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Posts posted by TinkBellaMom

  1. We were on the Indy in April.  Loved the ship!  We used the app a lot on the first two days and found it to be accurate and helpful.  Then something happened and it be came spotty, as in, not very dependable.  We ended up going down and looking at the menu boards outside the dining room.  I don’t know if they are connected or not, but the Voom was pitiful.  We had hours of nothing and then service for a few minutes and then hours with no service.  DH says he may not buy again.

  2. Thank you bobmacliberty for the review.  We decided to book with Woodwind for our Jan 20 cruise on Explorer.

    I have a strange question.  Do you have any idea how the prescription googles work?  I am in a position of needing my glasses to see anything, I used to wear contacts to correct my vision but that isn’t possible any longer.  I hate to go without because I would like to see the wildlife.

  3. I feel out of the loop a bit.  I seriously never noticed the colors of the card.  I had to go look.  We have had blue and silver( on the ships where we have had a JS).  I just thought they were different colors on different ships🤷🏼‍♀️.  Our loyalty level is always written somewhere on there. I have noticed folks do wear the lanyard to hold the card, just thought it was for convenience, not a “status” thing.

  4. 22 minutes ago, cruisinfanatic said:

    but it is rarely 2

    We have never experienced having our room ready past 1:00 either, however, in the last year it happened to us twice.  Both times it was explained that it was because of Coast Guard inspections.  We were allowed to board but our rooms were ready after 2:15.

  5. 30 minutes ago, legaljen1969 said:

    Yes. Some situations do call for understanding. Clearly a lot of people here have no compassion.  Never ceases to amaze me. 

    Last year my family went to Disney. My father,78 years old, underestimated the walking distance to a particular location. He was being stubborn and thought he was up for the walk.  While he made it there, we knew he would have a difficult time making it back. 

    We had to go get him a scooter.  Rule was the rider had to be there, but it was so far to walk all the way to the park entrance.  So I went to have my father sign the paperwork (wink wink nod nod) and was on my way with the scooter shortly thereafter. 

    Unanticipated difficulty that required kindness and understanding.  And yes we were also permitted to go along with him in a couple of lines where he needed help transferring into ride vehicles. 

    Not to get too preachy, but sometimes compassion comes along when you find yourself in a position of needing the compassion.  In the last year I have needed crutches,walker,wheelchair and electric scooter.  Then, we were dealing with the problems of aging parents and getting around.  It makes you realize that some situations just require someone to help solve the problem and  not worry so much about the “rules”.

  6. On 5/25/2019 at 2:25 PM, Beav1279 said:

    Thank you for the suggestion! I wasn't sure if I could request a wheelchair or not. My mom doesn't use a walker or cane but after her knee replacement, she has to take it slower than she used to. I worry about her walking all the way from the terminal to the ship without a break. Do I call the terminal beforehand? Or just request one when we arrive? Thanks!

    We just caught the first crew member we saw when arriving at terminal in Miami.  My 90 year old Dad was in need of a wheelchair to make boarding a bit easier for him.  A crew member came and scooped him up.  We followed.  We told them we would wait in our section, we are Emerald, the folks are Diamond+.  The crew member said to follow along and we did.  So helpful when you are trying to manage elderly parents and luggage.  I think some situations require a bit of understanding, we would wait our turn if it was just the 2 of us.

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  7. Look for coumarin free on label and no mention of Tonka beans.  I would like to find nice fresh beans to make my own, it is delicious and then you know what’s in there.

  8. 20 minutes ago, cruisinfanatic said:

    Some are pretty raw and would not have been heard anywhere. Not even in school. I don't think my 17 yr old would want to sit with her brothers during that show.

    This reminded me of our Allure trip a few months ago.  My sister-in-law, late 60’s, was with us and was very uncomfortable.  I thought the comedians where hysterical, but one went a bit rouge and started talking to a couple in the audience and the jokes got really graphic and I got uncomfortable.

    i tell the op this only because someone might hear the routine one night and it would be ok and another show might be too much.

  9. 21 hours ago, biomedbob said:

    I agree that the DL is losing appeal.  On the Grandeur the DL can only be accessed by walking through the Schooner Bar.  It's become a gathering place for D+ and P's to sit and comment on the freeloaders passing through.


    I don’t have a dog in this fight, as we are still 2 cruises away from qualifying for diamond status, but who are the “ freeloaders” you are referring to?  It sounds as if you mean those at diamond status.  I hate to hear this because we have been looking forward to moving up in loyalty.  Is it true diamonds are looked down upon, or am I misreading your comment.

  10. This is just my opinion but I think 2 hrs at Maho is long enough.  It was so crowded when we were there a few months ago, hardly enough room to put down a towel on the beach.

    We took the water taxi to town and grabbed a taxi, the driver took us to Maho and arranged to come back for us in 2 hours.  He brought us back to the ship, skipping the water taxi.  You could negotiate a ride from Maho to the Hard Rock.  We have found that if you negotiate with the taxi drivers beforehand they are very accommodating.  Our day cost us $32.00 including tip.


  11. My question is twofold.

    We will be on Indy soon.  I have been watching a cruise for next year and we would like to book a junior suite as the double points will get to Diamond level.

    What are the benefits of booking while onboard?

    Is it allowed to book ahead of time and then get the benefits adjusted with a visit to Next Cruise  while onboard.

    We will turn everything over to our TA afterwards.

    Thank You!

  12. 4 hours ago, Envelope21 said:

    Lately when i go to the website, it is in German. I navigate to the page with the flags on it and I click on the American flag. It switches to English, but then back to German on every page I go to. Have no idea why it suddenly appears in German.

    Sorry see previous post 

  13. 43 minutes ago, Host Clarea said:


    Did you clear cookies and cache too?

    Yes I did.  I just shut my computer down and it fixed it.  Really strange things happen on this website sometimes.  It was weird because my husbands computer was doing the same thing.  One of things that requires a head scratch.

    Thanks, Bob

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