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Everything posted by cantgetin

  1. I've done 4 sailings of 14 or more days on VV and didn't get bored until the last one. Yes, the basic food is the same every day, but at least on the longer cruises, they have nightly specials each evening in The Galley that are listed in the schedule. The restaurants add "sometimes" specials that your servers will tell you about, especially if you ask. They usually have an entree and sweet special, particularly toward the end. At lunch, several of The Galley stations will have specials, usually soups, salads, tacos, burgers, desserts, some sort of casserole, and sometimes sandwiches, Unfortunately the only way to learn what these are is to walk past the outlets and look at the signs as the servers either don't know or don't remember half of them. Getting bored was rather our own fault on the last cruise. The Razzle Dazzle evening menu had changed and eliminated our 3 favorite dishes (sorry for those who like the new menu better). There were nights that Gunbae had no interest, and we don't like the B menu in Test Kitchen. So that's us being picky, but we didn't have a ton of dinner choices. It was the first time we've gotten off VV without another sailing booked--combination of frustration with a cabin issue that had not been repaired despite multiple reportings, a "been there, done that" feeling, really disliking the "come way early, stand in line, and hope you get in" system rather than reservations, and the large price increase. Will we cruise VV again? Probably some day. Will it be in 2024? Not likely, but then who knows what life holds?
  2. We've always had good conversation at Test Kitchen regardless of whether seated at the counters or the tables...maybe it was that we paid attention to what others had chosen as far as pairings or veg vs. regular menu and so heard about all of it... I generally found VV passengers more interesting than Celebrity, but that is a broad generalization as I can remember one fascinating person on Celebrity as well.
  3. In The Galley one noon I saw someone from a previous solo activity sitting alone so asked if you wanted company or preferred to not be disturbed; she said I should sit down. We ended up talking for 2 hours! Restaurants have varied....in some places, people would start conversations, in other situations not. Of course, you can always start a conversation too....."oh, that looks good. What is it?
  4. Can't do it. Bar tab is drinks only (alcoholic or non). You can feel free to treat your new best friends or put the coffee for a crew member in line at Grounds Club on your tab (if crew goes to Grounds Club instead of crew area, they pay the same amount we do, but many don't have time on a break to run back to the crew area). If you see crew at t dining room table, you can also offer to buy them a round, a bottle, or whatever. Same deal--they eat free but pay for drinks in sailor areas.
  5. NOTE: Deep Blue Extras includes priority boarding. Blue Extras (lower tier) does not.
  6. Gunbae is group seating. There is a solo cruiser meet and greet on the first day right before sail away. There is also a solo cruiser dinner at 6:30 the first night in Razzle Dazzle hosted by members of the Happenings Cast. These are great times to get to meet other solo cruisers. Other "singles or cruising solo" activities depend on length of cruise. As to seating, if you go in as a solo, you will be seated alone. However, the tables are close enough to chat with your "neighbors" if they are so inclined. I/we have had great chats with people seated next to us as well as those don't talk at all situations. You will not be placed at a table with others, so no need to feel like you must talk.
  7. Interesting. In May 2024 we had 2 moscatos available. We tried the "Honey Bubbles" once and didn't like it; it was $40 per bottle then. We liked the regular moscato that was $8 per glass/$35 per bottle.
  8. If you end up with a night where you don't have a reservation, go to the restaurant of your choice right at opening (5:45-6:00) and ask to be waitlisted. It usually works. If nothing shows up prior to boarding, you can call VV sailor services shoreside or your TA and see if they can get anything thru their portal. You can keep checking the app as nice people do cancel. And you can book thru the app as soon as you connect to the ship's wifi. It is the one that is called "mermaid" something. Sometimes it can be accessed from the terminal, other times not until you actually board.
  9. Jojo loose tea at Grounds Club in 5 or 6 varieties. The Galley has Lipton black tea and Twinnings in a variety of choices....all the normals and a few herbals. Most soft drinks are fountain service at bars or THe Galley but Sip, room service, and occasionally other bars have cans. There is never a charge. THey are a range of coke products. If you are a tea person, DO NOT order it from room service. The tea or hot water (we've had it done both ways) will come in a thermos that has been previously used for coffee. It will smell bad and taste worse. At least that has been my experience. The premium teas used to come in the brewing pot so I could get hot water at The Galley or Grounds Club (getting premium tea will waive the delivery charge), but I guess that too many of the brewing pots were being lost or broken. Now it comes pre-brewed in those nasty thermos things.
  10. Ah for the days of no single supplement....I love my hammock on VV. I'm convinced that there is no demographic on VV, certainly not the one they were originally marketing to. On our last cruise, the average age was 53, but the typical average is mid 40s. Longer cruises tend to run a bit older. At 70, I wan't one of the "young ones," but certainly wasn't anywhere near the oldest. Enjoy your cruise.
  11. The only benefit to purchasing a bar tab is the small bonus you get for purchasing in advance (usually $50 on a $300 tab, but can vary with specials). The downside is that the bar tab is a "use it or lose it" deal...so if you purchase $300, you'll get $350 but if you only spend $275 you're losing money. Drinks are billed first to your bar tab, then to any "loot" you might have, then to the onboard folio which is charged to your credit card at the end of the cruise. Cost of the drinks is the same regardless of pay source and the gratuity is included in the posted price.
  12. THey hold about 35% of reservations till after boarding and that's on top of the ones held for rockstars. We work it 2 ways--yes, I try to do the midnight reservations, but I send my TA a list of what I'd like in advance and when the app crashes, I shoot her a PM and she does it thru her portal. After boarding, you should be able to make reservations on the ship's wifi or by going to the restaurant that is open for assistance--usually Razzle Dazzle, but on our last cruise it was held in Pink Agave. The more full your cruise is, the less flexible dining becomes, but last minute changes are sometimes available as are same night "wait lists." If you got to the restaurant at 5:45 or 6, you can ask to be places on a waitlist and they will send you a notification when they have a no show or a cancelation. We used this when we wanted to change our plans/ Also, don't discount The Galley dinner specials. On our 14 night cruises, they provide a nice break--good food, still served to you (or you can go to the station). We had Beef Wellington with all the trimmings one night and a "all the toppings you can think of" potato bar another night. The specials are listed in the daily schedule. There are also non-announced specials at lunch.
  13. I was literally scanning my bracelet to board on one cruise when security decided they didn't like my photo. One man took his tablet and snapped a picture and I was on my way in about 10 seconds. Seriously, by the time I figured out what was happening, it was finished.
  14. Thanks...even after reading your post, I tried to run thru the April/May cruise personnel...Yes, October 2023 was the one with Carlos.
  15. Good luck--I've had great and not so great casts. I don't know these people.
  16. VV prices have definitely increased A LOT. I'm quite sure that the days of the pricing I got on our 4 transatlantics will never been seen again. Yes, you can get the sofa option by asking. Your host may not be happy as it is work, but they are paid and trained to do it upon request. At least this was accurate as of May 2024
  17. The answer is a great big "it depends." We had no trouble getting moscoto at any restaurant on VV. If it wasn't on the menu, we just asked. In addition, if you buy a bottle and have some left, they will seal and save it for you. The next night your restaurant will retrieve it for you. It is definitely stocked at THe Wake, Extra Virgin, and Pink Agave. Other places may have been fetching it for us. Mixed drinks are a different issue. It becomes an issue of what ingredients are at each bar. The open deck bars are the only ones with blenders, thus the only ones that do the crushed ice drinks. We did hit a couple situations of which bars carry which mixed ingredients. They will make you something if they have the stuff, and some of the bar tenders will even offer "off menu" things, but it is totally a matter of what is where. Same for wine outside of restaurants; limited variety. Under most circumstances, they will not allow you to leave a restaurant with an unopened bottle of wine to take to your room, but room service will provide an unopened bottle from their limited menu Also, be aware that you are permitted to bring 2 bottles of wine per cabin on board, and most people have had no trouble with 2 bottles per person as long as they were in different bags. Your room steward will happily supply glasses, and there is a corkscrew in the room.
  18. Dislikes--dinner reservations can be hard to change if your sailing is more full. Our earlier sailings were not crowded and last minute changes worked fine. Agree with staff looking at devices...but then, I need to look at my device if I am using it. Cabin layouts. We had the same cabin number on Scarlet and Valiant (by request) yet found that the layout was different. No explanation. Some things just wasted space, didn't work, etc. But as above, plenty of really good things. We got off our first VV with 3 more booked
  19. No, wine is not "free" unless you have an included bar tab.
  20. We had a server on VV tell us that she makes three times as much on VV as on her previous tipped line. We've also had spa people turn down tips. saying that it was included in the service price (which it is). One of the questions on the email quiz after you are home is whether anyone asked or suggested a tip, which is strictly not allowed. The only people I've heard of having a problem on VV are the bartenders who have worked other lines because they are used to getting the 18% automatic grat AND an additional $1 or 2 per drink on those other lines. THeir salary is more than the salary+ 18% from the other lines, but they aren't getting the $1 per drink on VV, and some were making less due to that. Yes we have always tipped on other lines, but on those lines, tipping is expected. There is nothing to prevent you from tipping on VV other than it must be in cash--there is no way to add a tip to a charge. On the other hand, there is no reason to tip. As noted, their total pay is better than salary + tips on other lines. In addition they get many benefits--free wifi (which is huge), laundry products and toiletries provided, good food (all eat at the same mess rather than an officer's mess and a separate crew mess), ability to use guest facilities based on rank and how full the ship is, etc. Sure, there are women who have a preferred product and don't want the ship's shampoo, but the ship provides them with the same products the normal cabins get! All of this means that things they must buy on other lines, especially wifi, are part of salary on VV. Other than entertainment staff, which aren't tipped on any line, I haven't seen any less service on VV. In fact, I've generally seen more and better service. The entertainers tend to form their own little "clique" on many lines.... So yes, you can leave some cash in your room or hand it to your room steward. Since you will have a different server each night. there is no really good way to tip a server. But I wouldn't suggest it. What you should do is name those who have been good on your evaluation...name and position. I will sometimes ask if I can shoot a photo of their name tag so I don't forget (this usually gets huge smiles). I even say that I won't shoot their face, and show them the picture afterwards. Mentions in customer comments get them perks--sometimes as little as an extra hour off on a port day (which can be huge to crew members), sometimes bigger....sometimes enough will get a promotion, etc.
  21. Their web site says 7 days. THe first time, I applied for each of us at the same time. My daughter's came thru in a few days, mine never did. I re-applied and got mine within a few days. If you don't hear in a week either contact them or re-apply
  22. Very similar, with a few entertainment and decor differences. If I had a choice, I'd do RL but only because I've already cruised Scarlet and Valiant.
  23. Checking inventory doesn't tell you all you need to know. For instance, there may be 100 people with "lock it in" rates that have not yet been assigned to rooms. You might see 300 empty sea terraces/ central sea terrace available, but you wouldn't know how many of those would ultimately be assigned to the "lock it in" people. It does give you a better idea on suites
  24. Social club tends to show anything that is likely to be of broad interest--often sports but you won't know what in advance. They showed the coronation of Charles..but we were in Europe at the time so that made sense. You can get sports on your TV in the room, but again....what and when can be an issue
  25. The pools are open and heated....close for bad weather and cleaning. Cleaning is middle of the night. VV pools have longer hours than many other lines
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