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Everything posted by DaKahuna

  1. Dinner tonight in Coastal Kitchen was one of best this cruise. Fennel Soup Caesar Salad Shrimp Cocktail Sesame-Crusted Tuna - delicious. Managed to talk my wife into giving me a bite - loved it. Braised Lamb Shank - absolutely fork tender, delicious. Will definitely have again next week. Matcha cake Chocolate Ice Cream Food porn:
  2. Today we had lunch at Izumi. I liked the food and am looking forward to eating there again next week. Tofu-ginger salad Wakami salad Chef’s sushi selection Spicy Crispy Shrimp Roll Spicy Crispy Tuna Roll Mochi Ice Cream (gree tea, chocolate, and mango)
  3. We ate off the glass coffee table in our suite. It was not a problem as it is about knee high when seated on the sofa. It’s not as comfortable as a normal table but it works. Given the time of year and the weather, we have not made a lot of use of our balcony and thus the lack of a large table on the balcony has not been an issue.
  4. We decided to ‘sleep in’ this morning and had breakfast in the room. Food was delivered as requested and was hot. I actually liked it and am already thinking about doing it at least once next cruise. There are some little things that you do not think about that you do not get when you do room service. For example my wife likes ketchup with her eggs but there was no option for requesting ketchup on the form. Other than things like that, it is a viable way to get breakfast and it was a nice change of pace.
  5. Yes, when we were contacted by our Suite Concierge pre-cruise we requested dinner at 6:30 pm each night in CK. We have asked for the same time for next week as well. I am not sure who the Maitre’d for CK is. All our interactions have been with Maragrette the Ass’t. She is a wonderful lady and has taken great care of us. I am not sure about the menu for the 10-day sailing you are on. I am only seeing what is available for our bookings on the app. As i said above we had a reservation for 6:30 pm each night. You are seated as you arrive in CK. Due to the larger number if diners than normal last night, our usual table had already been taken so we were seated at another table of our choosing. It was not a big deal to us. Our usual waiter did manage to stop by and say hello.
  6. Yes, my wife and I have done this several times. Just present the seapass card you want to use to the server.
  7. Since next week is pretty much the same menu, events, and ports of call - except Skagway instead of Sitka, I am hoping not to repeat myself too much. However if there is any questions you have that I can answer, please do not hesitate to ask. I also know that there will be other CC participants who are on next weeks cruise and welcome any comments or information they may wish to share as well.
  8. Tonight was our second ‘dress to impress’ night and also more commonly known as ‘lobster night. The CK was busier than it has been all cruise. We did not even manage to snag our usual table / waiter. Nonetheless, service in the CK was wonderful despite being very busy! We thoroughly enjoyed our meal. Seafood stew - tomato based soup with seafood Wedge salad - this time was more the traditional wedge with bacon bits and blue cheese dressing Seared Scallops - my wife thought yhey were rather on the small side - next time I think she will order two servings Crusted Lamb Chops - three chops, ordered medium rare and were delicious. I also asked for Lobster on the side and had three small pieces of lobster tail which worked out perfectly for me. Desert was coconut tapioca for my wife and baked Alaska for me. Both were delicious. Food porn:
  9. Having a blast tonight in the Schooner Bar. Expect next week to be just as much fun.
  10. Today was an ‘at sea day’ and we had nothing planned or scheduled. My wife decided to skii breakfast but I went and had my usual - two eggs over easy, corn beef hash, & fried rice. For lunch we decided to try the MDR. We had a caesar salad and found that unlike Ck, it comes with a choice of chicken or shrimp. For our main course we both had the Seafood sandwich, the main reason that we tried the MDR. The sandwich was goid, I had mine without the bread but my wife ate hers as a traditional sandwich. The fries that accompanied the sandwich were not as ‘crisp’ as those we have had in the CK. Two chefs came around offering servings of butter almond ice cream, which we both had. It was good. Bottom like, I can say that the CK is a step up in atmosphere, service, and quality over the MDR but the MDR is not, in our opinion, as horrible as some reviewers has made it out to be.
  11. Tonight’s headliner show in the theater was “Godess” the female vocalist was very good but personally I thought her band’s music overpowered the vocals in many places. We did enjoy the show but will most likely consider it another ‘one & done’ like ‘Starwater’.
  12. Here is a small sample of tonight’s Neil Diamond tribute. Next week is a 7-day cruise so it’s the seven day menu. We did lunch tonday in the MDr and we will not be doing that again. We talked with the assistant Maitre’d in Coastal Kitchen and if we want we can ofter get what’s offered in the MDR in CK on sea days. Ci was talking with her about the lunch menu being the same almost every day. IMG_7181.MOV
  13. We are enjoying Peter Ritz. He did an Elton john tribute last night that was very well done. He changed glasses and jackets to match the songs. The venue was standing room only and several people around us commented that it should have been held in a larger venue. I have not been to the Pub or Boleros. There is entertainment shown in the app for both venue’s. I am also looking forward to tonight’s dinner - so many delicious things I like that are only served tonight so not sure what I will be having. Decisions, decisions.
  14. Thank you. Unfortunately his team lost today. They did better today though than they did in any game we saw them play last year.
  15. Verified, there are no video poker machines in the casino on Quantum. There was an announcement while I was in yhe casino last night about there being over $100,000 in payouts for jackpots in the casino this cruise.
  16. We are on he starboard side of Quantum and the starboard side has been the side facing the dock area in Ketchikan and Juneau. In Sitka the port side faced the city. Will not know until tomorrow which side will face the dock in Victoria. We have not seen any wildlife but have not really been looking.
  17. For those of you sailing I apologize for not providing more coverage on the various onboard activities but we are a very laid back couple and the only thing we have really done is enjoyed Peter Ritz in the Schooner Bar. We did watch “Starwater” in Two70 and found it entertaining but not enough watch twice. Tomorrow is a sea day and the only thing on our schedule is to watch our middle grandson’s football game on YouTube. He’s a sophomore at Keystone College and plays linebacker. We’ll be cheering for him.
  18. Not exactly accurate. Certain employee teams were posted at various muster stations but hardly “all”
  19. We ate at Jamie’s tonight. Our first Speciality restaurant experience this ctuise. We made to rookie mistake of trying too many dishes! Here are our main courses. My wife really liked the lasagna and the beef short rib was wonderful. As other’s have said - go there hungry!
  20. We walked off the ship today and strolled around Juneau for a bit. Not a lot going on but have made plans for what we’ll do when we are there again next week. IMG_7119.MOV
  21. It does not matter. You get the OBC regardless of the way you book the cruise, it's not a price reduction.
  22. The fire last night was not a major event like the one that took an entire engine out of commission. The entire event lasted about an hour and that included the time it took for the hot watches to be established and verifly that there were no potential hot spots that could flare up and start a fire. The captain came on about and hour ago and commended the crew for their rapid response in handling the situation. While fire aboard a ship is a serious matter, I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill in the case of last night's events. However, people have to do what makes them feel comfortable up to and including cancelling a scheduled cruise on Quantum.
  23. Sorry, I have not noticed any video poker machines in the casino. I'll make it a point to check tonight.
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