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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I think I mentioned dashing for a lift when in a wheelchair/disabled especially when on the wrong side of the lobby was akin to a Paralympic sport but obviously, not hurdling!! 😄
  2. As I as back in #37, in order to see 'who messed up' and therefore who where the snafu lie, the next step is to find out when the monies were handed over to Cunard and as the margin between you paying and Cunard payment due date seem to be fine so something has happened big style, be it computer or human glitch and at which point. Cunard don't usually talk to a client if a TA has made the arrangements but in this case, I think you'd be perfectly entitled to push for an answer from Cunard itself if your agent won't help.
  3. If the mess up was at Cunard's end then yes, a livid TA would be a huge asset. If the mess up was with the TA then it has nothing to do with Cunard and I would be livid with the TA. At the moment, all we know is there's been a mess up but at what point, none of us know so hopefully Nm hehappysailing will find out and we'll know who to be livid with. Either way, a decent resolution is needed and hopefully will ensue one way or another.
  4. Sorry. I have no idea as we have never let Cunard dictate our flights. We have always looked into flights, airlines, scheduling and class of travel ourselves with our agent and once decided, he books it with Cunard on the same booking reference
  5. I will wait and see what the OP's answer is as to when the payment was paid. If it is a TA tardiness in paying issue then I completely agree with you but I would add if there's any upgrade of cabin available, then that should be given in compensation.
  6. Specifically cruise bookings? It seems not all cruise agents/agencies process bookings in the same way.
  7. but it still involves third party paying which isn't as instantaneous as directly paying Cunard.
  8. You really have to have a discussion with your agent. All payment reminders come from him, well in advance of date required and if we ever got very near, another reminder would be sent. Thats what agents are for. They are the go-between and do all the leg work for you...or should do.
  9. Right. Ask to see date proof of passing on the payment to Cunard, just to make sure it was passed on in time.
  10. Keep on at your agent too, on the hour every waking hour. Something has gone wrong here. When you paid the deposit, or the June final amount, did your statement show Cunard or the agent as the payee?
  11. When you pay via an agent, in my case the pay by period is generally earlier than final Cunard pay date. The difference for us though is although the agent takes all the cc details when final payment is due [and of course on initial booking, the payment goes direct to Cunard and not into our agent's banking system. The reverse was true when we got a part payment back from Cunard. It was from the company and not our agent. Some agents might bank the money and then pay out of their account which could account for any delay. Choose your agent very carefully.
  12. I will try desperately not to show any envy or jealousy! 🙁 Enjoy, she's very special.
  13. Thank you. I'm sure we will continue to enjoy our holidays, however many children there will be onboard. They and their parents bring the average age down and as I said, it's a delight to see Cunard's next generation. Suits us. 🙂
  14. It was interesting to see how busy the Queens Room was on QA. Maybe the appeal of a busy area attractive to non ball room dancers just might be a bit of an incentive to add evenings 'for all', as well as dancers, to the nightly programme. We certainly enjoyed the live music on a couple of occasions last week and the week before.
  15. Annoying yes, but it's not the children. 🙂
  16. I agree, If it's that important, go, find and engage. The cabin attendant probably assumed as meeting one of his passengers was part of his remit. it was carried out as far as his busy schedule was concerned. Like you, we engage and yes, it does have its rewards - thinking specifically hot lattes on a ruddy cold deck, from the lounge. We were so looked after but then, as you say, we engaged...and said a 'heartfelt thank you' in response. I always address staff by their name, as long as I can read the name tag because if I have my reading specs on I don't want to peer as it's rude, thinking here meeting a very senior member of staff and I had to ask who he was as I couldn't see him properly and couldn't see his name tag. Ooops! 😄
  17. We have had female Butlers [and jolly good they were too] and I assume they have come up through the ranks.
  18. As we like to cruise mainly Spring and summer, we've been on countless Cunard cruises during school holidays and as an ex teacher, I am always delighted to see and hear such well behaved Cunard children. They are a delight to behold...that's if you ever see them during the day. Hardly saw any around Annie last week but I know 'they' were there as I saw them on my Lido visit and could hear the shrieks of laughter coming from their Zone when I went up to deck 12 to change my library books. Love school holidays on Cunard.
  19. That is such a shame. I know slightly different, but I can honestly say, our Butler and assistant, in May and the last two weeks, have been the best we have ever encountered, and that's really saying something as we have been thrilled with 99% of cabin staff over the years.
  20. Obviously, lexicographers consulted the wrong sources when compiling dictionaries.
  21. Is that with or without Garlic Bread? 🙂
  22. Only if there's no button or tip!😄
  23. No harm whatsoever. I think it was when taking sun loungers or drinking out of glass bottles when in the hot tubs on our May cruise that folk got a bit fed up. Not an issue last two weeks. Too damn cold!!! 😄
  24. The redoubtable Joy, Grills Concierge, par excellence, who now sadly for QA but happily for her, is now with QM2 and with officer status, patrolled deck 11 and had an uncanny sense of who wasn't Grills. I can't see any locks being added to deck 11 gates, so maybe the old Grills symbol on cruise cards might be useful again. Of course that's supposing deck staff have the authority and are willing to exercise that authority in asking for cards and removing those not entitled to be there. Passengers have been known to throw tantrums [as happened on our 10th May cruise] when asked to do something they don't want to do and I don't envy the staff at the sharp end trying to sort 'things' out.
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