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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. The only harm it could cause, IMO, is if it gives the user a false sense of security.
  2. They might be for the add ons. Full ships would prevent sales on berths/tickets, not necessarily drink packages/dining/excursions/etc.
  3. If the bolded is true, the grandkids should never leave the house. I'm not sure how well a tracker would even work. Even airpods MIGHT tell you if the tracker is in front, behind, or to either side, but won't tell you above or below. AND that's assuming an iPhone is within range AND connected to the internet. To say nothing about if the ship is moving. Would a tracker "help"? Maybe. If the child is an "escape artist" or a "runner", then I would suggest one of the leash options. Heck, we experimented with a child fanny pack, a D-ring on the belt of the fanny pack, and a retractable pet leash when our oldest was small.
  4. I think, as a general rule, colleges have spring break at some point in March, and elementary/jr/high schools late March through the middle of April. We've had kids in the public school system for over 20 years now and their spring break is usually the 1st or 2nd week in April.
  5. I've taken all but my very first passport photo. White or off white background, then use Photoshop (shh) to crop to the correct size (download the template to make sure everything is within the proper range). You can print six images on a 4x6. The first time I did so for my family, the USPS worker who was working with us took a look at the pictures and said "these won't work". I asked her to get out her template and show where they were off and they were perfectly within bounds.
  6. THAT'S why. It's only US Citizens, traveling on a closed loop cruise, that are not required to have a passport.
  7. Assuming A) They are US Citizens and B) You're on a closed loop cruise, that sounds like bad information. Their own website has the following: Now, I wouldn't be surprised to learn the website is wrong, but I also wouldn't be surprised a CSR gave bad information either.
  8. That's ridiculous. We just returned from the DR and did an excursion. $55 for all of the pictures we were in (61). I think it was $10 more for each person after the first two. Got the download link less than an hour after leaving. 12x8, 300 pixels/inch, each file over 2mb. Royal charges $300 for up to 100 pics? Sorry, no.
  9. Key word being "hope". If it was important to Royal (the hosts), they would enforce a dress code. Since they (the hosts) don't, it's not up to passengers either.
  10. I have a passport myself. I think the ODDS of needing it for a cruise are very slim. I will not fault anyone for deciding not to get one however.
  11. There's another way of looking at it though... $135/how many uses? If you only use it for one trip (whether in 5 years or 10), then it's $135/use. For a family of four, $540. If someone feels better having a passport, no problem. If someone doesn't want to spend the money, no problem. Just like insurance.
  12. Except in the US, it's $135 ($100 application fee + $35 acceptance fee), and a child's passport is only good for 5 years.
  13. Guidelines or "suggestions"? And if they're not going to enforce their SUGGESTION, then why bother having it?
  14. FWIW, I'm currently at an AI in DR. Their usual dress code at a couple of the restaurants is long pants and collared shirt for men. This week at least, they're allowing shorts because of the heat. Hate to think what some of these posters reactions would be if they were staying here.
  15. So those of us with attractive legs are good in shorts! Funny, I'm guessing if someone said a woman should avoid certain clothing because of her looks, we'd never hear the end of it.
  16. Or folks could have been in bathing suits all day, then change into fresh shorts. What's the difference?
  17. But the crew gets to make that choice. Royal gets to decide which of their policies they enforce. YOU don't If it is so offensive to you, why put up with it?
  18. Bottom line, the HOST, in this case Royal, gets to decide what the "minimum" is. Currently, for sailings in the Caribbean (possibly elsewhere), that's shorts and sandals (crocs). You, as the GUEST, get to decide if that minimum is acceptable to you. If not, find another vacation or don't go to MDR. Seems pretty simple to me. Why participate in something that offends and frustrates you so much (although you "enjoy every second")?
  19. Wait, if you "enjoy every second ", then seeing folks in shorts and/or crocs must not bother you. So what are you arguing?
  20. We were in Labadee in June 2013 also and got an OTW for $250.
  21. While no guarantee, I think asking the doctor/surgeon for their "best guess". While they probably won't say for sure whether she should go, they could give you an idea of what limitations she'd be under. For me, unless the doctor said "no how, no way", I'd go. Even if meant renting a wheelchair.
  22. We paid $53pp for our stop last July (booked during BF sale). $200, heck even $100, would be "sorry kiddos, not this time".
  23. Inflation has little to do with it. The bigger issue is people will pay it. As long as people are willing to pay, why should Royal reduce the cost?
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