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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I seem to remember a past post which would seem to indicate you're on Victoria? We haven't sailed Seabourn but we have in the 1s on QV. Hope you enjoy your stay as much as we do and the cabin [deck 6 or 7?] is worth any quibble over lack of discount. 🙂
  2. I cottoned on to digital when my husband baulked at the fourteen paperbacks I tried to pack for a three week land based holiday. 🙂 He did have a point!🙃 Only avid readers would understand the need for...A BOOK!!!!! 😄 and the angst involved if we run out of reading matter! 😲
  3. We have the same member of staff delivering out breakfast throughout the cruise apart from when he/she has a day off so we can say thank you as we depart and it's incorporated into a general extra thanks, not necessary but our choice. 🙂 The service charge covers everything and it isn't necessary to tip for room service but a $ or £ or two at the most would be my thoughts if different staff were involved each time.
  4. I prefer holding an actual book to reading on an iPad or Kindle but having been onboard a ship when Noro protocols closed the library, I know having nothing to read would actually ruin my holiday these days so I have a loaded Kindle and borrow digital books from our district library, downloaded onto my iPad.
  5. and without scrolling through the past comments, if still no joy re the new app, email shareholderbenefits@carnivalukgroup.com and they send you an email explaining how they will sort out obc for you.
  6. Do 'you' need an atmosphere to sit and chat, or read? I don't sit there all day but for a quiz or listening to a guest singer/duo at night time it was always full on QV and if I'm walking through, it's never empty. It's a very useful area.
  7. There are two separate issues here re cabin type An adapted/accessible cabin https://www.cunard.com/content/dam/cunard/marketing-assets/pdf/accessibility-pdfs/qm2-accessiblestaterooms.pdf or A non adapted cabin but one which will take scooters. https://www.cunard.com/content/dam/cunard/marketing-assets/pdf/accessibility-pdfs/qm2-nonaccessiblestaterooms.pdf It would be a good idea to peruse these sites before booking if a scooter is to be used onboard.
  8. I'm not too keen [at all] on 'worthy' books on vacation but I can confirm QM2 has a cracking library. As an avid reader [easily a book a day, depending on the author] I could run down a whole list of authors I consider writers of lightweight holiday reading, and authors of more meaty tomes, but will just say, there will be books for just about every taste.
  9. Or, as I do [OK QG but should be OK] on the side?
  10. I have no idea on other prices as we never thought of using any other but CPS, as you say, Cunard approved parking. It's extremely convenient and if you cruise out of one terminal and return to another, your car will be moved for you.
  11. Our wine waiter told us about them. In all our days onboard, we've only come across this three times so not very common. The prices were excellent so I was reliably informed by husband and fellow table mates, eg red wine drinkers. My tastes are less sophisticated and fairly narrow so I know little on wine prices as I usually stick to the wines I like. 🙂
  12. I know I've mentioned this before but the only packages we buy are the bin end of six offers Cunard have occasionally and then it depends on the wines involved. On one cruise, our table of eight did our best to demolish the whole offer, so good were the prices on excellent wines.
  13. I think it looks a bit clinical at initial glance and to be fair, I'm not totally impressed, but these photos are all renderings and as I couldn't think of anything worse than a C21st ship with a late '60s look, I will eagerly be looking forward to the real deal and will be totally honest with my thoughts.
  14. It was said with tongue in cheek with reference to a very 'upmarket' UK paint brand. I think D&N caught my drift. Other wise, just call it Fred or George! 🙂
  15. I will be going round trying the chairs. They don't look particularly comfortable. I do hope it's not style over substance for easy sitting!
  16. Magnolia? Magnolia?????? This is Cunard! I'm thinking Wimbourne White for a delicate cream, Farrow's Cream at the very least or Tallow for a richer shade. 😁
  17. We booked within a minute of itineraries release, with our agent.
  18. Paper which historically wrapped take out fish and chips!
  19. Being slightly awkward, here, as far as deck 11 is concerned, I'd rather the light flooded in from windows I can see out of rather than a window above which without a cherry-picker, I can't but if that's my only grumble about deck 11 then it's a minor one. Your last sentence was definitely applicable to at least one of our Round Britain cruises on QV Snoozing and occasionally snoring senior citizens around the ship. Snoozing is fine, snoring might be a bit off putting to fellow passengers. 😀
  20. My impression of QA so far is of a rather 'neutral' modern decor and whilst I like 'Scandi', the little I've seen so far doesn't impress but I'll wait until I see the ship in all its colours [or not🙂] before deciding if my impression is misleading. Either way, I will have to get used to it as we have a few bookings with her over the next couple of years.
  21. Of course the ship is geared up for disabled travel but as an interested observer, I came to the conclusion navigating QM2 on a scooter or in a wheelchair, is not straightforward. If users are prepared to go with the quirks/exceptions as mentioned by TheOldBear, then the ship should be fine for disabled travel as long as an appropriate cabin is booked by a scooter users.
  22. True. We've only been cruising since the early 90's and I don't need a hot tub or a water park, but access to a balcony is non negotiable. TV is pretty useful too. 🙂
  23. Well I guess as long as the dress code adheres to 'of the time', then I guess it will be a real winner with those who long for the past 😕 if, enormous if, it ever gets beyond the drawing board. I'll stick with the modernity of the C21st.👍
  24. Ditto but competitive squash and three dislocations caused my downfall [not literally thank goodness]. I always say I can't climb Everest, because although I could get up, I'd be stuck there as descending would be a nightmare! and that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!😄
  25. As the library is most important to me, that was my reaction too. It will be interesting to see the choice of reading matter. Hopefully, pretty up to date as well as the tried and tested.
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