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Everything posted by cantgetin

  1. Passenger count reported by various crew members is between 1600 and 1650. There has been no problem with getting reservations anywhere other than the app being a total mess. Many of us have received messages stating that our cruise has been canceled....after we boarded! We booked one event for 2 and the app confirmed 4 (yes, I'd already deleted extraneous "friends" linked to my account.). We made reservations for other things and 30 minutes later they disappeared; some time after that, they showed up again. We ultimately gave up on reservations and figured that if things fill up, we'll do walk ins. NOTE--these are not our pre-booked dinners; these problems are with on board activities. Dinner at Pink Agave was good. We did learn that some of the recipes have changed while the menu items remained the same. Specifically, the filling for the chocolate tacos was different; the server told us that they had changed when I ordered. I liked them better the new way. There was a very rich topping on the bread pudding--not bad, but "too much" stuff per my cabin mate; the more plain, previous version was better. Many crew members we knew from previous cruises are back on board after their vacations; some having just boarded yesterday. Most are in different but similar assignments. 2 servers from RD have been moved to Test Kitchen at night, The Galley during the day. Boarding at Terminal A was similar to previous boardings. We arrived at about 1:30, had priority boarding, and were in our cabin by about 2. Some of the steps had been simplified, which was nice. We groaned when we saw the line for luggage drop off but were given a short cut; from there things went quickly. As usual, there were people standing in the 3:15 time slot at 1:30. We've heard that they were actually able to check in and board about 2:30 and from there it was open boarding as people arrived. Boarding was totally efficient for us and the terminal crew was lovely...knew their jobs well after the summer season, and the move to Terminal A didn't change that. We got on the premium internet with no problem and no charges showing--they MIGHT have resolved the issue of having to show charged for DBE items and then remove them as was previously the case. However, on past cruises we were able to have our phones on "regular" internet and our computers on "premium." Now, it seems that it is strictly premium or nothing for some reason. Per sailor services, we must log off from the computer in order to log on to have any internet on the phone....a bit of a pain. We do have the "mermaid" service to get the app, but otherwise no internet on the phones unless we switch over OR opt to pay for additional devices (no thanks). Definitely a first world problem, but still a little odd.
  2. Gold Tier means they have completed all the training, including at least one cruise. I'd ask. We aren't allowed to recommend TAs here....but I'd ask and keep looking if my TA wasn't Gold Tier.
  3. We started the process about 1:30 today with DBE, and were in our cabin by 2. This was our latest boarding ever. The policy is not to arrive more than 30 minutes before your time, but DBE = priority= 1:30 regardless of what the schedule says.
  4. Each one of my boarding experiences has been different. Since you now have priority boarding, you time magically changes to 1:30. Show up any time after 1 and they will process you as soon as ready. The app is crap today. We are still trying to figure out shows. Restaurants are a personal matter. Those that we thought would be favorites were not. Tonight is Pink Agave, which is my fellow sailor's favorite. We LOVED Razzle Dazzle, after thinking it would be a "meh." Places we thought would be tops were "just ok. Try them all.
  5. Boarding has been different each and every time we have cruised, regardless of embarkation port. We boarded today in Barcelona. Completely different than previously. We went to a luggage drop desk where we were given our Sea Rover (DBE) bracelet, then directed to a check in line, still outside the terminal. Got our red bracelets, and immediately entered, thru security, up to board...we were in our cabin by 2pm after arriving at the terminal about 1:30. In fairness, it was the latest we ever arrived. We told the workers we had priority boarding and basically "skipped the lines" at each step. There were people with 3:15 terminal arrival times lined up....but when we got there, they were still doing 1:30 /priority boarding peeps. Interestingly, by 2:15, the crowd outside was gone,
  6. As above, the loot and free bar tab are assigned to the lead cruiser. When you do the app check it, you have the option of listing one credit card for the whole cabin or assigning a different card to each person. The easiest way to "split evenly" is to put everything on one person so both bracelets can use it. Alternatively, they can track it themselves. DBE benefits are per cabin and are assigned to whichever sailor qualified for them first. I've always been the lead, and the DBE has always been assigned to my daughter even though we both qualify. Again, it has never mattered as we put the cabin on one credit card.
  7. On VV, you are welcome to get your own beverage or to ask your server to get it for you. What we do when we go together is that one of us will find a table while the other gets drinks. Then I generally make a run around the stations to see what the specials are, go back to table, and we order. There are not usually breakfast specials, so I don't do the walk around then. If you order from a counter, get your drink first and put it on a table, then go to the order station OR order first, then get drink and table if you are getting something that needs to be cooked. In that case, you get a buzzer like many US restaurants use to say your seat is ready...the buzz means you should return to your station to get the food. If you are getting a chicken salad or whatever, I'd look at the line and decide whether to get in line or get drink/claim table first. Remember that even when the place looks really full, there is open air seating at the aft, and it is rarely busy.
  8. You can also go to afternoon tea on a no fee, no food basis, There is a lounge area for seating. Bring your own tea from The Galley or the Grounds Club. The same entertainers will visit that area; you can sit and make some new friends. There is SO NUCH food around the ship that I could't see a reason to pay for more and I certainly didn't need moe calories.
  9. It will seriously depend on that happens with pricing. We have a cruise in 2024 that I paid $2100 for a sea terrace. This was a bargain. I priced the closest things I could get on other lines (Celebrity, Princess, etc) with packages that came as close to VV as I could find. The other lines were about twice the price. But now, that cruise is selling for $9K. No, as much as I like VV, I would not pay $9K for it. However, just as there are people out there who will pay whatever Disney asks (we quit sailing them some time ago in part due to too many ill behaved children and in part due to the ever increasing cost), there will be people who will book VV regardless of cost.
  10. CC does not allow us to name our travel agents. The only thing I can suggest is that you look up Where's Walter Travels on YouTube and read all the stuff under the video as well as watching his VERY high quality videos. I found him to be very honest about the good and bad with no "look at me" but rather "i'm doing this to be helpful" kind of stuff. We always do our own air and so far have always found it cheaper than the quotes we've gotten thru VV (figured it didn't hurt to ask.). We also do travel insurance privately. I'm surprised that you only got a $300 bar tab because I haven't seen any solo cruiser specials recently. If you are paying for 2, you should get $600. I'm NOT an agent, but again, I think your agent might have messed up on that, If you have loyalty status on any cruise line or airline, go to the loyalty section of the VV web site and sign up for Sea Rover status thru their loyalty match. This will give you their "Deep Blue Extras" package which includes another $100 bar tab, a bag of laundry (HUGE bag), $10 per day credit in THe Grounds Club, etc. Every travel agent I know sells the MNVVs for the $300 that they cost on board, and then applies the $300 you pay for it toward the down payment on your cruise. You pay $300, which goes directly to the cost of the cruise. You get an additional $300 off the cruise price + $600 in Loot. You can buy it yourself on board or buy one from an agent, IF you buy on board, tell the sales person to NOT credit your current agent; then you can have it assigned to any agent when you are ready to book. THey are good for 2 years and are non-refundable, but are transferable, Agents and regular sailors are limited in the number they can buy,,,,,I know my agent used one of my cruises to buy some extras since I didn't want the 4 each that we could have purchased. Her goal is to always have some available for her clients! Also, if your agent books 10 cabins on any given cruise, that qualifies as a "circle" and they get extra goodies for that, My agent passes on the goodies in the form of extra loot to the clients in the circle, Tootles!
  11. When they do stuff like this, I guess it is no wonder that I have never been officially notified of the change of our embarkation port or that the app still shows the outdated info with less than 3 days remaining.
  12. Totally agree on trying Virgin. As for airlines, each of our recent European flights has been on a "new to us" airline, but we did check them out on line first. Daughter had a really HORRIBLE international experience on American to the point that she won't fly them at all for any reason....and honestly, I can't blame her. We were debating about Iberia till the tipping point was that it is affiliated with the alliance that includes American. Agree....our TA 6 months ago was our first experience with what was then called "European Premium." Best flight ever and we actually slept. Packed and ready to go; Will head to airport in a few hours.
  13. We never had trouble getting hot food at The Galley, whether doing the walk up or the servers. The problem with the servers has always been that things from different stations can come up at different times, so your food may not arrive in the order you wanted or at the same time as others at your table. NOT a huge problem for us, ever. The other thing is that the menu does not show the "special of the day" items which may be at one or 6 stations. On the TA crossings there were often specials at bread (where they would have casseroles or pasta dishes), soup and salad, ramen, taco, burger at lunch and a special dinner item. The dinner item is listed on the daily schedule, but the lunch specials are not...and the servers often don't have a clue. We would walk around to see the specials, then sit down and order before they started the buzzer thing, Never had a problem with cold food as it is cooked when you order, whether you do walk up or servers.
  14. Premium Economy definitely the way to go on any long haul flight, I've lost a lot of weight, but those standard economy seats are still too small....and on my last flight I had a guy who didn't understand that his leg space should be the same as his seat width, the he fell asleep and slumped over onto me. Sorry, not sorry, I woke him up. This was a domestic.
  15. A year ago, we were allowed to enter the BCN terminal right at 1pm, as were the suite guests. We went thru security and checked in. Boarding began promptly at 1:30. There was no "nice" waiting area like there is in Miami. Suite guests were in a line of folding chairs along one wall with a terminal employee standing there. We, (DBE) were along another wall. At I:30, the suite guests were moved--I'm guessing thru check in. About 2 minutes later, our "monitor" excused herself to make a phone call saying that she should have gotten the boarding OK. She was back in maybe a minute and took us to board. We were in our cabin before 1:45. We got to the terminal about 12:30 and dropped our bags, but were not allowed in until 1:00 At Miami, we could drop bags early, got DBE bracelet outside, then waited inside....but that was an unusual embarkation and everything was a mess. At this point, I'm just interested in boarding in BCN in a couple days.....I'll worry about 2024 later,
  16. I had one who tried many years ago. I thanked her and went elsewhere. No, I don't shop for how many perks I can get, but I am looking for someone who knows the product and gives good service. I Also once saw a "special" in an AAA magazine, so I went in to see their agent, It became obvious that I knew a lot more than she did and that she was looking up the answers on like right in front of me. I called my regular agent who advised me that no only did they have the same "special," but it could be booked that day rather than waiting for the "special booking dates." This was long before internet was a big thing. It existed, but was dial up and almost a miracle if it didn't die on you.
  17. But they didn't get an MNVV certificate which would have been worth $300 off the cruise cost + $600 in Loot......
  18. I found a great (timewise and cost) flight for our upcoming cruise, but the rest of the group vetoed Iberia. We're paying more for a flight that really isn't as convenient, but I really couldn't argue with the negatives they found on line. It went way beyond "there are always unhappy customers who write bad reviews.
  19. The deal is ONE advance dinner reservation per restaurant on cruises less than 6 night. For cruises more than 6 nights, 3 advance dinner reservations per restaurant. Brunch does not count. You can actually make more reservations at the restaurant while on board, but the restrictions are for reservations made in advance thru the app.
  20. People who love Iberia need to do some YouTube, CC, etc. reviews of their experiences, What is available makes it sound quite awful.
  21. I'm not a TA, and I could be wrong....but my understanding is that VV commissions start at 16% and they get commission on any bar tabs, excursions, or anything you book in advance thru the app, on line, or thru the agent.. At least some other lines start at 10% and increase based on how much an agent sells.
  22. My TA actually works at midnight to get reservations for guests!
  23. I have never booked thru American Airlines. VV pays at or near the highest commission in the business, at least to their Gold Tier agents. These people NEVER charge an additional fee and often toss in some extra loot or other benefits. Bottom line, no, it is not normal. I'm curious what you got for this extra fee. I have heard of agents who make you sign an agreement that you'll pay $50 if you cancel a booking, but I wouldn't use one who did that...that's not normal either.
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