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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. We had a table for eight in the boondocks on our first cruise. Second one, we linked up with folk we’d met on that table and again, we were Q5 and they were Q1. We had a fabulous table for eight and pre Covid, we had that table every cruise, even without our Q1 friends.The M'd even jested we had our names written under the table cloth! He knew we loved that table and for some reason, we were definitely favoured. No money changed hands and no secret handshake. pPost Covid, we’ve gone two top and I’m sure being known to staff played a part but most definitely, cabin grade will be a factor. A newbie in a 1 or a 2 will, I would have thought, merit a favoured position but bear in mind, there are different opinions occasionally on what position is favoured.
  2. Beauty of QG. I too love sushi and will be ordering it as off menu as I have done frequently in the past.
  3. Not only was the Insights lecture excellent this morning ( how many speakers can hold a whole theatre in thrall as she spoke without notes for forty five minutes) but last night’s Bernie Flint, at the tender age of around seventy one, had a full theatre in fits of laughter. Wonderful, real entertainment.
  4. We have quite a few cruises booked on her and whilst she’s not our beloved QV, we wouldn’t dream of cancelling on the showing of the last couple of days. 🙂 Can I take up your ‘decrepitude' comment and link it to my bugbear, namely, the lifts. The engineering team have GOT to sort out the timing of the doors. I sat waiting for a lift with a chap on sticks who told me he’d missed a lift as it was empty but he couldn’t get there in time. Considering the mobility issues onboard, this is NOT good enough Cunard!
  5. Quote A complimentary lunch at an alternative dining venue ( valid till 23 May 2024). Alternately, you may prefer to have dinner where a supplement of $30 will apply. To avoid disappointment, early booking is highly recommended… ….. Glean from that what you will. We have been told all the venues were booked solid on the Maiden but then, that might have been a combo of Maiden and the comped extra obc in lieu of the lunch.
  6. Unless I misread, on a very quick perusal, the Diamond perk on this QA cruise, is a lunch at one of the alternative venues, or dinner for a $30 supplement.
  7. We haven’t got a whirlpool bath but we have the most amazing shower set up but not sure if it’s the same across all QG cabins. Same for the hair dryer. Ours is a Dyson which as a brand, is far superior to mine at home. Whether it’s better than mine for the very significant extra cost, jury is out after just one trial but as a cabin hair dryer, it’s fabulous.
  8. We were elsewhere before dinner last night but I saw crisps, olives and peanuts or it might have been a bar mix, on a table as we walked past. Didn’t look closely at all but I’ll look more closely, tonight. Not a place we will think of using much but it was pretty full pre dinner so some obviously like it. Not seen it during the day so no idea how popular it is for morning coffee etc.
  9. I agree on both counts. I really like the QG restaurant but unlike yourselves , I’m speaking with the benefit of a lovely table position too.
  10. For info. I was told the reason some of the food might not be as hot as it should be ( we have had no problem) is there is no separate Grills kitchen any more and everything comes from one kitchen, Britannia. Don't know where that information came from, but there is, as usual, a separate Grills galley. Just had a cup of tea in PG for afternoon tea. Great tables set up and far better than QG.
  11. We have no problem, in fact, we can’t quite believe how brilliant the internet connection is on the 'essential' package. See you at dinner and we can compare facilities.
  12. Slightly difficult if folk don’t have the sense to use it ( and these doors are FAST) or someone is in the way of the panel. Also, impossible if there’s no one in the lift! The phrase 'hold the lift please' has become my mantra as soon as the doors start to open!
  13. My husband uses a wheelchair to get around the ship. The lifts are, in our opinion, smaller than the Vistas but we haven’t had a problem…so far, gaining access to one…and I’ll caveat that by saying as long as we can get there fast enough before the doors close. My initial post was tongue in cheek litany of complaints. My chat with the front desk re speed of lift door closures, was most definitely NOT tongue in cheek and I reminded them of the traditional Cunard passenger demographic and how Olympic sprinting will not be on their CV! We shall see. I won’t let this go. I can sprint, sort of, others can’t and if no one thinks to stick their arm in the door to prevent closure, then that’s yet another lift gone by!
  14. Maybe just our deck, not bothered to look at any other decks. My first few hours onboard involve lunch, library, unpack and then an exploratory tour and as I have no idea what’s where, I’m still exploring, and def. inside today as Annie’s fog horn is sounding loud and clear. 😊
  15. Ha. and I thought you were ok too. Hope I don’t have to be looking over my shoulder ( literally as Ex L is literally to the side and behind us) for the next two weeks! I too can’t understand the architects and their planning with those banquettes but at least we are both in a great section of the restaurant. 🙂
  16. On our list to investigate. We've come across three QV staff members so far but of those, the M'd is the only one we will come into everyday contact with but you’re right. Familiarity certainly helps.🙂
  17. I find a smilie indicates any sort of levity.
  18. Sorry, what’s wrong with sussing out the ship's facilities when they are only a hop and a skip away from the cabin?
  19. Ok. I don’t think the concierge lounge will be our go to as on the Vistas but it’s acceptable if you haven’t experienced QE/Qv's lounge. The lifts are smaller than Vistas and I can see why there are couches in the lift lobbies. One could grow old waiting for a lift at times. The lift doors issue must be rectified and I have been told 'they are aware' of the over enthusiastic door closures. One thing which I think will be a real problem are the new washers and dryers. They are high tech compared to dial the programme and push button for the cycles. Two of the three on our deck are out of action already, the readouts showing Er and that’s not a hesitation or a suffix. It’s error! No idea how long they’ve been out of action but again 'they' are aware. Read the instructions and use the little symbols as a guide folks! Restaurant The chairs are really comfortable although the plastic/ faux leather ( think it’s faux) seating might give rise to a sweaty bottom in hot weather. I like the colour scheme, the staff are smiley and competent and the M'd an absolute gem, but then we already know him from QV. More when it occurs. x
  20. We will be there. I’ve ordered 'my' salad!
  21. No problem. Mine was the second thread so merge mine. Thx
  22. Sorry, didn’t see this thread before I started a slightly tongue in cheek one of my own. You have my sympathies. We have a superb table. Would you like to meet up sometime to compare notes and cabins?
  23. You certainly can. There was a great Motown evening in the Queens room last night, most of which we missed as we made the mistake of going to the theatre where we sat right at the back and you wouldn’t believe the number of negative comments we heard, most of them being ‘it’s just a big cinema'. Well yes, it is a bit but so what. Acoustics were great ( not keen on the act hence 'the mistake') and I would have thought everyone had a decent view which is more than can be said through the curved 'don’t fall over the balcony' Perspex on the Vistas! 'Proper' dancing in the Queens Room could definitely be taking a back seat on this ship.
  24. In all seriousness now, this ship is not the Cunard we’re used to but that isn’t a minus. It’s different. There are some issues which need addressing, not least the lifts. Looking at the demographics, the fact you have to be an Olympic sprinter to access a lift before the doors close if you happen to be on the opposite side of the lobby and the fact Cunard omitted the passenger hoists in order for the creaky knees and dodgy hips to arise out of some of the chairs are things which do need addressing, the seats not adding hoists! Taking the fact this is just a gut initial reaction, we are pleasantly surprised how pleased we are so far.
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