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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Crikey, Cunard are falling down on their red carpet stuff! Must put in a complaint to Cunard Central!!😄
  2. Use a cruise agent, then they can take any flack on your behalf.
  3. Especially as calls seem to be recorded these days. I always make a note of time and date when calling these days. A name is an added plus. I once was able to prove my version of a conversation was the accurate one when it differed from the call taker.
  4. Yep, if they want to get you, they'll get you! I have had a ring cut off before now due to a Horse Fly bite. I'm Christmas Day and Thanksgiving lunches to them and to mozzies too. 😕
  5. I use the Boots Repel 50% Deet which is quite effective and cover up too but horseflies have sharp 'teeth and can bite through light cotton. Stand by me if you want an effective mozzie deterrent. They'll come for me rather than 'you'. To answer the original question tho', we didn't have much bother with any mozzies in the Western Med. on a Sept cruise but I always take Repel, anti histamine tablets and cream, just in case.
  6. Doesn't help if allergic to the little bxxgers. Benadryl [mine is the US version my 'drug runner' friends bring back for me]is my first port of call along with otc antihistamine cream, after cleaning the bite. I ended up on prednisolone after my last encounter with horseflies so beware, the bites can produce nasty reactions.
  7. If you're travelling West you'll be boarding in Southampton and disabled assistance is superb assuming of course, you've registered for assistance and have automatically filled in the assistance required form online and booked an appropriate cabin if using an electric scooter.
  8. I know what you mean. My white fine denim jeans needed close observation to note they were actually denim and to be honest, jeans and in reality no one was going to get that close up and personal! They passed evening muster for years in QG pre Covid! I gave up wearing them as I can't be bothered packing white evening trousers but if a microscopic investigation is required to determine the fabric and style of the trousers, then ignore the detractors. Just avoid obvious denim jeans!
  9. I think the issue for Cunard regulars is she is a departure from the 'norm' and many are travelling with her because it's either QA or QM2 for those who don't want to fly cruise and if you don't want QM2[ no thanks] to a certain extent it's better the devil you [sort of] know rather than try another cruise line. That could lead to lukewarm thoughts on the new sister. We can take or leave her but for the next two years, it's Annie for us. She certainly has her plus points but also minuses too. We are sailing with her again soon so will see if our opinions differ at all from May.
  10. The account is in $$ if that has any bearing. We just stick it all on Amex.
  11. I wouldn't say it's a long walk from stairwell C and it's very convenient for a quick nip up to the Lido for a snack. Now the trek to stairwell B for decks 11 and 12 could be termed a bit of a hike and the only reason we booked mid ships for a while before my TKR.
  12. We used to book deck 5 corner cabins on QV years ago and loved them. Spacious and great viewing aspects side and aft. Decent depth to the balcony too. Go for it.
  13. Ours are from there too and we carry a small roll of sellotape so we can secure the open tops. Probably unnecessary but no hard ship to carry the small roll with us.
  14. Quote The best solution for those who are uncertain would be to look at the photos of passengers on the line's advertising and brochures and follow what those people are wearing.' Look at the advertising blurb, certainly but bear in mind these are posed for photos by models who have access 'to wardrobe', something I experienced first hand Sept '19 in the Med when QV was the focus of a Cunard photo shoot and when I complimented a model on her beautiful Fortuny style dress, her reply? Oh this thing? I got it from wardrobe! So for those who have access 'to wardrobe', great, emulate the photos. For the rest of us, we'll do our best with what we have in our own wardrobe and the advisories from Cunard.
  15. The only scones I really like, are cheesy scones and that stems from Domestic Science lessens in my first year at Grammar school. I'd never eaten or even heard of them before then but now, all time favourite scones.🙂
  16. Can I just say Kordy, your posts regarding your first Cunard cruise are a joy to read and b...er the fact scones might be manufactured off ship and just heated up, your enthusiasm is infectious. Fabulous. 👍
  17. An vest as worn by Onslow is also known as a 'wife beater', although in Onslow's case, Daisy was more likely to give Onslow a bit of earache! 🥴
  18. We always booked flights through Cunard unless using up FF miles. You can dictate everything, from airline, to routing to scheduling. The only problem for many is it's often more expensive than booking the flight on its own with the airline etc but having all travel on one booking reference, suits us.
  19. I think 'your' vest is what we call a waistcoat. A UK vest is a top, which paired with pants/knickers used to be primarily associated with childhood. However many adults still wear a vest as an undergarment, usually in wintertime but not necessarily so, as the first garment to protect against the cold but as things do, vests have morphed from the trad. old fashioned undergarments, to bang on fashion, tops. M&S have an extensive range of both. As to men in skirts, there's nothing more striking than seeing a chap in formal kilt wear although the skean dubhs, if carried, will be plastic which will save bloodshed if laundry wars ever break out! 🙂
  20. OK I had this debate this morning on my volunteer stint in a charity coffee shop. Two couples almost came to light-hearted blows over scon or scone!! Luckily, no cream involved so the jam went on top of the butter! 😀
  21. Jam is a single cvc word. It requires the double consonant when certain suffixes are added such as ed or ing making it a cvccvc for jammed and cvccvcc for jamming. At no time is the vowel lengthened into its name.
  22. Nope. Magic e makes the proceeding vowel sound 'o' say its name, as in toe . and jam goes on first!!! 😄
  23. Sorry for the humour. Of course ladies can wear trousers. In fact, the only time I wear a dress is on a formal occasion when I wear a long dress.
  24. Don't you just love language. You say pot holders. we say oven gloves You say cookie, we say biscuit You say biscuit we say scone and don't get me started on rubbers!!!! 😀
  25. Ah but my quite good is an understatement. Pretty good would be a fact! 🙂 A Bulgarian red which was less rough would get an 'Ugh' from me and that would also be an understatement but this time for, for 'yuck'! 😄
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