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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. I agree it's not a bad dining time. HOWEVER, I think it is a bad time if you want to catch one of the shows (don't the production shows start at 8?). I mean, yes, you can probably get in/out in an hour, but IMO, that might be rushing (especially if you have a large group), and doesn't help if you want to go back to your room and change or something.
  2. That's a great explanation. BUT, if they want to use MTD as a selling point, they need to make it attractive. Not having it start until 6:45 isn't a good way to do that.
  3. According to PP, more people do want 5:30. While not unusual, 6:15 (which is probably closer to 6:30-6:45 before food is delivered) is actually later than we normally eat. SOMETHING had to have changed. MTD worked well pre Covid.
  4. Why would they need more staff for MTD than traditional?
  5. Just my opinion, but if they have enough people wanting Early for all three floors, dedicate two floors to Early, and the 3rd to MTD. Once all of the seats on the two floors are filled "no more early dining". Either have people select MTD or late. Then, MTD (on the 3rd floor) starts at 5:30 (whatever time Early starts).
  6. I don't understand why this is so difficult for them to figure out. There are (generally? all ships?) three floors for dining. Dedicate one to traditional. Dedicate one to MTD. The other, split appropriately based on requests. It can either be all traditional, all MTD, or a mixture. It can even be all traditional for early seating and all MTD after. If traditional fills two floors (or maxes out w/MTD), then it's filled. If MTD fills two floors, than it's filled. MTD should be open from the beginning of early seating until the end of late seating. That's the entire point. Now, if they don't have enough staff to serve that, that's another story.
  7. Absolutely! If it's before final payment, and a balcony isn't available, your agent should be able to get you a discount on your room (unless it's some kind of "new booking only" sale).
  8. Just my opinion, but if you can only drink water (whether flavored or not), I would definitely drop the premier (do you mean Deluxe?) package for yourself. Why spend all of that money when you can't take advantage of it? If your DH still wants the Deluxe (alcoholic) package, call Royal, explain the situation and see what the minimum package you need to get is. Based on reports here, most have to get the Refreshment package, which includes unlimited bottled water. BUT, that's going to run $20-30 per day, whereas the water package is only ~$30, but is limited to the bottled water delivered to your cabin (either 12 or 24 bottles depending on size).
  9. When we were on Mariner in July, the Skypad seemed to be closed almost as much as it was open because of wind. I was able to do it once, but the VR had my head spinning at the end. I am old though. 😛
  10. I'll also ask... can you provide these reports that people "pushed back" and got their two entrees?
  11. Not one person has said you can't order as much as you want to. And yes, in the past, you've always been allowed to eat what and when you want it. Did Royal used to have midnight buffets on the pool deck? What happened to those? I mean at some point they were "always there", right? Did Royal use to put chocolate on the pillows at turn down? I mean they "always did", right? Oh, wait... didn't Royal used to have twice a day room cleanings as standard for all rooms? I mean, they "always did". Things change. Just because something was always done is not a reason to continue doing it.
  12. Funny, now it's "just some pushback". Earlier was "I'll make a scene". Again, go ahead and try. Please video how it goes.
  13. Again, if they cut down on how many people order the second entree (because who wants it cold, right?), then they've succeeded. If they start delivering two entrees at once, then you get arguments "well, you did it for him!" and there's no point in the policy after you break it.
  14. Really? Give me a hard one. Customer: I want my two entrees at the same time. RCI Employee: I'm sorry sir, company policy prevents us from doing that. Customer: I need a reason! Employee: Company policy has changed and we're no longer able to do that. Customer: (louder) How dare you! I paid a lot of money for this cruise and I want my food when *I* want it. Employee: I'm sorry, we're not allowed to do that. Customer: (louder) If you don't give me my food when I want it, I am going to hold my breath until I pass out. Employee: I'm sorry, we can't do that. Customer: (Screaming) Give me my food! Employee on radio: Security, we need assistance in the MDR.
  15. What 99.9% of business decisions come down to... $$$. So here's my theory... Royal thinks they are spending too much money on the 2nd entrees. The spacing them out is an attempt not incur the added costs. Continuing my theory (before someone says they make all the dinners ahead of time)... let's say for the sake of argument there are 500 people eating in the MDR in a given night. Let's say 10% order dual entrees... so they are serving 550 entrees. They think that by requiring the "one at a time" rule, they will cut down on the number of dual entrees ordered. I'm guessing it will probably be by more than 50%, but we'll say 50%. So now they only serve 525 entrees. That's 25 entrees they don't have to fix every night, on every ship. That's a savings. Yes, all of my numbers are made up. But it's a theory on why they may have made the rule. Agree or disagree, it's still Royal's right to decide how they run a business.
  16. I do think, depending on the age of the kids, not having access to a phone DOES impact social life. When I was growing up, while we didn't have cell phones, everyone had a landline (many families don't any more) and pay phones were in abundant supply (if you got stranded/ready to be picked up). Now a lot of communications happens via cell (whether text or app), and the child who doesn't have access to the communication WILL miss out on get togethers, projects, and other items that we used to use phones for "back in the day". AGAIN, this is really dependent on age. By the time a kid is in about 7-8th grade, I'd say a phone is almost a necessity. No, it doesn't need to be the "latest/greatest", in fact, it can probably be 4-5 generations old (possibly older).
  17. There is really no need to limit KSF. There is no need to limit kids to how many can be in the club. What needs to happen is enforcement if ANYONE (regardless of age) gets "out of line". This can be anything from restriction to cabin (and offender pays for the crew person to "guard" them), to being put off at the next port. Obviously, any damage needs to be paid for. That's it. If you let people get away with things, they'll continue to do it.
  18. This jumped out at me too. Pictures of this really don't "tell a story". You'd just end up with a he said/she said situation. Video would have been MUCH more telling.
  19. I get you disagree with it and find their rule "unacceptable". I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is people CLAIMING they're going to "make a scene" if they don't get their way. If you don't like the way a company does business, DON'T DO BUSINESS WITH THEM.
  20. So does that entitle you to save pool chairs? Does that entitle you to cut in line? Does that entitle you to bring on prohibited items? Does that entitle you to damage your room (or any part of the cruise ship)? Does that entitle you to use the slides whenever you want (regardless of whether they're closed)? I mean if you "pay a pretty penny", you can do whatever you want whenever you want, right? If you disagree with a rule, or policy, just break it? I mean you've paid for it, right?
  21. I've got a secret for you... the "experience" is changing (again). And if anyone actually believes the dining staff is actually deciding this on their own, I have a bridge to sell you. There is NOTHING in the cruise contract that ENTITLES you to two entrees delivered at the same time. Sure, you can ask, and the request may be honored, but they don't HAVE to. I'm sure there are plenty of people on the board who can talk about "changes" to cruising over the years... I've never experienced them, but I've heard about midnight buffets, chocolates on your pillow at turn down, enforced formal nights, etc. If you don't like whatever, vote with your dollar. That will get RCI's attention.
  22. Here you go... [quote] This document is to make sure everyone understands the behavior and other expectations we expect everyone to abide by. If there is a situation not covered here, <Adults> will make the best judgement available that takes everything into consideration. Sea Pass When we check in at the ship, everyone will be issued a SeaPass card. This card will be used as the room key, make purchases while on board or on the private islands, and check back into the ship after a port visit. Each person is responsible for keeping up with their card. Cell Phones/Tablets We will NOT be purchasing any kind of internet or cellular package for the trip. Once the ship leaves the dock, it is expected cell phones & tablets will be placed in airplane mode or turned off for the duration of the cruise. Cellular and wifi connections can and will result in an added charge, which can be substantial. Families will be responsible for paying any fee incurred. If families want to pay for an internet package, let <Adults> know and we can book it (and get reimbursed). Current rate is $12/day, so $96 for the trip. That allows web browsing, emails, and messenger chat. Dinner Dinner times will be announced before the trip. Everyone is expected to be at dinner each night. Dress, while “casual”, is expected to be a little nicer than what’s normally worn around the ship. Slacks, collared shirts, skirts, blouses, and sundresses are all appropriate. There will (probably) be two “Formal” nights for dinner. This is a chance to dress up a little more if desired (dresses & button down shirts). Excursions Excursions will be announced before the trip. Everyone is expected to attend the excursions, and be ready to leave the cabins at the appropriate time. Curfew Royal Caribbean has a strict 1am curfew for those under 17 (unless leaving an RCI designated teen event). (16yo #1) and (16yo #2) will be expected to be back in the cabin at this time. (18yo #1) and (18yo #2) will be expected back at 2am . Regardless of what time you return to the cabin, if there is a morning excursion the next day, you are expected to be ready to go at the appropriate time. Spending Account All purchases while on the ship will go on the room account. There are no allowances to pay with cash or credit card. Any souvenirs or “extra activities” (escape room, classes (if offered), arcade, etc) will be paid by <adults) and will need to be reimbursed. The reimbursement can happen each day or at the end of the trip. Drinks We will provide everyone with a non-alcoholic drink package. This means you can go up to any bar and get soda, “virgin” drinks, water, juice, etc. DO NOT ACCEPT A DRINK FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN A BARTENDER OR WAITER. <Adults> WILL have alcoholic drinks, but will do so responsibly. General Behavior Any behavior that disturbs other guests will not be tolerated. This includes but not limited to pressing all buttons in an elevator before getting off, cutting in line and being loud in cabin hallways/balconies. Any damage caused to other’s property will be required to be replaced or fixed by those causing the damage. Rooms No one other than members of our traveling party are allowed in our rooms without <adults> present. You are not to go in anyone else’s room at any time. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a loss of “freedom” and subject to consequences, up to and including being forced to stay with <adults>. [/quote]
  23. What is the definition of "personal attack"? Have we really gotten to the point of someone disagreeing is a personal attack?
  24. Here's what I find "funny" about this thread... Last year, I posted the "contract" that we had the teens (two 18yo and two 16yo) that we were taking on the cruise agree to. It was basically, "behave", gave examples like don't push all the buttons in an elevator, dont make noise in the cabin hallways, don't accept drinks from others, attend dinner with us in the MDR, among others. I was told it was too strict and I should "lighten up". I don't think one poster backed me.
  25. We booked a "Jane Doe" with a dob of 1/1/2006 while DD figured out which friend to invite (and who would accept).
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