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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. Sitting at the bar is a great place to meet fellow guests and be able to easily strike up a conversation with those people as well as with the bartenders. Bartenders are often very interesting people who have many stories to tell when they have the time and motivation to do so.
  2. When I did the tour, a lunch was served aboard. It was a wrap with a bag of chips. I think there was a Chocolate Chip Cookie included. I recall that there was a snack bar that sold a variety of items and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
  3. Yes! Snow City Cafe for Breakfast or Lunch.
  4. 2019, the Westerdam was docked at the RR forward position. No issue on getting off the ships and boarding the tour buses waiting for us. Returning, the buses were not allowed on the pier. (And, why is that? Oh, silly me. There is a gift shop or two one has to pass before getting on the ship.) The walk where I was left off the bus, which was before the Small Boat Harbor, to get to the gangway was quite enough of a walk for me! To get to whatever ship was docked to our stern, that would have been quite a walk! (Of course, your experience may have been different than mine.)
  5. As a solo cruiser on MSC, there ought not be any issue in meeting others during the cruise.
  6. News/photos at 11:00? Glad that you enjoyed your experience!
  7. I like Chocolate as well (maybe not as much as RuthC), but this is an event that has never impressed me. Often held soon after, or as, second seating dining is completed. Like I need another dessert so soon? I suggest that it might be replaced by some past amenity such as the Royal Dutch Tea.
  8. I like Chocolate as well (maybe not as much as RuthC), but this is an event that has never impressed me. Often held soon after, or as, second seating dining is completed. Like I need another dessert so soon? I suggest that it might be replaced by some past amenity such as the Royal Dutch Tea.
  9. Don't forget the changes that have taken place since July, 2021. Nobody's crystal ball could have forecast most of what has taken place. My crystal ball remains in the shop, Is yours working?
  10. I feel the same way, although only one visit to St. Petersburg. I am glad that I was able to visit Petropavlosk. It's scenic, it's different, and the citizens there were more friendly than what I experienced in St. Petersburg.
  11. The seating configuration of the air craft has some influence on my seating preference. The duration of the flight may also have some influence. Window seat? I prefer the left side because I have some hearing loss in my left ear and can more easily hear the flight attendant or a seat mate on my right side. Aisle seat in the middle section of a plane? The right side. Aisle seat on a one corridor air craft? The right side.
  12. I have been able to cash traveler's checks on HAL within the last 5 years.
  13. Considering a flight from JFK to Helsinki to Oslo in Business Class. I would appreciate learning the views and/or experiences by those who may have flown on Finnair in Business Class and on this itinerary.
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