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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. VERY possible, if not probable. Personally, I wouldn't want to make the trip with an assumption though, which is why I suggested contacting Royal to get clarification. Also, the 6 month expiry on the passport has NOT been a requirement.
  2. You feel it's worth it to claim Royal is intentionally lying to customers (which you're entitled to your opinion), but it's not worth it to let us know what TPTB response was to your claim? I'm guessing the answer you got didn't support your narrative.
  3. If the letter posted on page 1 is an indication, what's happened in the past doesn't mean it will happen in the future. The letter isn't ambiguous at all, no "recommend" or "suggest". They use pretty plain language. Personally, I don't think it's fair to change passport requirements without notifying passengers at least six months in advance, but *IF* Royal wants to enforce that letter, they can. I think it's funny that people are concerned about getting a notary to sign off on the signature, but requiring passports is going to be ignored.
  4. If it was me and my child had a passport, I'd bring it. If they didn't have a passport, I would get in contact with someone from Royal Caribbean and get it in writing that a BC is enough and a passport isn't required. Yes, I would use the excuse "I saw a letter on the internet that says a passport is required for all children." If it's not, they should have no problem sending you a letter saying such. If they wouldn't do that, I would be extremely nervous until after checkin.
  5. Regarding the second point... according to the letter in post #5... "All children regardless of age require a passport book valid for at least 6 months after your sailing ends." That's pretty plain.
  6. Then maybe you shouldn't make it sound like you don't understand? You don't think demand is ever going to drop. Could be. We've stopped going to Disney because the trips just aren't as enjoyable and are MUCH more expensive. That could happen to cruises also. But, Disney is still bringing in the guests, and cruises could continue to also. That's called "spin" or "marketing". EVERYTHING a company says should be taken with a grain of salt, just like you do with a politician. So your company does the same thing.
  7. The rates will stay as long as people will pay. If people stop cruising, they'll drop rates to fill the ship (or try to add "value"). No different than any other product on the market.
  8. So at work, if someone mentions they have a headache, you don't say "Oh, I've got some ibuprofen you can try!" I've shared medicines with people and had people give me meds (OTC ones of course).
  9. I'm curious... were you looking in a mirror when you posted this? I have no problem RCI (ANY company) being negatively mentioned. What I have a problem with is people making their issues sound like "the end of the world", YET CONTINUE TO DO BUSINESS WITH THAT COMPANY. Why would you continue to do business with a company that you (general) feel are LYING to you (OP's words, not mine)? Why would you continue to do business with a company that you (general) don't think is providing a service equal or better to the amount of money you spend (see the threads about menu/dining changes and housekeeping cutbacks)? So a company LYING to you (again, the OP's words) is "trivial"? I've asked this before and I'm pretty sure I didn't get an answer... Why should Royal: * Go back to twice a day housekeeping * Get better service in MDR * Get better food in MDR * Provide H&H When they are sailing the ships full? I don't care if someone posts bad opinions about Royal, but then stick to it. And you're right, no cruise is going to be 100% perfect. But making claims about "lying" on a message board (again, OP is on the President's cruise, wouldn't that be a good time to ask TPTB what's goin on) or the "value of provided services" but then going back for the same thing just amazes me.
  10. So it's ok when you make a judgement based on money, but not ok when RCI does it? DECADES ago, we went to Value City Furniture and got some kind of "deal" with the bedroom set we had purchased. I don't even remember what the deal was (like free pillow cases or something minor), but I had to fight them tooth and nail to get them to honor the "deal". I made the promise back then that I wouldn't do business with them again, and I haven't. If you don't like the way a company does business, or don't like the value you get for you money, don't use them!
  11. I can help on some of it... Regarding bottled water, they're available from every bar and roaming waiter. As far as being chilled... depends on how long they've been in the fridge/on ice. If wherever you are getting the water from has given out all their cold ones and what they've restocked hasn't had time to get truly, cold, you might end up a "cool" one. I wouldn't let that put me off though. I don't do coffee (specialty or otherwise), but I believe Cafe Promonade has lattes and such. I believe mocktails are about $8-9 including tip, so assuming you're paying $30/day for the package, three waters (I believe $4 each but could be wrong) and two mocktails per day (give or take) would be about the break even.
  12. So now either EVERYONE should tip an extra $5 to every crew member OR folks here think candy bars cost $5? I thought it was impolite to tell people how much they should tip? Maybe if you buy them in a gas station, but if this is something someone wants to do seriously, you can get candy in bulk for less than $1 each.
  13. OK, the consent form may not be new, but according to this letter, all children are REQUIRED to have a passport? No more BC allowed? I do wonder where this letter came from. If they handed it out at boarding, that's too late to allow parents to get the REQUIRED documents. Did they mail it (in which case, what's the rest of the date at the bottom of the letter)? According to the Royal FAQ (https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/what-family-legal-documents-do-i-need-to-board), if the last names differ, the passport AND BC (official) need to be presented, in addition to the notarized letter.
  14. Depending where you get them, you can get candy bars for <$1 each. So I guess the "rule" here is to make sure you walk onto the ship with 10 pounds (weight) of coins, so you can tip the workers an extra 75 cents each. Or, just get a bunch of candy bars and hand them out with the cash.
  15. Because there's a decent chance of getting the wrong answer from phone CSRs also?
  16. Or, to keep with the OP, on a table, place a $10 bill and a candy bar. Tell the steward he can have the bill AND the candy, or just the bill. See what he chooses.
  17. 2+2 = 4 2x + 3x = 10, x=2 Anything else you'd like me to add for you?
  18. But, there was no real reason to ask here. OP goes to the web page to book, the web page doesn't allow it, but says "Call us". Now, does it make sense to ask here, or to call Royal? As I understand it, they were down to the last hour before being cut off. So you make a post to CC, and hope someone gives you information OTHER than "call Royal"?
  19. I understand the frustration. The frustration is NOT because the dining plan couldn't be booked, it's because the CSR couldn't give a reason it couldn't be booked. "Sold out" and "too close to sailing" are valid reasons. But the OP wasn't given a reason, just being told "nope, can't do it". I would probably be a LITTLE miffed too. I'd like to know the reason I can't do something, if it appears I'm doing everything right. If I'm doing something wrong, let me know so I'll know in the future not to do that.
  20. Guessing the cash equivalent of the candy isn't going to pay the rent either. I doubt the crew is getting enough candy where if they had cash instead would make a realistic difference. I'm assuming the crew gets the salary THEY bargained for also. What a bunch of sour pusses.
  21. I've used photoshop. I've used an app from here (can't remember if it was the one posted or not). I also print in color. Neither name nor color, nor even printed luggage tags are necessary. As people have mentioned, you can have the porters put on handwritten tags. BUT, why crap on someone for what they do? If they want to print out the tags in color, with their names, in special bedazzled holders, and put five on each bag, let them.
  22. Sorry, I don't get the angst over handing out candy. #1... This would be IN ADDITION to a cash tip, not a replacement for one. #2... What candy bar cost $5? (Said in relation to the poster who kept saying "which would you rather have, a candy bar or $5). Rephrase it this way... would you rather have $x PLUS a candy bar or just $x? #3... I've had a number of people over my career purchase consumables (donuts, pizza, meals, beer, sodas, etc) to give me as "thanks". The only monetary "tip" I've ever received was bonuses from corporate. Now, I agree that tchotchkes wouldn't necessarily be the best gift because they'd have to be stored (if not thrown away). But anything edible or drinkable? Unless you're giving them so much they can't consume it all in a day or two, who cares?
  23. How do you force the loser's attorney/law firm to foot the bill and they don't turn it around to the clients? Now, I can see a provision where if the "winners" can show it's a frivolous case, THEN the losers have to pay for their attorney fees. But, you'd need to define what's "frivolous".
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