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Posts posted by meltingmoments

  1. I would like to enjoy a bottle of wine on our balcony during sail away. What is the best way to get one? Pre-order online? Room service? Buy somewhere else on the ship?


    I see that I can pre-order online for a certain day, but not sure if it would be in the cabin in time for sail-away or if it would arrive later that evening.


    Hi there,


    I always do this for our cruises....not that there have been THAT many, lol......and I always order on-line before we sail. I'm sure you know things like that come under Gifts and Treats.

    I choose a bottle of red for DH and a bottle of white for me! The gifts come complete with gift card that you can add a note to.........mine to myself just says *enjoy* ;)


    Each time I have done this, the wine, plus glasses and corkscrew, have always been in our cabin on arrival.


    It's become a lovely tradition to start our cruise of this way.


    Hope that helps a little? Enjoy your cruise! :)

  2. Are you sure?



    Spanish 10% IVA tax is applicable to all bar purchases, select dining cover charges and room service charges when in Spanish waters only.


    Spanish 21% IVA tax is applicable to purchases made in the on board shops, photo gallery and products purchased in the spa (excluding treatments and services) when the cruise starts from a Spanish port.


    I'm hoping that Froggitt is correct with the above quote, and from our experience last time on the Epic, it would appear to be.


    We sailed in 2012, so percentages HAVE gone up, but when I checked some old receipts, there was 8% added to bar purchases and 18% added to our bill for photos and some gifts.



    I'll let you know in 12 days time!!! :D

  3. Ooooo where to start? :)


    Drinking wine late at night on the balcony, listening to the sea.


    Spending time alone with my DH


    No cooking or cleaning!


    Meeting new people.


    Waking up in a new place every day.


    Seeing if the Epic is as good as I remember from the first time!


    Seeing The Vatican and the Sistine Chapel...........it was closed last time and that went down a storm with my DH, who thought that, as a good Catholic girl, I should have known that! (I DID.........just didn't dare tell him! :o )

  4. I can log in and can see my itinerary and stuff already booked. What I CAN'T do is book ANYTHING else! I keep getting an error message saying


    Guest #2 Missing Voyage Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #1 Missing Voyage Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #2 Missing Government Tax Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #1 Missing Government Tax Fare - Guest ****


    Doesn't matter what browser I use......same problem.


    Been like that all day! Frustrating!

  5. I am new to NCL, having booked my first cruise on the Escape. I have been trying for days to purchase dining and drink packages but the page just sits there loading and never gets to the page where I can purchase. Several have said to call in and order, but being new, I want to be able to review all options and then make my selections. Any others having this problem?


    Sorry to hear you're having problems too! The NCL website doesn't appear to be the most reliable! I can understand you wanting to review your options before calling NCL........very frustrating!

    Hope you get it sorted out soon.

  6. Hi all,


    I know from reading other threads that the NCL website can be a little, how shall we say? Erratic?? But this one has me a bit puzzled! :confused:


    I went into My NCL a few moments ago to book Cirque Dreams for our upcoming cruise.

    All seemed as it should, until I chose the date and time and added the first named person to the shopping cart. The price immediately doubled!!

    Just a glitch, I thought, it will right itself when I add the second named person (me) Nope......price for me doubled as well. Strange!!

    Continued to shopping cart and my total to pay was exactly DOUBLE what it should be!

    So I removed DH from the cart and then received a warning on the page stating the following!




    Guest #2 Missing Voyage Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #1 Missing Voyage Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #2 Missing Government Tax Fare - Guest ****

    Guest #1 Missing Government Tax Fare - Guest ****


    I promise you we have paid in full for our cruise! Honestly!


    So.........website glitch or a concern?


    I tried ringing NCL but was put on hold.......for ages.....I gave up!

  7. Hi there,


    I get in a real panic over luggage......I panic that it'll go missing if I leave it to others! (And it happened to us when leaving the Getaway in Miami :eek: )


    So we always carry off our own luggage.

    Just don't leave it out the previous evening for collection and get off in your own time.


    I see you have a flight from Barcelona, so am assuming you are on the Epic, Western Med, like us?

    If so, we are due to dock at 5:00am so you have plenty of time.


    Enjoy your cruise! :)

  8. I noticed an increase as well and called NCL and was told there was a price increase to excursions system wide July 4 th weekend


    This ties in with what I noticed as well.


    We are taking our second Epic trip and all we want is transfer between the ship and Rome and the ship and Florence.

    Now I KNOW we will have people saying we could DIY but DH said it last time and he's saying it again........he just wants to get off the ship into an air-conditioned coach....no hassle, so.......he who must be obeyed!!! ;)


    However.......last time those trips cost $99 each..........at the end of June, they were $110.........today they are $125! :eek:


    Guess who's not a happy bunny? :(

  9. This is semi-O/T, because different cruise line, but this was one of the first reviews I ever read of DCL.




    After you click the "More" button and see the wall of text, you're going to pause, but there is some major craziness in there worth reading.




    All I can say is *WOW* That review must have taken longer to write than the time spent on the cruise!!! :eek:


    I gave up after reading about the Key to the World card!! :confused:

  10. Totally agree with everything said so far.

    Would just like to add, that for us, as Brits, we noticed another, quite significant difference. On the Getaway, Caribbean cruise, most of the passengers were American and we found them SO friendly and chatty, whereas on the Epic, Western Med, passengers were more from Europe and not so chatty. I mean no disrespect by this at all, just that everywhere we went on the Getaway, someone would strike up a conversation. On the Epic......not so much. Just our observation. :)

  11. We are only able to book Legends and Cirque too, and we leave Wednesday. Burn th Floor has never been available to reserve ahead of sailing.


    I would agree with this. We sail in 43 days and STILL can't see Burn the Floor as a *reserve ahead* show, only Legends and Cirque Dreams.


    And in a previous reply it said Second City was only bookable on board........I wasn't aware this was on Western Med sailings........am I wrong? :confused:

  12. brits aren't cheap- we just aren't used to the american tipping culture so may make 'mistakes' in not tipping or tipping too little. We don't have the mindset to 'include tips in our mental cost of the holiday' so its a little adjustment in thinking to understand the dsc.


    So- i'm very glad that there is a set service charge/tips per day. I can just pay it and not worry about who and when and how much i should tip. Makes it way easier and i know i'm not being 'cheap' or forgetting to tip every time i order a drink (would never do that in the uk!!)






    From another Brit who isn't cheap and did her research!

  13. We're sailing the Epic from Barcelona too and we ARE meant to dock at 5:00am! Last time we disembarked at Barcelona, passengers doing easy walk-off were starting to leave about an hour after we docked, maybe a little earlier.


    I have to say, you're a braver person that I am, thinking about a flight that early, but if all ran smoothly..........it's a possibility, I guess!


    Just checked my e-docs and it says that disembarkation usually begins two hours after docking!

  14. Same here! Just tried to check on our 11/28 Escape cruise and got "authentication failed" also...




    Good to know it's not just me!! Clearly a website glitch. Hope it gets fixed soon........I'm an over-planner and I NEED to plan! ;)


    PS.......mine is back up and running now....I just checked!

  15. Well I just tried to see if WE have any shore excursions showing for our August trip........and I can't even log-in to My NCL.........just tells me *authentication failed* :(


    So I tried using name, sailing date and reservation number and it told me an account already existed for this reservation....please sign in.......I only wish I could!!!! :mad:

  16. Well, due to work commitments, if we book the very nicely priced 6 day from Barcelona we would have to get this flight.


    Arriving at 14:30 at Barcelona airport, then let's call it half an hour to the cruise port.......


    Anyone been that brave? Want to scare me off? Should I go for it and get an extra cruise in this year????


    Yikes!!! I thought we were ever-so-slightly crazy in 2013 when we flew into Venice the day of boarding! AND we flew on the first flight out of Manchester at 6:30am.........but were delayed 2 hours because Venice was fog-bound! :eek:


    My nerves were absolutely shattered.......never again!!

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