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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. In reply to wheelchair accommodation, I agree the signage could and should be more prominent but that will never account for the 'walking well' who will ignore any sign, prominent or not. A bit like those who take up a parking spot but don;t have a blue badge but I have a caveat to wheelchair spots. We learnt years ago if you can't sort the the system, then the only way is to beat it and right or wrong, that means turning up early and figuratively putting your towel down on your spot but staying there too. Not easy at all on Annie for those on fixed dining when the service can be slow I know but turning up at 10.10pm for a 10.15pm start and expecting a wheelchair spot in the theatre is just not going to be a runner. The vast majority of the world are not in wheelchairs and percentage wise, right or wrong, that's what's catered for. Twice I had black looks from walking stickers as I was sat right at the back with my husband, in a designated spot and ignored unspoken pleas for my seat so they had to walk down steps. Sorry mate. Do your homework and enter on the second deck so no steps. So saying, I will be interested in any thoughts on number of mobility challenged passengers on the third QA cruise because statistically, there was a large number on the second. I do have some thoughts on overall wheelchair navigation logistics on Annie though and they are not particularly positive in comparison to my beloved Victoria.
  2. Not in our experience over the last two weeks although most of our coffee was taken after dinner in the restaurant or on the sun [ a relatively misnamed area there if ever there was one on Annie's second cruise] deck.
  3. A piece of post cruise good news from me After copious amounts [for me] of wine; being almost force-fed those gorgeous little round choc petit fours - the ones with truffly interior [take some more?-oh go on then, I'll have some with my morning coffee]; fries with an awful lot of meals and basically, foods I wouldn't normally eat, I have put on precisely...one lb!! Queen Anne worked miracles...sort of although I actually think regularly yomping the length of the ship in the wrong direction and having to yomp back had a lot to do with it.😀
  4. Similar happened two weeks ago.
  5. We had a potential issue but it was resolved by the wonderful Concierge , Joy. For the very first time, we saw a controlled announcing of tags, at the gangway in order to disembark. Sensible as baggage unloading did seem to be very slow and those who might in the past have got off but with no bags ready to collect, caused a bottle neck, couldn’t do so. Speaking from an early disembarkation procedure, * only ten mins later than given* we saw a controlled exit. I can imagine tempers might have got a bit frayed at any long waits.
  6. Without going into any detail, if you are mobility challenged and have requested disabled disembarkation, don’t make the assumption 2+2 equals 4. Go and check you’re on the list, preferably a few days into the cruise.
  7. I have all sauces on the side and no salad dressing at all but the reference was to pre prepared or table mixed dressing so should have added 'dressing' after Caesar.🙂 Thanks for clarifying.
  8. I will also do a summery but it will be from two perspectives, mine and my husband and we don’t necessarily have the same opinions on all things.
  9. It’s those who claimed assistance to beat the system which is what my comment was aimed at and which was taken affront at. I hope you won’t need assistance as that would mean your back was playing up, but it will be there if you need it. I had a dodgy knee which is no longer dodgy. I still don’t go down stairs if I can help it but can climb up with no issue so understand those who need assistance for an unseen problem. Interestingly, assistance will be very busy tomorrow as there are a lot, in comparison to our other cruises, of obvious seriously mobility compromised passengers, never mind the less obvious.
  10. To imply you have been judged harshly by me is very unfair. There was nothing in my post which would refer to your condition. A few turns around the dance floor is miles apart from dancing the night away, the phrase I used, and what we have encountered. Add overhearing a conversation at least twice where one who required assistance was advising and boasting to others how to skip both embarkation and debarkation queues by asking for assistance, and dancing the night away has even more meaning and quite frankly, I am delighted with the new assistance protocols as the walking well will think twice about asking for assistance when it’s not needed especially as assistance is now timed with allotted time rather than any priority.
  11. Sorry. I assumed you were in a 2, which is what the photos are of. I wouldn’t have posted them if they weren’t of use. We are in a1 next year, probably before your cruise so if no one has helped before then, I hopefully, I can help a bit.
  12. Sorry some of the photos are taken at odd angles. Don’t 'do' I woz 'ere photos so difficult to take without getting any reflection in. Try these The first is the guest/ second 'bathroom', no bath but with a very decent shower. The second shows the pocket door lobby to bedroom the third is a dreadful photo of the bath fourth shows the loo alcove in the ensuite fifth is bedroom sixth lobby to bedroom hope I’ve not done overkill
  13. Very low lighting in order to avoid blinding sleepyheads. 🙂 There is an even lower light by the beds, but not tried that one.
  14. Edit Trying to show areas not available online already. The secondary 'room' has pocket doors to make it private for a bedroom, and the main bedroom also has pocket door between the lobby and the room. Gives extra space.
  15. You can ask for a salad, Caesar or not from the kitchen with any fixings/ ingredients of your choice. If N E John wants specific dressing on kitchen prepared salads, it might be a good idea to bring his own. If the salad is prepared as a special, ie tableside ( and I have seen this done) then the dressing will also be table side prepared.
  16. David, you are late to the game. We have been saying that most of the time with two caveats. 'You' have had the better weather We have had the pleasure of being at sea with Cunard’s new ship. We win😀
  17. Yes, there have been a few surprises, the desserts spring immediately to mind! 😀 Luckily, all very tasty.
  18. Great, just one problem, it’s veal! 😦 I think you agree with me though, the standard of QG offerings has been high, be they menu, a la carte or 'specials'.
  19. Shows how significant M.Roux's influence has. Last night's menu also had a couple of 'inspired' dishes. Didn't notice but I did notice off menu dishes being prepared and a la carte requests! Thank goodness the Cunard QG usual offerings are still with us. The food has been up to its usual very high standard. Yes there has been the odd logistical blip but who cares. We have looked upon this as another shakedown cruise and have been more than happy to have taken part. ps raining this morning in La Coruna. Sun hasn’t even bothered to get its hat out of the closet! 🤣
  20. I do apologise. He has had input. Sort of. As far as I can see on a cursory glance, on 16th May, the dinner menu had one appetiser, two entrees and one pud which were Michel Roux Jr inspired, so forgive me if I haven’t noticed his input to the QG menu.
  21. Michelin has nothing to do with QG.
  22. Caesar on the menu comes pre prepared. Off the menu and as a special would probably be what you would order.
  23. Let’s put it this way…it was a helluva surprise first thing. 😀
  24. Different combos for different rooms and a dodgy shower control photo
  25. Thx A taster Our 'light switches' our en suite shower controls
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