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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. Do most insurance policies cover the death (or imminent death) of a family member of a TRAVELING COMPANION? Assuming the partner is part of the traveling party, this may apply. Best.thing to do is contact RCI and see if they'll be compassionate. Simultaneously, contact the insurance company and ask if the policy covers the specific situation.
  2. I've been hanging towels in hotel bathrooms for years. If I KNEW they were going to be taken away, then yes, maybe leave them on the floor. But, as mentioned, there's not a lot of floor space. After a single day of seeing them still on the floor, I'd hang them up. This is the new reality. Love it, tolerate it, or hate it, it's what Royal has decided to do.
  3. When we were there in July, the lines were long in the morning... going later in the afternoon they were obviously smaller... 0 wait for the "lower" slides on the tower, 5-10 minute wait for the "middle" drops, and probably 15-20 minute wait for the "top".
  4. People are just telling you why they like to board early (as you asked).
  5. Don't forget the daily tip charge also includes the waitstaff, which isn't affected by the change to 1x day service.
  6. But see, here's what's "simple" in my mind... why do business with a company that doesn't provide the service you want? I mean if complaining on a message board makes you feel better, great! If you (general) think complaining on a message board is going to change anything, I have a bridge to sell you. 😉
  7. Also possible. BUT, just because people don't get the ultimate drinking package doesn't mean they're not getting drinks. They could have a lower package or be paying a la carte. Either way still ties up the bar staff.
  8. IMO, you need to spend at least $50 every day in alcoholic drinks. That's the difference between the refreshment package (non-alcohol) and ultimate (alcohol). So roughly four cocktails every day. Easy on sea days. Even a "light weight" like me can down four cocktails when I'm on the ship (or private island) all day. It's the port days that are killer for me. I would probably have a cocktail at dinner, one at the show, and then possibly a night cap. If that's all I have in a day, the following day I need to have 5. Alcohol just isn't that important to me.
  9. I'm guessing there was probably a "resort fee".
  10. Here's something I don't understand... Based on posts, stewards were responsible for 18 cabins twice a day. Going forward, they'll be responsible for 25 cabins. Let's say there are 1800 cabins on a ship (I don't know, just making up a number to do the math). So there were 100 stewards on the ship. But, by going to 25 cabins/steward, you now only need 72 stewards. So, what happened to the other 28? A) Never came back from covid (so stewards were covering more cabins)? B) Being cut by Royal C) Being redeployed by Royal to cover other vacancies. On a related note, if they were cleaning 18 cabins twice a day, that's 36 "cleanings". Over an eight hour day, that would be one cabin every 13 minutes. Now going to 25 cabins, and let's call it 1.5 cleanings a day (to allow for putting 3rd bed out/up, maybe ice), and that's 38 "cleanings". More work? Yes, slightly. In reality? Probably not as bad as they think it's going to be. Sure, it sounds like almost 40% more work (from 18 to 25), but is it really?
  11. Sure. Find a cruise line that has 2x service. 😅 That I can't argue with. But I will continue to say... if you don't like what a company has to offer you, don't patronize that company. That's the quickest way to get the point across.
  12. I'll agree that's a "you" problem. 🙂 I have wondered if Amercians "fascination" with cleanliness (ie: wiping everything down) has had a negative impact in how bodies now react to viruses. I've got nothing to back it up, just a little questioning of mine.
  13. Nah... those towels are clean, just wet. 🤪
  14. I still don't understand how towels get dirty... especially in a day.
  15. It's hard to get a taxi? I would at least drop the luggage (and POSSIBLY others in the traveling party) at the pier, return the rental, go to departures, and call for uber/lyft. If that didn't work within 5 minutes or so, hop in a taxi. Taxis can't refuse rides I don't believe.
  16. Then uber/taxi from there. You can't tell me it's hard to get an uber or taxi from an airport.
  17. Eat, drink, muster, check dining reservations, kids can swim, tour the ship. Beats sitting in a hotel room watching TV.
  18. Where do cruises market room cleanings? Have I missed it? Please explain. What would cripple the company? 50% of people removing autograts or people not booking? If the latter, the company would either reduce fares or add value.
  19. Why? If the money from the auto tips all goes to the crew, why would the company care? They're not out money. If you are really that concerned over this, stop booking. THATs what will get "The company's" attention.
  20. Pick up rental at MIA. Return rental to FLL Use rental shuttle to port.
  21. 2nd best plan to get RCI to change the policy? You can complain... email, social media, GS. But your chance of accomplishing anything are approaching 0. I mean if you're still willing to give RC money for what you consider a "lesser experience", why should they change?
  22. You know what would happen if true minimum wage was enforced (instead of this "make it up via tips" malarky)? I agree wait staff would not work for just minimum wage. So, here's some options... 1) They get minimum wage and patrons would still be EXPECTED to tip. I'm guessing still probably 20%. But, since restaurant owners will need to pay more in salary, they increase cost, which then increases the tip. 2) Restaurant owners would not find enough people to work, so they'd either go out of business or keep raising rates to attract the workers. You know, what fast food has had to do over the last couple of years. I would hope #2, and then tips truly be a sign of "above and beyond" service, and no EXPECTED percentage, but I don't see this happening. Every other job, the impetus to do a good job is to keep the job.
  23. Price it out both ways. The TA we've used for our last cruise and our next one was thousands of dollars cheaper than Royal. No OBC or "goodies", but I'd rather save the money.
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