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Posts posted by LEXIpoo

  1. No probs! Your hair is gorgeous in the photo, too.


    Where should I buy nice quality blonde hair extensions. The color is always an issue for me.


    Thank you! And I agree with MaraBerk, that's the best way to guarantee it matches your hair color. Try queenvirginremy [dot] com. They have great, unprocessed hair for great prices!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

  2. Thanks for your advice. I don't have much choice now because I sail in 2days (!!!) and I'm not up to searching all the beauty supply stores looking for a better match. I don't really like the whole hair typing thing because I have 3 or 4 textures but I'd say my hair is a mix of 4's with most of the thickness and kinkiness at the middle crown. So it shrinks up and frizzes out in humid climates. I lived in Florida for 5 years, I've been to the Caribbean several times and on a few cruises. I usually don't do anything o my hair and end up with pics with it pulled back. I think I'm going to experiment with the new products I bought and try to wear it out or up in a high bun with scarves. I also have a few cute straw fedoras I can throw on.


    I can relate to your cousin. I paid hundreds of $ for a long human hair weave back in the Janet Jackson wet and wavy look days for a trip to Jamaica. LOL. Well, as soon as I jumped in the sea off a catamaran in Ochos Rios it clumped up and matted. I had only been there a day or two! We all tried combing through it with a bottle of conditioner but it was useless. I ended up cutting it out. No more sew ins for me!


    Just an FYI, if the hair was 100% human hair, it wouldn't clump up to the point of no return like that. Sounds like you had a synthetic/human hair blend. A lot of beauty supply stores market those blends as human hair, smh. Do you remember how much you paid for the hair?


    I currently have a sew-in in my head...I've been using the same hair since December and it still looks pretty great.





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

  3. First:

    LEXIpoo: Are you a model? If not, you should be! Clothes fit you so easily and you have a great fashion sense. Love that you are sharing photos:)!


    Lol, no I am not a model. Just a regular ol' gal who loves fashion. Thanks for your compliment! :) I love sharing photos...it gives me an excuse to play dress up, lol

  4. Lexipoo: It takes more of an effort to try on a complete outfit and take a self-photo OR have someone (i.e. DH) take it...BUT so-o-o much easier to lay it all out and simply click the photo:). Along (or in place of) the Spreadsheet, the photos "are worth a thousand words". Thanks for the idea!

    That might be the best way for keeping the "I Won't Buy Anything New for the Next Cruise" declaration.

    If I start in September...that gives me LOTS of time to mix and match, choosing from the many items already in the Cruise Room:cool:.


    Lol, no problem! I'm like a packing fanatic so I love coming up with new ways to make packing and unpacking as easy as possible. Hope it works out for you :)

  5. HELLO AGAIN CCF' LADIES. I need your help!! PLEASE!! We are going on our first NCL cruise on the Epic. I have just found out that they have done away

    with the WHITE PARTY for a NEON PARTY. Any suggestions on what a lady in

    her 40's could wear? It isn't formal but I like to look nice. Any help would be great.


    Oooh sounds like fun! Maybe a neon peplum top...or neon pants? Neon is still in so you should be able to find something!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. I too love my cruise fashions- and like you, it has nothing to do with pleasing others. Getting dressed is part of the fun of vacationing for me.


    Planning and prep is also part of the fun...


    Prior to leaving I start a packing excel spreadsheet (the whole planning thing adds to the excitement- just like writing in the forums does :D



    I make sure I have a day outfit, a swim outfit, and a night/dinner outfit.


    I am a beach/pool bum, so everyday consists of a different bathing suit with matching cover-up and sunglasses (I can repeat sunglasses, but never repeat a cover up or swimsuit-since I wear them for so many hours they are like outfits to me). I also have a sundress or another easy outfit for day wear so I can participate in non-pool/beach activities, tour ports, or eat at the buffet. I have a nightwear outfit for every night as well. I put the entire days outfit in a ziplock bag to keep it together and organized. I put any details including day number inside the ziplock bag.


    As outliers I have 2 formal dresses and 3 nightlife outfits. If necessary, some dinner outfits can transition into nightlife outfits with different jewelry and makeup.


    If some accessories are transitional I write that in the ziplock bag. For instance, my black sun hat can go with several bathing suits so I will write which hat & sandals I need to go with the outfit. For my sunhats I put them on top of my suitcase, upside down, and stuff them with sunglasses (the sunglasses are in their cases). This helps not only keep everything together, but also preserves the shape of my sun hats.


    My husband thinks I'm crazy but I don't care- its all part of the fun for me! He packs the night before and usually forgets something. He has now conceded to at least letting me review his bag with an excel spreadsheet that I created for him.


    I think we might be twins lol.

    I am just as intense with my planning and packing. My mom thinks I'm nuts for packing 8 swimsuits for my upcoming cruise, but like you said, they're like an outfit! And I have to plan/pack at least 16 outfits :eek:


    Last night I sat down with my little sister and we wrote down her outfits for each day, took pics of them, and also made a list of things she needs to pick up to complete her outfits. It may seem a little meticulous or tedious, but it's so worth it in the end...eliminates so much stress and the "What should I wear today?" question!

  7. You are absolutely stunning and I love your sense of fashion.


    I am glad that you embrace your height. I have been part of TCI (Tall Clubs International) for years and have been amazed at how many tall women slouch just so they appear shorter. Back in the day (before tendon issues in my right foot) I would rock the 4" heels...at 5'11", that made me tower over most people. I think I will live vicariously through your rockin' heels. :D




    TCI! Lol, I love that!

    I too am amazed by how many people slouch, so try to talk to younger, tall women I see and encourage them to stand tall and embrace their height.

    & I love my heels 5 inches and up! lol

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