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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. This is not true. You can put underage kids in the adjoining/connecting (even across the hall) from the parents. No "extra keys"/trip to GS needed.
  2. I don't know what they've changed, but on our 2013 cruise, there were two floors dedicated to traditional and one floor dedicated to MTD. They were all open the same hours. If there were empty tables on the traditional floors, they would take someone waiting to be seated in MTD and send them down there. Seemed pretty simple. Why/how they're doing things now I don't know/understand.
  3. How many people have even had the opportunity to bath in a bath tub after a non-family member? So why would anyone even consider it? That seems a strange comparison to me.
  4. That's the joys of having smart phones now. A passenger can quickly go to a website, do a search, find a hotel, look at reviews, see if there's availability, and book it.
  5. Keep in mind your kids are older. I'm not saying you have to go all the way to PC, I just disagree with "picking" a place to stop before the trip even begins. OK, you've "picked" Savannah. What if there's a major accident and you get delayed a couple of hours before you get to Savannah? Do you have to keep going (despite being tired/cranky) because you already have a reservation and you'll lose the money if you cancel? Or, you've made good time, no issues, and you're still wide awake as you approach Savannah. Can you go another hour (or two or three)? Every bit you get done cuts down on how much you need to do the next day. I generally try to set a "goal", but if I don't make it, OK, and if I get further, GREAT!
  6. Royal's MTD was in place for our first cruise in 2013.
  7. Not sure what time you're planning on leaving Pitt, but I would go as far as possible before stopping. Google says that's ~15 hours. So leaving at 6am (for example), you can be in PC at 9pm. Yes, an EXTREMELY long day, but the further you get on Day 1, the easier the drive on Day 2, AND cut down on possible delays on day 2. Heck, Jacksonville is <13 hours, and we've done that drive when visiting my Mom in Florida. That would only leave you a couple hours on Sunday. Now, that's the way *I* prefer driving when I have long trips. YMMV.
  8. I think you're on the wrong thread. 😄
  9. The most bragging "non bragging" post I've read in the last two days (not just on this board).
  10. Don't get me wrong, it's totally up to you. *I* automatically read DS as "Dear/Darling Son". I looked for a "common" chart online, but couldn't find one.
  11. I've always done Sister as DSis (to avoid confusion). I often use abbreviations. Of course, you're only saving one keystroke with DS vs son, but if you're listing a bunch... "Myself, DW, DS, DS's GF, DDs, DSiL and DD's friend are cruising next year" vs "Myself, my wife, son, son's girlfriend, my daughters, son in law, and my daughter's friend are cruising next year."
  12. FWIW, we try to go as high as possible and we've never noticed any motion. We've been on Deck 10 for Freedom (Sister to Independence) and Mariner with no issues. I'm curious what things you'd see "down low" that you miss from "up high" I've found my GPS to be pretty accurate, even accounting for stops. I think the GPS uses miles/60 to estimate time and if you're on an interstate, you can rapidly get 70-80mph, which, after you account for stops, averages down to 60. Now, if you're stopping for a sit down meal, that's different. Personally, arriving at 12:30p would be making me nervous to start with. I'd target arriving around 11. Allow 5 hours for drive (budgeting extra time is good, but I disagree that you HAVE to), would have us leaving at 6, so I agree with that. My wife would probably make me leave at 7. 😛
  13. I don't think anyone is arguing whether it's "smart" on Royal's part. Royal is in charge of the program and can manage it how they want. People are discussing whether it's "fair" (in their opinion of course).
  14. They do for Delta (JFK>ATL and ATL>MCO = 2 segments). To "step up", you need to satisfy two "buckets" Bucket 1 Miles OR Segments Bucket 2 Dollars Spent on Airfare OR Dollars Spent with Branded Card.
  15. Then yea, starting at 645 isn't really much of a change. We generally eat earlier (530-6), so traditional dining works for us. BUT, I still feel MTD should be available whenever the dining room is open. Not starting it until 645 isn't "MY time dining".
  16. Would you want to eat earlier though? Say 6? Or 530? Unrelated... while typing, I had a colon before the number and want to see what happens when I do it... 🕠. huh... 🕙 so if you put clock<time> in between colons, ":clock230:" gives you the option to have it display. 🕝 Only works for top/bottom of the hour.
  17. Out of curiosity, what time did you request your MTD (if you remember)?
  18. But, it does give Royal an opening if they want to change the practice. IMO of course.
  19. I think people are answering snark with snark. And if you don't think the title, much less the OP isn't loaded with snark, I'm not sure what to tell you.
  20. Doesn't that depend on the definition of "proper"? For example, let's say parents have 172 points, their 17 year has 33. Parents are D, and kid, since under 18 is also considered D. After the child turns 18, they go on a seven day cruise together. So now the parents have 181, the 18yo has 42. Is the 18yos "proper" status still Diamond or is it Platinum? I can see the argument both ways.
  21. You do realize I wasn't arguing a darn thing... just putting out what Delta (my airline of choice) does? An easy solution would be you KEEP your points (whatever you've earned) unless you don't cruise for say 3 years (or 5, whatever). I would have no problem with Royal saying something like: Children under 18 get the status of their parents AS LONG AS THEY'RE CRUISING WITH THEIR PARENTS. After someone turns 18, they revert to whatever level they have earned based on THEIR cruise points. Someone living in the same household (not sure how you prove that, but go with me) gets the same status as their partner AS LONG AS THEY'RE CRUISING WITH THEIR PARTNER. If they move out or are cruising by themselves, they are whatever level as they have earned from THEIR cruises. I'm sure someone will be along to tell me why this isn't "fair", but it seems a good start.
  22. My opinion on what Royal can/should do... 1) Put up "cubbies" somewhere around the pool deck (or in more than one location). In the amount of space 4-5 loungers takes, you can probably have space for 50(?) people to store things. Then those who are literally just wanting some place to keep their stuff off the ground are taken care of. 2) Determine how long being "gone" from the chair is acceptable. I know 30 minutes has been stated on CC for years, but I can also see being in the pool for longer. So, let's say 1 hour. Every hour at the top of the hour, pool attendants go to every chair that's only occupied by a towel. Fold the towel and drape it over the top of the chair. Every chair they find at with the towel at the top of the chair gets emptied and everything in the chair gets taken to the towel station. So, someone shows up at say 9:05am and puts their towel down. Attendant puts the towel on the top of the chair at 10am. At 11am, if the towel is still at the top, the towel gets taken away. So yes, that's two hours the chair has been "hogged". Hey, it's a start. No, it won't prevent someone from hogging multiple chairs, or coming back every hour or so and putting the towels back on the "seats", but it's something.
  23. We did MTD on our first cruise in 2013 on Oasis and had no issues. Even ended up at the same table/servers about half way through the cruise. I'm pretty sure back then they used two dining rooms for traditional and one for MTD. We were bought down to one of the "traditional" dining rooms one night (I guess as overflow). There's really no reason to over promise a traditional dining slot. They know how many seats they have available. When it's full, it's full. If someone doesn't show, then use that table for MTD that night.
  24. First, the WJ is not a complimentary restaurant? What do you consider it? Second, it doesn't matter whether you, me, or anyone on this board considers your request "reasonable" or not. It matters whether ROYAL considers it reasonable. If you don't like it, don't sail with them. Vote with your wallet. Or, join the other CC poster who will "make a scene" if he doesn't get his plates served when he wants them.
  25. And the ocean? With all the animal and human fluids (and solids)?
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