo flights if they take that route on . The best ones we dropped on were to Ireland £8 return to Shannon and a bargain £2 return to Dublin , the latter was cheaper than our bus into town 😮
  19. Your not on your own , Mrs K has got up to find her phone full of N L photos taken by friends and family around where we live . She is too gutted that we went to bed 11-ish and not stayed up another hour to see them .😅
  20. Morning ,up and early as I felt hot.So decided to open bedroom window ,only to be serenaded by a host of blackbirds and wood pidgeon's . So now up to a lovely sunrise and a cuppa . I would have liked to see the northern lights but the closest we get is looking at the fantastic array of changing colours that light our night sky from the solar lights that light up a few nearby gardens to us .🤔 Have a great day and take care 🙂
  21. John that is for Nationwide not Natwest which you have replied to. Hope your cruise is going well .
  22. As others have said they never ask for proof but as an heads up ,last year when Mrs K ended in Ventura's medical centre ,this was one thing the Dr asked for and took it away to photocopy for their records . So we now carry a copy on our phones and a print out of the valid policy . Much better to hand over a bit of paper at 3am in the morning when your Mrs is ill and your heads all over the place .
  23. Morning , Mr Helios has put in an appearance again and is burning back the cloud and should be a warm pleasant day . Looks the same for most of the UK so enjoy and have a good day everyone -Take Care 🙂
  24. Good morning. Hope @P&O SUE and anyone else feeling under the weather is on the road to recovery . Who ever came up with that saying ? "Under the weather" 🤔 We would all be astronauts if we wasn't . Sat having my 2nd cuppa admiring the grass that Mrs K cut yesterday . The birds are loving it , possibly getting small cuttings left by the mower to re-line their nests . Nice to hear them all chirping away only interrupted by the sound of the low battery alarm on our CO gas alarm . Put a new battery into it now so calm is restored again . Have a good day -Take care 🙂
  25. Nowt like a quite night out and I guess it will be nowt like a quite night out 🙃 Glad to read your Cavalier has got treatment before it turns nasty . Have a great night out Michelle 😀
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