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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Ha, Cunard sisters exlondoner as I have mentioned before although I do like a glass of 'Tea' occasionally. We have had some excellent bin end packages in the past but not come across any recently. We payg fro our drinks. Gives us more choice.
  2. I doubt laziness enters into it. Economics perhaps, yes.
  3. Not an issue according to this web page https://my.cunard.com/en-gb/mycruise/articles/warnings
  4. Hair dryers, along with straighteners and curling tongs are allowed.
  5. I'm one of the 'masses' and our holidays on Cunard always give me an uplift. Hope that's OK with you! 😄
  6. We had our photo taken [Mayflower] in May and July. As a tech idiot, could the software depend on the terminal?
  7. I thought about this. I feel using the QR for more than just ballroom dancing will in fact encourage more folk in time to join in. I'm not saying ball room dancing is too passée for the C21st, it's not but equally, if folk don't feel they can join in the dancing for whatever the reason then it's time to open up the area to a more diverse usage and if that puts off the committed ballroom dancers because they can't have the floor all evening then that's quite frankly, tough. We have passed the QR on QV after visiting the theatre, almost every night. It's a wonder to behold when the floor is full but also one or two dancers does not make for a sparkling atmosphere and can seem soulless at times especially when recorded music is played. On our month, in total, on QA so far, the QR has been vibrant every night. Ballroom dancing interspersed with 'other' dancing, music, singing, visiting acts...a perfect use of the space and if it puts off the more 'seasoned' dancer in favour of those who just want to 'give it a go', then as far as I'm concerned, that's great for the average passenger and yes, will encourage more to join in. The area isn't as large as on the other ships and I accept viewing might be poor for some but the atmosphere is sparklingly good and so a soulless at times but spacious Queens Room v a vibrant smaller area? I wonder which one will encourage passengers to join in.
  8. That is a different issue and nothing to do with QR more diverse entertainment and thus less pure ballroom dancing although just like many things in life, the early bird and all that! 🙂
  9. Intimidating is a word I decided not to use but yes, I find the jargon on CC intimidating and off putting before even daring to set foot on the floor which I haven't post Covid. We have been on cruises where there's been a group of passengers on a ballroom cruise. Wow. Talk about talking over the floor. Everyone pays to enjoy their holiday and if folk want to dance but can't or feel so intimidated that they won't due to overwhelmingly brilliant dancers [who are lovely to watch by the way] taking over the floor, then it's time to change the usage of the QR and for me, that's what happened on QA. Dancers danced, musicians played and duos sang. More diverse a programme than * just pure ballroom type dancing and more enjoyable because of it for many, us included.
  10. Novice someone new to an act or situation
  11. No. Not watched the video as I don't need to. I haven't seen any crashes. My point is the opposite of saying 'no novices.. Totally opposite. It's about those who possibly inadvertently, put off novices by comments on how to dance/where to dance and all the talk of floorcraft and serious dance stuff for those who just want to get up and give it a go so please point our where I have said it would be a good thing to scare novices off.
  12. I think you'll find quite a few comments have been made over the years. Enough to elicit responses from potential twirlers who are intimidated by the thought of being judged, But like many comments on CC, reality is not necessarily the picture painted by a few CC members. So if those who are put out in print by smaller dance floors/twirlers who are novices who have no notion of floor craft, have no intention of learning but just want to give it a go without subjecting themselves to instructions and so might get in the way, waltz off to other cruise lines, that can only be a good thing for mainstream Cunard dancers.
  13. Only lunched in Verandah twice and both times we were with friends. Not our cup of tea at all.
  14. D&N , are you saying you haven't read CC comments over the years from the serious dancers who give of their opinions on how and where the holiday twirlers should dance? That's where #18 comes from.
  15. Or maybe, if 'serious' dancers, who seem to make heavy weather of 'lightweights' who have the guts and daring to get up and dance amongst them, decide to waltz off to other ballrooms at sea, those who fancy a bit of a twirl round the dance floor but are put off by 'experts' can get up and enjoy themselves. It's a cruise, not a marine branch of 'Strictly'.
  16. Great experience. You can see why we and many, many others are hooked. I often think there are two QGs. The stuffy, stuffed shirt one one or two have banged on about in the past and and the convivial, comfortable yet still very professional one we enjoy. I have come to believe the atmosphere is in the minds of individual diners. I'm not saying everything is perfect all the time because it's not and we have experienced that but I reckon if you feel at home, then you WILL be at home and any little glitches can be smoothed out with a quiet word.
  17. Certainly better for some toes! 😕 Power chairs are VERY heavy and I have had my toes run over a few times in the past so am aware how much it hurts. We did experience one occasion when a couple resolutely refused to move when on QV. With only three people in the lift, there was plenty of room for a wheelchair and despite the warning 'watch your feet', one foot 'got in the way'. Karma!!!☺️
  18. Good Grief, yet another nail in 'Cunard is going downhill' coffin. 😲 It's bad enough 'jeans' are allowed in certain areas of the ship after six pm [and quite frankly, allowed onboard during the day too but let's not go there ☹️] but now planners and ships' architects just don't account for individual passenger needs do they! Dreadful. It's enough to make you want to find another cruise line on which to travel. On a lighter note, we have found everyone is so helpful, to the extent of moving out of a lift in order to accommodate a wheelchair. Can't fault QA's passengers for their courtesy and kindness, and as for the staff and crew...top marks too.👍
  19. Not knowing [ and don't need to know] the level of assistance required, just be prepared to use the assistance mantra 'hold the lift please' when hailing a lift as the door closures, whilst complying with all regs. are pretty darned quick especially if you are on the other side of the lift lobby.
  20. It's more often than not 'in the eye of the beholder'. That's not to say there aren't any precious past passengers who 'expect' as I'm sure there are such folk around, apparently, but like you, haven't seen any fawning or the like and as I boringly say, we have a few QG nights under our belts so think we have enough experience to say so. 🙂
  21. Gift horses are all relative. The one and only reason we decamped to QV mid ships for a while was because of my 'dicky' knee. It's quite a yomp to stairwell B when your knee might give way. 😲 Once that was sorted, we gave up midships and went back to aft cabins although for really iffy seas, mid ships is better so itineraries would feature in future planning when/if QV comes back to home-port in Southampton. Whichever cabin you choose/have chosen, QV is the most wonderful Cunard ship. Pick of the bunch. Enjoy.
  22. Q4s and 3s are pretty much the same bar position. I much prefer the layout of the 'old' [talking QV here] aft 5 and 6s to the 3s and 4s and nothing can beat sitting on the aft balcony staring into the distance over the churning wake of the ship.
  23. One of our ports didn't work on QV and I reported it. Not an issue as we had 'loads' of ports around the cabin but it was fixed the next day.
  24. Just bring an international travel adapter with a three or four USB ports, A and C or which ever is appropriate.
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