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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. And how do you know they're not? I haven't a clue so wouldn't presume to comment there. May I suggest on your next, if there is a next, Cunard cruise, you ask for a tour of the galley and ask about the recycling and waste management.
  2. Yes, useful having turkey for some meals!! 😁
  3. They are, as we found out on a galley tour.
  4. Our television quality was fine, apart from when there was no signal and then some programmes were blank, but then we weren't in the fjords.
  5. Over 65's might have a smart technology but judging by the queues for help around the ship, many don't know how to use them! Even I ended up helping a couple of passengers and I am known for being pretty useless with technology. 😃
  6. 'Over half' could be anything from 51% upwards. Hardly most but you're quite right, we will never know just as Cunard can't assume most their passengers are 'smart' so have to be able to accommodate the 'unsmart'! 🙂 Can't be doing with any Cunard 'app' onboard but thought the info on the [QA] television was very useful.
  7. Would have been interesting to do a quick poll of passengers on the second cruise to see the percentage of smart phone users. I suspect it wouldn't have been 'most'. 🙂
  8. My 'different strokes' was more addressed to insight lectures but could be addressed to the slightly 'outré' outfits which didn't offend us at all but which, when analysed, fitted the code of the day even if multi coloured evening suits were a departure from trad. black. 😀 The traditionalists will say Cunard is going down the pan, because of the 'looser' [for want of a better word] attitude to dress. Those like us who enjoy the complete package including dressing for dinner will say the company is moving with the times to keep up with the ever changing world of travel. Read it as you will and book accordingly.
  9. I'm pretty sure one day and maybe soon, electronics will take over, possibly as an item on the television along with other ship's information but until then, I, and many, many others will go with paper onboard Cunard.
  10. We have the following day's menus on our table at dinner as some 'specials' are ordered the night before so it helps to know what the following day's menu is. I would imagine the paper is recycled and if not, I'm sure someone who knows better than I, will be along to tell us if it isn't. Take a tour of the galleys. Then you'll see how much care is taken to reduce as much as possible, the impact waste has on the environment.
  11. The day I see swim wear in the Commodore is indeed the day Cunard will have changed forever. Luckily, I can't see it happening but I do agree the James Bond blurb is winceworthy! I have been lucky as I've never seen 'screw you' attire in the restaurant [QG] ever. Yes we've seen slightly flamboyant outfits [male] on occasions on a Gala evening but the clothes never detracted from the wearer as the wearers wore them with aplomb. We loved them and looked forward to the next outfit and here I have to add what others wear has very little bearing on our own enjoyment. As to lectures, we've had the pleasure of meeting a very famous ex astronaut, and even in his late eighties, his power point lecture and Q&A session were both quite fascinating. Rather that than a lecture on clothes, unless it was a history lecture of clothing through the ages which I would love but would imagine would have limited appeal. It's different strokes for different folks.
  12. Or it could be to do with one of the additional automatic 'niceties' in QG cabins. Our ice bucket is filled every day.
  13. Thanks to you too *Miss G* for your commentary. We're so fortunate with all the feedback at the moment. A tip for the Harrogate water bottles. Boil the kettle and when near boiling, pour onto the screw cap. It expands and loosens it sufficiently to open with out the need of superman in the room to help out.
  14. Exactly my thoughts unless an outfit is particularly striking and I was complimented on one of mine by a fellow passenger who said she 'loved it the other night too'. Luckily, I love it too so happy to take the compliment.🙂
  15. There used to be that same evening dress [and evening trousers] rule here too but having already revised the house shoe rules pre Covid, after wearing particular favourites more than once in May, I am revising the evening attire house rules too. Should make packing easier. 🙂
  16. Not obvious so thanks for clarifying. If you are boarding today, I hope you have a super time and will tell us a bit about your experiences.🙂
  17. Me too especially when referring to a supposed target passenger profile for QA. On our May cruise, the one after yours, the average age profile was the highest I think I've ever come across on a Cunard ship and that includes Round Britain trips where snoozathons with occasional snoring is a valued afternoon pastime in many public areas. Definitely the highest number of mobility challenged passengers too. I will be interested to see how this progresses into next year and the year after.
  18. I agree and having found I wore favourites pieces twice and one, three times on the fourteen nighter you and I were on last month, I intend to cut down on 'just in case' clothes next time. Maybe! 😀
  19. I'm reading mixed messages too. I got the impression Kordy is boarding today but as he/she is giving an account of this cruise as if he/she were on it, I can't tell if it's a b2b.
  20. and lamb shank. Always cooked to perfection and delicious whatever the sauce it's braised in.
  21. Thank you for taking the time, to take us with you. I've thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Safe onward journey. 🙂
  22. Grilled octopus . Thank you NE John .That's one I've not thought of. I'll ask for that on Annie with an aioli dipping sauce and see if it's available.
  23. We are due on our second QA cruise later this year. Difficult to put into words but basically, it's Cunard and it's different, but it's also, Cunard and from your description, it sounds as if you might enjoy it. One thing is for certain fluffybunny22, no one will be complaining about you. I know it's not until '25 [we have '25 booked too, and '26!] but look forward to it and when you board, enjoy.
  24. and when it's hot, the chairs can wear jackets now with no metaphorical eyebrows raised! 🙂
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