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Everything posted by indiana123

  1. On our first cruise, albeit some years ago now, we were told at check in on the day (and it was an upgrade!!)
  2. Men,!!!! or some of them., I give up. The girls will understand this one. Not far from here we have a lovely Country Pub with really nice food, and sauces and the desserts were mmm mmmm. Anyway after the surgery, I am still in some unconnected pain and losing a bit of weight might help the walking. So tonight I go to Fat Club (SW) for the first time, but it is at 5.30. I said to OH "What about dinner tonight" meaning it might be late or I can do the slow cooker. His reply was "Oh why don't I phone up that lovely pub and book us a table. You loved it there" GRRRR I am afraid my reply was a sarcastic tongue in cheek "No don't worry we can pick up a Big Mac and chips on the way home!" 🤣🤣😍
  3. Now now Britboys, no swearing on the board please. Ironing is a terrible word to use.. well it is in this house!!!😊🤣
  4. Actually, we jest, but it is very true. We sat near Greggs at London Bridge Station for just five minutes and saw a couple of people just walk in, get their lunch and casually walk out. We thought we were seeing things but it was true. There was a door at each end with the tills at the far end. They just walked in the first door then out again quite casually.
  5. Same here Becket. No cruise planned but really hope I can do just one more sometime in the future. The thought of it gives me a goal to aim for. As a potential non cruiser leaving the forum didn't enter my head. No chance.. I enjoy it all too much!😀
  6. I came home tonight from London Hospital. All is well. I had to have two stents in each leg, one of which took three hours. I was five hours in theatre altogether. That is unbelievable. The theatre they explained wasn't a usual operating theatre, but looked like something out of Star Trek They said, the ops would be tricky but recuperation very fast. I can feel the difference already. We knew it wouldn't cure groin pain as that wasn't connected but I can feel the difference in my legs already.. Not nice at all especially after 5 hours worth of anaesthetic, but all fine now and it's over. I feel ok
  7. Can anyone explain the term "Oh my days" It seems to be used when something is mildly surprising. I can't work it out and as for the term "Deffo"... well!!!!
  8. Probably a bit of apprehension for tomorrow, but looked in the cupboard and freezer tonight and fancied absolutely nothing!!! I could manage fish and chips, and hinted a couple of times but it didn't work. He has now tucked into a posh ready meal from M and S and I'm still hungry🤣😊🤣
  9. My turn now!!!! Two leg stents tomorrow, one small one a bit complicated. I was ok till I found out they can take hours. I thought it would be minutes like the heart stent. Was also hoping not to have full anaesthetic, but no luck there. Have to travel to London, they wont do it locally. All this was a complete surprise while they were investigating my walking after the accident, which had lately got worse. Once healed from this I can have intensive physio and hydrotherapy away from home, so I focus and hopefully that will help my walking. So see you in a few days hopefully.... Behave while I'm gone. No ignore last comment!! See you soon v ps all my laughing emojis have disappeared
  10. Being quite new to being partly disabled I have never heard of the Access Card. Presumably it is Government recognised. I have just looked at the link. My disabilities can be seen and I often use a small scooter. Would the card be of benefit to me or is it only suitable for hidden disabilities. Many thanks v
  11. Oh no. Please think again True Devonian. We have been on many cruises and they all have their niggles (they are part of the experience, nothing is perfect), but luckily never so bad as to cancel future cruises. We haven't done Arvia but have been on Iona. A bit too big for us, but still a good cruise and fun, just not for us again. Think again, most cruises are wonderful
  12. Before one cruise I had a problem with my very small fold up scooter (the type you can take into a plane cabin, allegedly) and we had to go to Mobility at Sea for a powered wheelchair The cruise was 9 or 10 nights and the cost was £230. The problem was solved but we lost our money. Just posted this as a guide pricewise.
  13. So did I during the heart attack, no choice, it was there on the screen in front of me. These ones are in the legs. Found entirely by chance. As I think someone said on here, we have no idea what is going on in our bodies. Better not to know sometimes.
  14. Just 10 more days to go before the single and one double (or similar) stents go in. The strange thing is that the totally blocked leg artery I cant feel unless I walk a bit too much but the part blocked one is uncomfortable. Have to go to London tomorrow for tests. My wonderful Son in Law was taking us but he is on call, so we are going up by train. On the day I was hoping I would be awake but the paperwork says a general. I might try to persuade the anaesthetist but of course he knows best. I just hope he is as handsome as the surgeon!🤣😇
  15. I am not jealous, I am not jealous Yes I am.. nothing like that first drink on board Mine is usually from the bottle in the cabin hanging over the rail waiting to sail. So exciting.😀 Have fun enjoy everything.
  16. Have a great time Megabear 2. Enjoy every minute\
  17. Not, cruse related but I have a friend who has osteoporosis, a stomach problem and painful arm. She was saying how cheap the travel insurance was. It turned out she had declared nothing. I spoke to her and explained she really had no cover but her reply was "Well i'll just have to be careful then". And this was for a Caribbean holiday,. You can't help come people.
  18. My thoughts exactly Kalos. If the Doctor suggests statins and you politely decline it would probably be on record, and could cause problems as they look for excuses not to pay up sometime. No win situation
  19. Up until 2002, when i was moving, I used to host Eurovision dinner parties every year. We did small betting, organised by a friend mostly on what Wogan would say They were great fun and we'd laughed till we ached. We limited to 8 of us, then 10, but people kept asking. We thought it would spoil if we had too any people. Then again, I do remember the party for the "opening of the new front door", someone else had one for the opening of their new porch but the funniest was one for the opening of the dropped kerb. It was at a friends, and a cyclist stopped to enquire of the occasion, we told him and offered for him to cut the ribbon and to make a small speech etc, he jumped on his bike in fear and rode off at a rate of knots🤣!!
  20. Having posted above port/left I realised I can't tell my left from my right sometimes and think I have heard friends say the same🤣. Mind you I often don't know what day it is either!
  21. And just as an aside, something I found useful: Starboard is on the right as said above Port is on the left and is easy to remember as both port and left have four letters. I used to get very confused over which was which!!
  22. As another female, it makes perfect sense to me. Not our fault if you men can't keep up with our kind of conversations 🤣😇
  23. Glad you had a good time Kalos and Mrs. Kalos, but sorry you had a few rough days. I bet I'm not the only one who will now look forward to mornings and the sensible musings from yourself. They add a bit of sophistication to the day!🤣
  24. I was going to have a browse as we are thinking of another cruise. Will look at other lines now if P & O haven't any biscuits!🤣 True story. We were on a cruise with a newly established line from Tilbury. Prices were good and we were lucky to be able to have a suite. One of the perks was a jar of biscuits, shipmade and gorgeous One night we sat with a couple at a quiz and I happened to mention coffee and biscuits. Big mistake the Wife went into one, where did we get them, why did we have them and not them, she wouldn't let it rest and was going off to find out why. We avoided them for the rest of the cruise. With all the amount of lovely food on the ship, it was a biscuit for goodness sake, a biscuit!!!😗 🤣
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