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Posts posted by TinkBellaMom

  1. I received an e-mail back from RCCL after I sent in my disability form.  I also told them how I was treated over the phone by the rep. I guess he was uninformed.  Hopefully better training will help.

    it said—-“Accessible staterooms are available for our guests with mobility needs, even those who do not require the use of a mobility device. The room is equipped with shower and toilet grab bars for your safety and convenience.”



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  2. I am the OP.  Thought I would come back here and let you know what’s happened with our situation.

    i reached out to our TA and she told me that this room had been made available by RCCL for open booking.  To alleviate my fears she checked to find out if there are still accessible rooms available.  She confirmed that there are still many available to the general public that have yet to be booked.

    She also told me to fill out the form for RCCL and be honest regarding the aids in the bathroom that would be a help to me.  I did that, in the comments area I told them that the extra space in the room was really not as important and we would vacate the room for another if the room was needed for a wheelchair bound guest.  It’s only a 5 nighter I can make do.

    Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate them.


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  3. 44 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:


    Where are you seeing that you booked the cabin fraudulently?  The rep you spoke to is way out of line.  If you don't need the accessible cabin, have them move you.  If you booked with a travel agent, contact them and have them get you a different cabin, if one is available.

    This what I saw on the RC website.


    Accessible staterooms are held for people with disabilities until all other non-accessible staterooms in that category are reserved. Upon reserving an accessible stateroom, we require our guests acknowledge the need for the accessible stateroom by completing a Guest Special Needs Form. 

    If a guest is booked in an accessible stateroom and they do not have a mobility disability or other disability that requires the use of the features that are provided in the accessible stateroom, they may be moved at any time to another non-accessible stateroom in order to accommodate a guest with a disability. 

    Please note we investigate and take action on potential misuse of accessible staterooms where there is good cause to believe that such staterooms have been booked fraudulently. 

  4. Thank You Everyone!  I can't get ahold of my agent until Mon.  The cabin we booked is on deck 9, and now the cabins available are lower.  We prefer to be up a bit higher.

    I realize now that I do use the grab bars in the shower and a raised seat on the toilet is helpful, I have those aids in my home.

    I will get in touch with agent on Mon and see if I need to bring something from my Dr.  There is a form on the RC website and a statement regarding booking a Accessible room fraudulently.

  5. Recently we made reservations for an inside room on the Indy.  We have never stayed in an inside room.  We looked for inside staterooms and on the list there happened to be a cabin that was assessable listed with the others.  Our agent booked it for us.  

    Really didn't think about it much.  I figured if it was offered this late and by an agent it was probably a not needed.

    Now I read on the RC site that we have booked it fraudulently.  I called RC and the agent who, was not pleasant, said when we arrived at the pier without a wheelchair, we would be removed from the room and placed somewhere else.  He added it would probably be somewhere we wouldn't want to be.

    This was an honest, stupid mistake and I am trying to rectify it.

    Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing.  Please don't beat me up, I feel terrible.  I just recovered from a hip replacement and I understand how someone might feel.

  6. My husband really wanted to do this, so when it became available to book on the planning page, I booked it for a afternoon time slot. 

    It has been on my cruise calendar for several weeks now.

    i went on to book a few other things and now see that it is gone, with a note that says it is no longer available for pre-cruise booking and will have to be booked onboard. What’s this all about?


  7. 58 minutes ago, island lady said:


    We did that cooking class several times in the past....loved it!! 🙂   Unfortunately when the resort changed hands, and turned it into more of a theme park type atmosphere...the cooking class went downhill.  The entertaining and talented chefs quit and the new class was not the same, plus cheapened up a lot.  We have not been back since.  😞 

    That’s too bad.  My husband went with me just because I was really excited about it.  He ended up loving it and suggested we do it again this time.  The chefs were so fun, I can’t imagine he would enjoy it as much without them.

    I found the other two mentioned here on Tripadvisor and I will discuss them with him, they both look very nice.

  8. I asked this question on the port section of Cozumel, but got no responses. We did a ships excursion in Cozumel several years ago, at Playa Mia.  It was excellent and one of our favorite excursions.

    We are interested in doing another one this trip.  The ship still offers this one, but we would like to try another one.  Anyone have one they would recommend?


  9. Wondering if anyone has ever done one?  Tripadvisor has one we are interested in,  Kondesa Culinary Experience.  Gets great reviews.  Tried the ships excursion to Playa Mia for one last trip, it was a lot of fun.  Looking for a different one to try.


  10. I did a bit more checking on the cabin and it is an accessible cabin.  It is forward starboard and next to last cabin on deck 10.  I’m thinking it may be slightly larger than most.  I’m ok with it after listening to all of you who enjoy and inside.  Thank you!

    We are fortunate to live so close to the ports, no more airfare expenses, and we can leave with little notice to take advantage of the deals.  No more complaining from me.


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  11. At the risk of sounding snobbish, we have never booked an inside cabin.  It is mostly because we have only cruised once every couple years and I love the sound of the sea from a balcony, so it is affordable when you have a couple years to save for the trip.

    Now we are retired and live close to the piers.  My husband is always looking for our next trip.  He found a 5 day on the Indy at a very good price, but only if we take a inside on deck 10.  He says if we take these we can cruise more often, which makes sense.

    My main concern is that I will feel a bit closed in with no view of the outside.  My friends who love them tell me they are cosy.

    Some opinions from both sides would be appreciated.


  12. Thought I would come by with an update.  I did finally go back to GS.  I went up and asked calmly if I could speak to someone regarding the 30 min. policy on chair saving.  I very nicely told them they might want to get me someone in charge this time, and a private spot because I was sure the others in line wouldn’t want to hear my complaint.  She pulled me out of line immediately.

    Explained the situation, she said they knew it was a problem, explained the policy and a solution.  I was to remove the items on the loungers after I was sure 30 min had pasted, take them to a towel stand. Or, go to towel stand, have them call a pool manager, have them remove items.

    Next morning, 10 am after breakfast in Solarium, went to get towels.  Pool manager was there and asked if he could help us find a chair.  He went straight to a group of chairs tied together , removed the towels and tie and said here you go. At 11, the people came to use the chairs.  The man came over and said” you are sitting in our chairs”.  My husband said you must be mistaken, no one was here and we have been here for over an hour already.  Besides the pool manager escorted us to them and told us to sit here.

    He said” that is not fair, I was down here at 7 this morning and reserved these for our friends”.

    My DH said” you want to talk fair, you had 4 hours to sit in these chairs, when that sign says 30 min. limit.

    Then he went after pool manager and he came over and told him the same thing, pointing to the sign.  All this was done in perfect English until the others got there, then the conversations were in French.  

    I learned how to handle chair hogs, not going to be a problem again.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Merion_Mom said:

    If I were fortunate enough to have my father still alive at 90 and if he were cruising with me, you can be damn sure that I would take one of those loungers for him!  🤬

    You hit it right on the head!  There are 6 of us on this trip, we have Mom and Dad with us.  I had to tread carefully because Dad knew I was upset and it was making him upset.  Not to be morbid, but we know this will be our last time cruising with them along.  I decided to drop it for now.  A deck crew member went and brought us out 2 loungers and squeezed them in so we could sit him in a nice place and get him a lemonade, that’s all he has asked us to do for him.

    I do intend to speak to someone in private before leaving the ship.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, cb at sea said:

    Why would you be afraid to sit in a lounger where no one is, if there is a ship's towel on it?  If the person comes (which might not be for HOURS), you could either say, it was empty when I got here, or say, "oh! we watched and watched and no one was using it....here ya go"...and find a different chair!


    The "rule" are on signage....you can point that out, too.


    We will ask people who are actually SITTING in the loungers if anyone is USING the "empty" chairs....they will tell you.

    There were ships towels with clips on them, some did have a book, or magazine. I did ask several places where there were actual people if they had seen anyone and was told no.  That was when I went for help and didn’t get anywhere.

  15. I’ve read many threads on policy on saving deck chairs, and I kind of developed a way to handle this issue after many suggestions read here on CC.

    We in the past have just given up and walked away.

    Well, this morning after breakfast, my 90 year old Dad, wanted to sit in the solarium for a bit.  We walked for awhile looking but everything had been saved, most with just towels, no people around.  I sat Dad on a bench and said I would walk around and come back for him.

    I read on CC that folks had removed the  belongings from chairs and sat down.  I was afraid to do that.  After almost an hour I went to a towel desk and asked what the policy was for this issue.  I sat watching dozens of chairs and in that time no one came to use them.  He said to go to Guest Services.


    I would went there, waited in line, told them my issue,asked for the policy.  She called  pool manager in Solarium, he said send me up and he would take care of me.

    Did that, couldn’t locate him.  Found a crew member on a phone, asked him what policy was.  He said you need to get here earlier and do the same.  

    So I learned, policy is to get there early, put down towels, go about your business and arrive when you feel like it .  That is the policy.

    I might add that numerous people passed by while I was trying to get policy explained,with a smile, thumb up and even a” you tell em girl”.



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